Local Government TV

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Panto Makes His Wife an Easton Issue

When he was interviewed by Easton Undressed the day after his election, Mayor-to-be Panto insisted his wife's quest for appointment to city council would never be an issue. But that's precisely what's happening. As Hera plagued Zeus, so Pam has plagued Sal.

J. Spike Rogan withdrew his own application on Monday and urged council members to appoint Roger Ruggles over Pam Panto. A "visibly annoyed" Sal Panto insisted on trashing him, according to a Morning Call account. He would question Rogan, and then interrupt him before he could answer. Why are you "visibly annoyed," Sal? Because she's your wife, and that's the problem.

Obviously, Panto has a conflict. According to the city solicitor, he's unable to vote for her because her position carries a salary and he's her husband. If that's so, then he shouldn't be trying to make the case for her appointment, either. What he instead needs to do, according to the state Ethics Act, is "publicly announce and disclose the nature of his interest as a public record in a written memorandum" to the clerk of city council, and abstain.

Shouldn't the voters decide whether they want to invest that much power in the hands of one family? Does he really want to start his administration of a financially troubled city with ethical questions? Does he really think he will carry as much clout with county and state officials if they start whispering about back room deals to appoint his wife? And they will, Sal. Don't kid yourself. If she wanted the job so badly, why the hell didn't she run?

Today's Express Times says it best. "Pamela Panto serving on the same city council is bad form if not bad government. In fact, it runs counter to the fresh start that voters chose in approving a new charter."


  1. didn't ruggles lose in the fall election. Why place him on the council after voters said no? Isn't that what happened with Branco in Norco?

    I'm concerned about Panto being appointed, but the voters didn't outright reject her like they did Ruggles. Isn't there somebody not named Panto who also didn't lose this past year.

  2. What's Fleck up to? Put him back on council!

  3. Conflict of interest????? Easton is a the most odious conflicted place around....For years the solicitor serves both the legislative and the executive branch. How is that for independent judgment and checks and balances. Now, this absurd form of government has the Mayor voting on the legislative body?

    This is progressive reform ala Bob Freeman and friends? Give me a freaking break. It is absurd beyond belief.

  4. Of the remaining 5 options, Bernie, who would you put on Council? Panto is clearly the most qualified. If she weren't married to the Mayor, this wouldn't even be a discussion.

  5. Sal is a very long time friend of mine. I said it before here, and I'll say it again! if appointed, Mrs. Panto will be "the issue" all the time. Bernie makes the best point that she should have asked electorate to vote her another term. She didn't, end of story. larry@kisslinger.com

  6. If people we so concerned about familes serving the city together, then why the Fleck Council/Fleck Treasurer team? Why the Father/Son on the fire department? Why the Father/Daughter in City Hall? Why the Twin Brothers on the police force? Among others...they are ALL tremendous assets to this city.

    If people would spend this much time and energy on issues making the city a better place to live, the City of Easton might be in a better place than it is right now. And anyone who knows Sal and Pam already know that they are 2 of the most independent thinkers this city could possibly have on Council and should embrace this.

  7. Anon 9:42,

    1) Sal Pantop has already proved that he won't be independent of his wife. He lost it with, of all people, Spike Rogan, and over his wife. So much for your bullshit independence theory. That didn't last very long.

    2) A far as your "nepotism is wonderful" argument goes, it's not. As a general principle, it's such a bad idea that it's unlawful in many places. But in the examples that you raise, you must know you're comparing apples with oranges. A father-son tradition in the fire department is one thing, but having two people occupy both the mayor slot and 2 votes on council is something else. Those are elected positions, and the people should decide whether they're nuts enough to invest that much power in one family.

  8. It seems as if two anonymous posters are a Fleck and a Panto.

    Twins on the PD isn't one the offduty officer who crashed into WaWa?

    And there is a big diffrence between two related members of the FD sefving together and two reletavies passing legistlation!

    Stop trying to propagate the blogs claiming your real citizens. Its very transparent who these anonymous posters are at 8:30 and 9:42

  9. I'm concerned about Panto being appointed, but the voters didn't outright reject her like they did Ruggles.

    Gee, the voters didn't have a chance to reject her bc she conned them into thinking she was done. Obviously, she and her husband must have known that some folks would get queasy about two Pantos being elected to one city government, so she stepped aside. And now, having deprived the voters of the opportunity to decide, she gets herself appointed.

