Local Government TV

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

LV Hispanic Leader Condemns Bigotry and Hate at Morning Call Reader Forum

Lázaro Fuentes is one of thirteen citizen-soldiers honored last month by the Army Secretary with the Army Commendation Medal for his heroism and meritorious service during rescue efforts on 9/11. After reading about The Morning Call's reader forum, he sent me this statement, and in another capacity.

As chairman of the Lehigh Valley Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, I agree whole-heartedly that the Morning Call is acting irresponsibly in allowing such bigotry and hate on their forums. Sensationalism gets readers and ultimately, advertising impressions, so I understand why they do it – it is profitable.

But they should think twice about how they are choosing to make money, because campaigns are sprouting all over against media companies that use hate and sensationalized bigotry to make profits.


  1. Sounds like a threat...

    A much needed threat!

  2. These are the same people who were strung out over the mascot being named Porkchop. Who cares what they think? They are on my "choose to ignore" list with the wonderful Reverands Sharpton and jackson..

  3. Bush and the Republicans got caught red handed again trying to create another bogeyman to go to war with and to base their 2008 campaigns on. Be afraid, be so afraid!! And we are talking about this silly stuff..

  4. He is every right to condem bigotry. And the ignorant thug rascists have the right to their hateful speech.

    Alas, we still have some freedoms left, however precarious they are.

  5. Tom Foolery,

    These are the same people who were strung out over the mascot being named Porkchop.

    I see. The same people. Sounds very much to me like the reason you're not offended by racist banter is because you happen to agree with it.

    It's funny. I spoke with Mr. Fuentes last night, and the first thing he did was to condemn the misguided effort to have Pork Chop renamed. but he's one of "those people," and so you will condemn him.

    Shame on you.

    There is no room in civilized society for the hate being spewed on that forum. Failure to take steps to stop this is acquiescence in a world of hate.

    When I read the morning paper and look at the hateful comments to a local story, it just promotes more hate and detracts from meaningful conversation.

    In a story about an Allentown shooting, I read this, "Save the taxpayers' money and kill all involved. Case closed!!" A statement that actually advocates killing people, first posted on Monday, is still standing tall. That statement doesn't have a damn thing to do with free speech. The fact that the MC would allow this solicitation to commit murder remain on its site for days is evidence that it either (1) is not reading, or (2) is purposely keeping these comments because sensationalism sells.

    There is no room for hate in civilized society. When people like you tolerate and don't speak out against this garbage, holocausts become possible.

  6. He is every right to condem bigotry. And the ignorant thug rascists have the right to their hateful speech.

    Not here. Not at the MC Reader forum.

  7. Pathetically sad you are willing to muzzle debate. Hateful, ugly speech should be held out there so people can shine light on it.

    Not surprised at you, just another sign of our politically perverse times.

  8. People can say what they want, but the MSM should not legitimize it, or worse, profit from it.

  9. Wow Bernie, you are really off in left field on this one..Sounds to me like I agree with this racist banter??? Are you nuts.. Even if I was a racist I wouldn't agree with it. It is a pretty pathetic way to make a point..I would just change my party to Republican and disguise
    it as they do..Oh god, i'm generalizing again. I must not only be a racist but I apparently hate all republicans also..There is no hope for me..

  10. I guess that I'm Republiphobic..However, I do like Huckabee..So now what?

  11. Tom Foolery,

    Go back and read what you said. In reaction to a post about the Chair of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, you come back with this sweeping statement. "These are the same people who were strung out over the mascot being named Porkchop."

    You lump everyone in this ethnic group together, then make a sweeping generalization about them. I don't know if you realize it, but that's prejudice. Perhaps I misunderstood what you meant to say. If so, I apologize.

  12. People profiting from all sorts of hateful things is part of the human condition.

    Again, who decides whether pork chop is offensive? I am amazed you are willing to surrender freedom.

  13. I believe a purer First Amendment position allows for, and, in fact, embraces regulation of speech by market (i.e. non-governmental) forces.

    As long as the regulator is not also my government, I haven't a gripe, except to gripe about any regulator with whatever volume and frequency my megaphone can deliver.

    Vicious, racist quasi-political speech is as old as this country. Speech has always had limits imposed upon it by good taste, or decency, or whatever.

    The entity doing the regulating is the key factor in determining whether or not a truly sinister First Amendment assault is occurring.

    The Constitution doesn't provide rights. It acknowledges the promise of the Declaration Of Independence that God granted rights to all humans, and that humans who are also US Citizens will have their rights protected from the government attempting to take them away.

    Bernie and the MC are not the government and may regulate as they wish and at their peril - or not.

    I love that about this country

  14. as soon as I learned "pork chop" was the winning name for Iron Pigs mascot...I knew was a big problem unless it was changed as it was and should have been! I agree politically correct nonsense goes overboard somtimes, but not this time, is my opinion. On the other hand, I hope I don't offend anyone as I wish all here a very Merry Christmas! larry@kisslinger.com


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.