Local Government TV

Friday, December 07, 2007

Norco Council Inches Towards a Health Department

He claims he's just a citizen like you and me. But at last night's Northampton County Council meeting, he was a bit more than that. In a room packed with at least sixty health department cheerleaders, Forks Township resident Ken Nagy was the one of the few to question its wisdom.

After hearing from advocates like Easton Mayor Phil Mitman, the League of Women Voters and Lehigh Valley Partnership Secretary Bert Daday, Nagy noted he belongs to no society. "I'm just a taxpayer." And as members of the peanut gallery shook their heads in disbelief and engaged in some low-toned cat calls, he proceeded to list just some of the unanswered questions. "What will it cost? Will all municipalities be included? We've gone 275 years without it, why do we need it now?"

After the people had spoken, council member Ron Angle interrogated county executive John Stoffa with many of his own doubts. Chief among these is that, at least initially, there will be two tiers of service - one for Bethlehem and another for everyone else.

That's just fine with Charles Dertinger. He actually argued, in a lengthy speech, that this country was founded on the principle that there are different levels of freedom for different groups.

Huh? Let's put that pesky Declaration of Independence and Equal Rights clause aside for a moment. That's a justification for a health department? That might justify slavery or suppression of women, but not a health department. Dertinger must be mixing up the American system of government with his masonic lodge. Rarely have I heard someone say so little with so many words.

Angle and Nagy are both right. There are many unanswered questions. But last night, county council was just taking a baby step towards the formation of a health department. If their legitimate doubts aren't answered, council can simply pull the plug. As expected, the proposal to establish a health department passed seven to two. Only Angle and Lamont McClure voted against it. Grube had intended to vote NO, but was actually swayed by a Morning Call editorial. He gruffly warned, as only he can, "All you people want to talk in flowery terms but we got meat and potatoes." I'll get back to you when I figure out what the hell he meant. It sounds pretty tough.

Grube said something else, and this time I understood him. "I have one more vote and I'm going to make it count." There better be details before this baby is funded.

Another council member who spoke last night was the usually quiet and unassuming Mike Dowd. Unlike Dertinger, he spoke very briefly, but his argument defeats Angle and Nagy. "A vote to say NO tonight is not a vote to get more information. It's a vote to say NO forever."

Sarah Cassi's well-written account is here.
Update: Joe Nixon also has a detailed account of last night's meeting.


  1. Is that the uniform for Precision Marketing Employees?

  2. Your buddy stoffa is reported in the MC saying this is "the best thing in 10 years" I know he is serious. Seriously stupid.

  3. Taxpayer,

    Listen, I agree there are many unanswered questions. We might just be creating another layer of bureaucracy without accomplishing anything.

    But I see nothing wrong with giving the idea a green light to see what they come up with. Right now, they're not spending a nickel of tax money. I agree w/ Dowd. Saying no now is saying no forever. Saying yes now is what will give us the answer to those questions.

  4. bo, i actually support a regional health department as long as property owners are not holding the bag--i know the state taxpayers are us too--and the city health systems can be folded into it.

    my poinst was the absurd "best thing in 10 years" line. I mean get real.

  5. Well, everytime something is passed that we want, we tend to think it's the best thing in ten years.

    What killed me last night was Dertinger arguing that different levels of service for different groups is the American way.

  6. Does anyone really believe it won't cost a dime because its just an extention of the Lehigh county health dept??? If so I have a bridge in Brooklyn and a goose that lays golden eggs i'd love to sell to you. No one has asked this question yet. What exactly is this "health Department" going to do? Call them because you have the flu.. what will they tell you? "call your doctor". Call and say you think you are having a heart attack.. they say "call 911" and the wholt time its going to be another government money pit with people getting $40,000 a year and million dollar penions just to answer the phones. And dont thing you or I could get those jobs... it will be all political patronage. The brother of the sister of the father of the highest campaign contributor and his second cousin who wrote the check. Prove Me Wrong.

  7. I'm continually and continuously baffled by calls for a health department as a means to addressing any problems associated with the administration and delivery of health services.

    I just don't see how adding a bureaucracy and all of its associated costs will forward the missions of more and better health care.

    I've seen this movie before and will spoil the ending for all:

    These feel good bureaucracies are the perfect intersection of the morality of good intentions (e.g. let's throw a program at 'em) and the law of unintended consequences (e.g. we underestimated costs, we incentivized people in paid plans to join the government dole, etc..). Costs will increase at a greater than historical rate, services will remain the same or worsen through equitable rationing, lots of folks will get gummint jobs in the new department.

    I know it's the impulse of many to address lots of problems with government-based solutions. This is one time where we should learn the lessons of history, recognize our governments' limitations(my God, look at the VA), and try a new philosophy: Don't just do something, stand there.

  8. Anon 2:18,

    I suspect you may very well be right, and you make your points well. The cost of local government apparently is rising at six times the rate of our local population. In the end, this may just be just another layer of buraucracy.

    But why kill it before you know that for sure? In the end, this might actually be a good thing. With someone like you or Ron keeping an eye out, we might actually like what we see.

    Thanks for your excellent arguments, which I appreciate.

  9. An alternative to a department creation might involve a private-public partnership similar to the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Plan enacted a couple of years ago. It must be worthy of a look because both sides originally hated it, and now run from their original criticisms, in light of the program's success.

    The right hated it for having anything to do with government. The left hated that Bush outflanked them on a very popular social program.

    Despite initial bad press regarding busy signals at 800 numbers for the first nine days, the program has over-delivered in savings to individuals, participants in the program, and user satisfaction (it was independently audited and received one of JD Powers' highest ratings for customer satisfaction - a first for any government program).

  10. Mr. Angle must stay on top of this. The proponents have understated costs and reibursements. What official State document grants the authority power to deliver differnet levels of service in the area. The law never allowed that. I would get that permission in writing. After the Hospitals and privates bail, how much is the projected operating costs a year over the next ten years. You will need at least a staffed Hub in Easton and one in the Slate Belt, besides Bethlehem. You must run current County expenses through the authority, probably meaning more fiscal staff.
    Who is going to tell the senior citizen in Nazareth she can't get a flu shot from the Bureau but the Bethlehem lady can?
    Good idea,but sold with some dubious 'facts' by proponents with motives including $$$.
    Stoffas comment about never spending taxpayer $$$ is premature. He gave half Northampton Counties and municipalities Casino Revenues away. What he is left with may not be enough?
    I hope Angle keps digging, everyone else is afraid of the MSM who want this, regardless of costs, effectiveness or truth.


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