    Sounds like Severson advice, and he did work for them and is tight with Volcano, too.

    This whole thing smells to high heaven, and cheerleaders should drop their pom poms and tell Sal; he's nuts if he insists on his wife. Let her stand for election if she wants it so bad.

  10. Panto is a politician, and a good one at that. He knows the value of political power, and knows he possesses a lot more of it now than in his first stint as mayor.

    Easton is about to get a powerful monarchy. The well-intentioned charter change advocates should have foreseen this, but they exhibited a bizarre level of trust in a guy who's not well trusted in many circles.

    I'd say, "I told you so," but that would be disingenuous as nobody could have expected team Panto to so flaunt their new found power - even before taking oath. Voters who elect politicians by large landslides get exactly what they deserve. Easton deserves a king and queen. Let them eat cake.

  11. Anon 10:25,

    I don't share that view of Panto, whom I've known for many years, I admire and respect him. I don't like that much power concentrated in one family without the voters having a say, but it's not the end of the world.

  12. http://www.pennlive.com/expresstime/stories/index.ssf?/base/news-14/119804238766920.xml&coll=2s

  13. Anon 10:42, That link isn't working, so none of us have any idea what point you are trying to make.

  14. "I don't share that view of Panto, whom I've known for many years, I admire and respect him. I don't like that much power concentrated in one family without the voters having a say, but it's not the end of the world."

    I believe you believe it, but as contrary evidence mounts, I'll have to convince my lying eyes.

    And yes, it's likely not the end of the world, but few individual, incremental abuses are. It's the aggregate effect of all such abuses that offend honest government. And the Pantos are off to a flying start, even prior to the coronation.

  15. "If people would spend this much time and energy on issues making the city a better place to live, the City of Easton might be in a better place than it is right now."

    To some this is an issue that affects the fabric of the City. To admonish people for their concerns and discount their issue as a waste of time is not an arguement that proves any kind of point. It's kinda rude and mean.

    "And anyone who knows Sal and Pam already know that they are 2 of the most independent thinkers this city could possibly have on Council and should embrace this."

    OK that covers me a bunch of other people, BUT what about the people who do NOT know them? Would they be wise to allow this appointment on blind trust of people they do not know?

    What if it was someone you did not know; would you be inclinced to "trust" them with so much.

    Although not the end of the world, this issue is a precedent we should wisely avoid.

    Pam Panto is smart, hard-nosed, and effective. She has enough clout and stature to be effective with out holding elected office. Anyone of the 25 or so Authorities, Boards, or Commissions could use her leadership and work ethic.

    This is asking alot. And there will be people unable to give the kind of trust that the Panto's are asking for.

    I'll (we'll) most likely have to live with it, but I wish that I (we) didn't have to.

  16. If Republican Ruggles is appointed by the same gang of loyalists who have the audacity to seriously consider the mayor's wife for an appointment, I'll reveal the location of the body of Easton-born Judge Crater with all relevant details of his disappearance on this blog.

    Let's be serious here.

    The E-T's call for "a minority voice" is so ridiculously naive, it reads like a line from a sixth grader's civics essay.

    Appoint Ruggles? Are people who are actually familiar with Easton politics writing this stuff?

  17. Uhhhhh Ruggles was a Panto guy though the campaign. He did not hide that fact.

  18. Wow, and I thought the idea of appointing an individual meant appointing the best and most qualified. In this past election it was the Panto team that got out the votes. There was very little effort placed by the other Democratic candidates. It was Ruggles that went door to door on every block of the city. Yes he deserves to be apointed but not because he lost -- because he and Pam are the only two that are qualified to fill the two spots. Look at the applicants (not candidates) that applied. Of we could have the reckless Fleck back -- oh my isn't his father the Treasurer?????????????????

  19. "Are people who are actually familiar with Easton politics writing this stuff?'

    Dude, I never let shit like that stop me! Full speed ahead!

    Here's what would happen if I were king.

    I saw Ruggles a few times and he clearly is highly qualified. He's the best of the bunch. I see where the ET is coming from on that suggestion, and agree completely.

    I'd agree Pam Panto is highly qualified and would consider her under other circumstances. But her marriage to the mayor elect, combined w/ her previous refusal to seek re-election, makes me dubious. I could not consider her.

