Local Government TV

Monday, November 12, 2007

Should Panto's Wife Be Appointed to Easton City Council?

Pam Panto, Easton city council's VP, is one of two members who chose not to seek re-election this year. As she told The Express Times in March, "With my husband running for mayor, the logistics of the operation and maintenance of two separate and independent campaigns from one home will be laborious, tedious and exhaustive." But now her name is among those being considered for appointment to two council vacancies.

In an exclusive interview with Terrance Hand at Easton Undressed, Mayor-elect Sal Panto addresses this issue. "I think she's been the voice of reason and common sense on city council. I think she's been an excellent city council member, and now that she has her four years of experience, she really was starting to make a difference. ... So she would be a very independent thinker. ... Putting someone on with no experience would be inappropriate at this point. ... She shouldn't be appointed because she's my wife or family member or son or daughter or cousin or relative or friend, but she shouldn't be denied that either, because she is an individual."

Here's The Express Times' view. "No offense, but the last thing Easton's hatchling home-rule venture needs is Bill and Hillary comparisons." I agree. A decision to put that much power in the hands of one family should be made by the voters, not four city council members.
Update: The Morning Call's Bill Ford today reports that, in addition to Pam Panto, five other Eastonians are interested in the two open seats on city council. These include failed mayoral candidate Mike Fleck, failed city council candidates Peter Melan, Roger Ruggles and Bill Timmann, and J. Spike Rogan, a frequent commenter here and at Eaton Undressed.


  1. I really like Sal! don't really know his wife. only problems and political nonsense will ensue if she is back on council. every little issue will be attributed to family, Sal, etc. She is probably very well qualified to serve, but best if she does not do so, is my opinion. Hey, even though I support Dent, Congress seat needs a D candidate not supported by Boss Long. larry@kisslinger.com

  2. I agree with Larry K, there are many qualified people for that seat. This isn't brain surgery if it was we as a people would all be dead. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. It is neither prudent nor wise to have a member of City Council the spouse of the Mayor.

  3. richard farina wrote a counter-culture book in the 60's entitled "I've been down so long it looks like up to me", that's pretty much the political situation in the lehigh valley. i found it curious that you northamptonites were excited about another recycled candidate, i hope his rational about appointing his wife is not indicative of what is to come.

  4. When did Larry Kisslinger become the voice of wisdom in politics? He's a recycled Republican who thinks he's a Democrat. Maybe he should put his name on the list and he can tell you how to run Easton.

  5. In Upper Saucon Township husband-and-wife Jim and Joyce White serve together on the five-member Board of Supervisors. And they don't always agree or vote the same way. It must make for some interesting rides home.

  6. I don't think she should be appointed, regardless of her qualifications. And though I'm not completely for the idea of her being on at all (because of the relation,) a popular vote would be more ethical.

    To be completely honest, I'm not really sure how the citizens of Easton view this issue. Does the majority even care?

  7. Anonymous 9:10 AM said..."When did Larry Kisslinger become the voice of wisdom in politics? He's a recycled Republican who thinks he's a Democrat. Maybe he should put his name on the list and he can tell you how to run Easton."

    Try wisdom, if you even know what it is, you might like to have some.

    I'm an R on National issues and like conservative D's locally. I'm afraid if I applied, I'd win the seat and would have to serve! No thanks. I agree recycled but hope you agree I'm still entitled to my opinion! Please stop picking on me as I'm a very sensitive guy.You're hurting my feelings. larry@kisslinger.com

  8. youre an R on national issues,so i guess we can blame you for the huge mess were in.the idiot in charge certainly wont take the blame.John Wayne was an actor in the movies and his image was in its rightful place,in the movies.So all you henpecked country club types will be at their wits end with HC in the white house.

  9. A Love Note For The Bastard Posting Hate Filled Comments!

    Up until now, I've just been deleting your hate-filled racist, sexist and homophobic rants. I haven't pursued anything bc I figured you were just some spoiled little teenager.

    But given your insistence on sticking around, I'm beginning to think your comments are intended to suppress the free and open exchange of ideas. That bothers me because I value the comments much more than my own posts, and learn from them.

    I've decided to track you. I already know your ISP and am close to nailing down your IP. Once I know for certain who you are, I will out you, as I have done to a few others who tried to play games here. I will post your name, home address, work address, email adress, home phone number asd well as some of the comments I have been forced to delete. I will make sure your employer has a copy of your remarks. If you are self-employed, I will make sure your comments are shared among those with whom you do business.

    You made a mistake today. Make a few more. Usually, I just out a person and let that be its own reward. But you deserve some special attention.