    Fleck? His dad is treasurer, true, but that's no power position. We would not be consolidating legislative power under one roof. Also, I believe the treasurer position is on its way out, isn't it? I'd still be inclined to say no. During the primary, questions about his character arose, and those questions have not been answered. HOC and Krill think highly of him, and that makes me hesitate bc they know Easton much better than I. I'd be leaning against him.

    Of all the applicants, the only one I truly could consider an asset is Ruggles.

  20. I'm not surprised, the more things change the more they stay the same. Ms. Panto may very well win an election since it seems Easton and Bethlehem are about inbreed voting . But until that happens she should not be appointed. This was done to smooth the road for Sal to win, fine he won. Come next council election she runs and win's. If the sheeple vote names then thats the sheeples business, but the appointment is just wrong.

    And all this fuss about QUALIFIED, are we taking ourselves a little too serious , It's a City Council seat not the Tri-Lateral Commission.

  21. We need to remember that experience and qualified are two very differnet things. No matter how you think about it those phrases and terms are not one and the same. Is Pam Panto really "qualified?"

    You could spend 28 years on council. At that point obviously you have experience. But does that mean that person is "qualified." ???

  22. B.

    You should have been at the meeting. It was nothing like what was reported. J. Spike used his interview time to talk about why Pam should not be appointed. He didn't use his time to promote himself and Sandy Vulcano is the one who started in about his relationship with El Warner. Sal just wanted him clear up his position. Sal wasn't razzled like the reporter indicated. Actually he was very calm. I think he has handled the cituation well. I'm sure he would rather not be in this position but thats what happens when you have an independent wife...you deal with it and allow her the independence that she deserves. I don't think anyone will get appointed at the end of the day and they will have to broaden the search. So you better get your posts in now!

  23. I think she is very qualified. She is the most qualified on council now. You can ask anyone. Even HoC has nothing but good things to say about her.

  24. And HoC is the biggest city watchdog.

  25. Anon 12:27,

    I agree I should have been there. I intended to go but was fighting off a cold and didn't want to spread germs.

    There will be an audiotape of the meeting, thanks to EU, and I'll be able to judge for myself if Sal was "visibly annoyed". The MC account does make clear that Spike spent his time dumping on Panto. So long as he doesn't go on like a broken record, I think he's entitled to explain why he's withdrawing his candidacy.

    You don't think anyone will be appointed? If not, then it goes to a judge. That's probably for the best.

  26. Thats amazing. I recall a angry Panto not letting me answer his questions.

    See when someone says something about one. The other jumps in like a WWF tag team partner. Not Independent as far as I see it.

    Maybe some should stop promoting themmselves under anonymous names.

    I mean no one from the public other than HoC Bad Apple Just Asking and Easton girl was there. SOOOOO

    All that is left is one of the two GOP applicants (Roger was not in the room) one of the other two democrats or the wife of Fleck. Either way this "Eyewitness" has a hidden agenda!

  27. This jackass Spike was a discrace. If he wanted to withdrawl to support another candidate he should have done it through the city clerk well before the meeting. This ass-wipe doesn't care about the city. If he cared he would have made a case for why he would be a good member of council and how he could help better the city. But he didn't. It was all about him getting his ridiculous name in the paper. You're a disgrace Spike! Just freaking awful.

    Oh, and Panto was not angry. And you were fumbling around with your answers. He gave you plenty of time to answer the questions. Hell if I were Panto I would have been annoyed too. Spike - you blind sided everyone. Do you think people are going to take you seriously when you pull crap like that?

    Btw - you're an idiot. There was someone else from the public there besides those you named. You obviously didn't see me tubby.

  28. Listen for yourself.

    8Mb, 1hr 10min

    The last anonymous reply was harsh and very un-adult. What are we becoming???

    My personal assessment is that Spike used his time to make a political statement. It was his time to use. There was no penalty for not adhering to everyones' expectations.

    Yes, I have a hell of a lot of respect for the Pantos, and I was afraid that Spike would create a spectacle. But what transpired (as I witnessed it) was this.

    Spike handle his protest well, and when Mrs Vulcano and Mayor Panto grilled him he kept his poise. I complemented him, and I told Mayor Panto that I was impressed at the way Spike handled the pressure they applied to him. I said the same to Mrs Panto, as we discussed the appointment issue.

    I would hope that we could all present the best examples of adult behavior as we debate this issue.

    I feel embarassment and shame on a very personal level whenever people I associate myself with lose their tempers.