  10. Anonymous 5:52 PM said: "youre an R on national issues,so i guess we can blame you for the huge mess were in. the idiot in charge certainly wont take the blame.John Wayne was an actor in the movies and his image was in its rightful place,in the movies. So all you henpecked country club types will be at their wits end with HC in the white house."

    don't blame me, John Wayne or W! get a good grip on life. If you
    learned how to spell would be greatly appreciated! I'd be very happy to be associated with the
    "Duke", W" and others!

    what huge mess we're (we are in), as we are killing those who want to kill us? never henpecked or a Country Club person, ask my wife of 42 years, Beverly!, friends and the like. After that, chicken shit you can kiss my butt until you will expose yourself so we can have a real debate on any issue you so desire. I'm a very sensitive person! (hurts my feelings when you don't agree with me) especially as an Anon! Please stop making me feel bad about my honest thoughts and expose your identity, chicken shitter that you are! larry@kisslinger.com

  11. I object to Pam Panto serving on Easton city council, and, again, this is no more personal than my decision not to support Sal for mayor. Pam and her brother Ken and I have been friends for as long as Sal and I have been friends.

    I support the two Republican candidates over Democrats because I don't want council packed with the latter.

    In fact, I object to that provision of the new Easton Home Rule Charter that makes the city's mayor a part of council, a flargrant violation of James Madison's doctrine in The Federalist Papers of the separation of governmental powers.

    This reminds me of the packing of Northampton County Council with Branco and McClure, when many of us, includiing Doug Dodge, lobbied for Bruce Gibson, a black, and Tim Cuevas, a Hispanic, to be appointed to those positions.

  12. My apologies to Bruce Gilbert. That's his correct name, to the best of my memory, and not Bruce Gibson.

    Also as I recall, Bruce had not been a publicly announced candidate for one of the two positions, but his supporters threw his hat into the ring at the meeting that evening when a majority of council selected Branco and McClure.

  13. Bernie,

    I would like to be the first one to know the identity of that individual. Trust me, you will not need to post anything else.

    Thank you.

  14. Randy,

    Those kind of comments began about two weeks ago, when the campaigns were at their hottest, and I was struggling to keep up. I was able to delete most of them within minutes. But today, I was in Allentown for much of the day and away from a PC. So the hate was on my blog for a few hours before I could get rid of it. I'm sorry for the offending remarks. I let people say pretty much what they want, but have no tolerance for racism, sexism or homophobic remarks. They put a damper on public debate. Once again, my apologies to all who may have been offended.

  15. Bernie,

    No need to apologize. People are ignorant.

    I can probably guess who left the messages. It's interesting to see how people take advantage of the anonymous posting privilege.

    They speak strong violant words against GREAT PEOPLE who spend countless hours away from their families to help make their cities a better place.

    They have absolutely NO CLASS! nor the balls to put their name to it.

  16. Its a shame you can't get have a mark as objectionable button like youtube comments.

    I was outraged by it. And hope the ignorant rat bastard saw my thoughts.

  17. Doesn't the VP of City Council just maybe deserve to be referred to by her own name instead of as "Panto's Wife?"

    Of course, referring to her as "Panto's Wife" makes it easier to ignore the fact that of the six discussed candidates, three were rejected by the voters for City Council, one has never even faced the voters, one was rejected by the voters for Mayor, and one, Pam Panto, is a sitting VP of Council with years of honorable service. If you think qualifications matter, and the will of the voters matters, how could you not support Pam Panto for one of the two seats?

  18. The very first thing I point out about Pam Panto is that she is city council VP. But she is also the mayor elect's wife. If she didn't think this might be an issue, why is it she declined to run? If she had, this issue could have been decided by voters. Four council members should vest a lot of both executive and legislative powers in the hands of one family? That's a mistake. Let the voters make that decision.

    In an interview w/ EU the day after his victory, Sal stated he would not let this become an issue. I've already read Timmann's remarks that this is unethical. The ET gives this a thumbs down. Sal Panto tells the MC "no comment." It sounds very much to me like he's letting this become an issue.

  19. Bernie, the voters have made decisions - they've rejected 4 of the 6 candidates in the last 8 months. That's gotta count for something.

  20. Anon 9:25,

    The voters were also deprived the opportunity to accept, or reject, Pam Panto because she chose not to seek reelection. That was her decision. If she wanted to remain on council, she should have let the voters decide whether they want to vest all the executive authority and 1/3 of the legislative authority in one household.

    Moreover, I would argue that the voters did not "reject" the other candidates. First, Fleck was not running for council; he was running for mayor. Second, Roger Ruggles was only 170 votes behind Ken Brown, and that's hardly a rejection.

    If Pam Panto wants to run in two years, great! But an appointment at this juncture is going to lead many to conclude that "the fix was in" and Sal Panto will be starting off on the wrong foot.

    Easton can't afford to let that happen.

  21. I will just say this one thing. Larry Kisslinger is one of the best guys Behtlehem has ever had. It sounds like someone simply hates him just because he has an R next to his name when he votes. I have an R next to my name too... thats how I was raised. My mom and dad were R's. That doesn't mean I always vote that way but that is life. My dad served in WWII and my grandfather was in the Spanish-American war. You may disagree with someone but please don't ever call them unpatriotic.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.