    We have a saying in my house.. "There's no excuse for losing your composure in public. It's not cute or understandable, and it's a reflection on us all."

  29. http://eastonundressed.org/interviews/

    the address got cut off try that.

  30. I will be the first to say that I know Sal so most will say that I am not objective, however, there is no doubt in my mind that Sal "grilled" Spike at the meeting AFTER two other council members asked him to use his time to talk about himself and not the Sal or Pam and that's what I like about him. He is not afraid to tell people what is on his mind and defend the causes he holds true. The good news is that 25 years ago he probably would hav everbally berated Spike and may have even physically assaulted him. Spike has had a personal vendetta against Sal and Pam for years. He brags that he didn't vote for a Mayor. Frankly Sal, keep up the good work, I like what I read, I like the way you have already started to shake up City Hall. You have questioned the budget very well and made some great changes in staffing. It is exactly what our city needs.

  31. Terrance:

    I agree with you on one aspect. Yes, Spike didn't create a spectacle. But what's sad is that he was attempting to. C'mon Terrance....you cannot tell me he did what he did for the betterment of the city. It was an awful way to make a statement. I know he's your buddy but c'mon man. Spike could have stepped it up that night if he wanted to do something good for the city of Easton. He could have gone through the interview process respectfully. If appointed, he could have attempted to make changes like he's always talking about. But he didn't!!! He wimped out! I have no respect for that. None.

  32. I've just listened to the interview that HOC was kind enough to provide. The interview of Spike is in near the last third of the interview process.

    My impression is that Spike was quite respectful. He withdrew his own application to support Dr. Ruggles while simultaneously making clear his belief that it is a mistake for Panto's wife to be appointed to a council that she herself chose not to seek through the electoral process. I saw nothing in his remarks that would convince me he was trying to provoke a spectacle. What he was doing was telling Mr. Panto, Ms. Panto & Ms. Vulcano something they did not want to hear.

    I believe Ms. Vulcano sounded "visibly annoyed" by Rogan, but in her defense, she did not realize at the time that Rogan was withdrawing. It's also pretty obvious that Sal was trying (and failing) to belittle Rogan's argument, doing exactly what he said he would not do. He previously told the press he wouldn't touch this issue wth a ten foot pole. Yet there Sal was, vainly making the case for his wife through his "interview" of Rogan. He did sound "visibly annoyed" to me, and I think that the MC reporter had it right. But I also think he was fair and respectful to Rogan.

    I attend NC Council frequently. Compared to the proceedings there, Sal sounded like a UN diplomat. No one got goofy. I didn't hear the personal snark that someone claims was made at the end.

  33. I don't have some vendetta for "years" vs Sal or Pam. Heck I never met Sal until last year.

    I like the tubby remark its as if I never heard jokes about my size.

    Again some may wish to calm down and Keep their nose clean. If they can read between the lines.

    I recall the effort to overload this very blog with post of support a few months back under hidden IDs.

    I actually have no beef with Sal personally. He seems like a nice guy away from politics. I just dont always see things like he does and the same goes with him towards myself.

    Its good to have folks at times locking horns in the democratic process. Had we had that in the beltway in 2002. Well maybe Bush would not have had a rubber stamp and cake walk to declare an invasion of Iraq.

    Devils advocates never a crowd pleaser, but there for a reason.

    And to the "anonymous' poster who claims they were the ONE other person from the public there. unless you had a ID badge from either the Call or Express. Your a fraud. No one else was there at the start or when we took a recess for Mr Ruggles arrival. (who by the way had no idea what I did when he showed up.)

  34. I never claimed his protest was for the betterment of the city, but I also don't believe that is was a requirement at the time.

    He applied for the time in the correct manner so it was partly his to "waste".

    I am proud of him for displaying what a mannerly and effective protest/debate should look like.

    True, I am very fond of Spike, but he'll be the first to tell anyone that I am his biggest and most frequent critic. His approach is normally abrasive and off-the-cuff, and usually overboard. But he did real well last week.

    Yes, he is a showboat. I also hope he'll soon grow out of that.

    If you are gonna protest at City Hall, that's what I want it to look like.

    Everyone of us is an example; good or bad.

  35. BO is anything like NorCoCo? That place is used as a training facility for Shrinks!

    Spike, good for you. You should question authority and no one should get a pass cause their a nice guy. Maybe you can convince Bernie of that and cure him of being a Stoffaholic.


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