Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sam Bennett's Sure Fire Way to Bring in Those Congressional Bucks!

Congressional wannabe Sam Bennett has discovered a sure fire way to beef up her campaign warchest. The Allentown Zoning Hearing Board has issued this little notice:

NOTICE is hereby given that the Zoning Hearing Board will meet in Council Chambers, Room #118, City Hall, 435 Hamilton Street, Allentown, PA on Monday, December 3, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of hearing the following appeals.

2. A-61411 25-31 South 15th Street Special Use Appeal of Martin Estrada & S. Loizeaux-Bennett to convert single family dwelling into a 3 GUESTROOM BED & BREAKFAST, being a use permitted by Special Exception under Article 1313.01.B., located in a High Density Residential (R-H) District.


  1. Since her salary was cut in half at POM, things have probably been tough for her. Now she can rip off unsuspecting tourists, too.

    When will she actually show concern for the Lehigh Valley? Does she even know what she is running for anymore?

  2. Allentown gets tourists?!

  3. I would assume, especially since Dorney Park is advertised all around the country.

  4. Bernie, usually I agree with a lot of what you are saying...but don't you think that's a little bit personal of a comment? She's opening a bed and breakfast. So what? She's entitled to suppliment her income as she chooses as long as its not legal. I think your post was a bit of a personal dig...frankly, I'm surprised, you usually rise above that.

  5. Anon 4:46,

    You might be right. I didn't view it that way, and let me explain why, First, it's consistent w/ Bennett's reputation as someone who's always looking for a buck. Second, people who decide on a Dem nominee should know this woman thinks she can run for congress, run POM and run a B&B? Third, the notion that a politically connected person will be running a B&B makes me wonder. Will state employees be staying there on their trips to the LV? Has a deal been made? Finally, I don't like how she tried to hide herself. Suddenly, she's S. Loizeaux-Bennett.

    Did I give her a shot? Yes, but I think it was fair. But you might be right. If she were no longer a candidate, I'd let this go. If she wasn't claiming to be working 70 hrs per week at POM, I'd let it go.

  6. Bernie, that's the name on the deed, according to the property tax search site.

  7. Bernie, you have opened one hell of a can of worms. Pawlowski wants to shut down the Traylor, which is her neighbor. That said, will she rent the rooms by the hour? God knows she'd make a hell of a lot of money!

  8. Allentown gets tourists, plenty of people come to visit the home of America's most profitable Barbershop, the VIP.

  9. Anon 7:28 -

    And now they'll have a place to stay...

  10. Bernie, I think as to whether or not this post was wrong depends on how you look at it.

    The way that I took it was how in the hell can any of us take this woman seriously when all of her priorities remain on herself and not the Valley?

    By the way, I think it's safe to assume at this point that she certainly isn't working 70hrs. a week at POM.

    This "shot" was warrented, and I think you even went easy on her. Give yourself a pat on the back; I've never been this "friendly" when blogging about Scam Bennett.

  11. what this really says is that this blog has become nothing more than entertainment. your grasping at straws. how do you expect us to take you seriously. and bernie get with it, your comment is very weak. how did you pass the bar.judge judy would have a field day with you.when at your best you make for good debate,dont let us down.

  12. I appreciate you and the other anon for taking me to task. It was a shot, but I thought it was fair. I think people should know this. If she's opening a B&B, can she really be that serious about running for congress? Is she just doing that to pay off some campaign debt, as someone suggested? Why are notices of zoning hearing boards advertised?

    But if Judge Judy disagrees with my rationale, I'm in trouble.

  13. I'm not fan of Sam Bennett, but I don't know why a Congressional candidate can't buy a business. Some in Congress are farmers, ranchers, business owners, and many own law firms. So her B&B doesn't bother me. I am concerned about her use of her first initial and middle name on the deed. That smacks of deceipt. Any person in the public eye would want to have it known that they are investing in their local community, just before they run for office.

  14. Bernie, I see that someone refers to your law degree. As a recent reader of this blog I would like to know where you studied law as well. And is the rumor about your disbarment true? One doesn't know what to believe in the blogisphere.

  15. Catty Guy -

    There's nothing wrong with her opening a B&B, but the Valley deserves someone who is serious about making a run at congress instead of someone who is concerned only with herself.

  16. Anon 2:13,

    Yes, I have a law degreee. I gradauted in '78 from Dickinson. My license was suspended for two years in 1985 for unethical conduct brought on by alcoholism. I never sought reinstatement.

  17. Can one assume that there will be a "Lincoln Bedroom"?

  18. No Lincoln Bedroom, but I bet there is a "Rendell" Room!

  19. I'm not interested in getting into this B&B issue but here is my experience with Sam. A number of years ago, when I first got involved in activism in Easton, it resulted in some invitations to take part in various projects in Allentown and Bethlehem. One of those was an invite from Bennett to attend the POM awards over two consecutive years. I was asked if I thought something similar would fly in Easton and after that I was contacted to introduce the program here. I set it up with the city and lined up possible volunteers.

    Sam came down for a press conference that was supposed to be attended by all three mayors but they all stiffed us and I ended up giving an off-the-cuff thumbnail presentation of POM to Channel 69 news and the rest of the press. Other than an initial meeting with us to describe the scoring procedure for the awards, Sam pretty much left us floundering to put together everything ourselves that was required for the program including rewriting copy for the Easton mailings. We had two weeks to do it or the whole thing would have flopped. We pulled it off but I had a bad taste in my mouth after the process-especially since I had touted the program with the city-and haven't participated since.

    I have nothing against Sam and I really don't know her that well, but I thought we got shortchanged. The real shame of her lack of commitment to the Easton POM program is that people here really don't understand what it's supposed to be about: Accomplishing the most with the least and encouraging a sense of pride in the neighborhoods of lower to middle income residents. This year's candidates were a group of high end businesses and expensive private homes, some of which are on the market for over a million dollars. This isn't supposed to be about how much you paid for your landscaping or helping rich people sell their inflated-priced houses. It is obvious the people here just don't get it.

    I arrived late to the awards event this year and the presentations had already begun. As I stood outside, looking through the window, I saw how many of the typical crowd of Easton's wannabes and self-important ass-kissers were in attendance.

    I turned around a went home.

  20. drl.....you must be dreaming.the first pom was set up by mitman and his executive assistant. the 2nd by gary bertsch. all pom programs create their own mini programs, they launch and grow as they see fit.the easton program is doing well.i thought the fiction writers were on strike,get back on the picket line.

  21. Anon 7:38, I don't think DRL is dreaming at all. POM was started by Bennett, not Mitman. Easton's POM program is under Bennett's umbrella. You can see that on the POM site.

    What really troubles me is this DRL statement: " This year's candidates were a group of high end businesses and expensive private homes, some of which are on the market for over a million dollars." If this statement is true, the POm program is a sham, at least in Easton.

    I've gone onto the POM site to look at these candidates and see if this statement is true. Guess what? No names or properties are listed. I'd like to determine whether this statement is true. If this program just exists to reward people who are hiring landscapers or to drive up someone's sale price, then we've got a bigus program.

    So do me a favor. Sionce you seem to know so much about this program, please give me the addresses for the ten of the nominees. I'll do the rest.

    If you're unwilling to do that, then I guess I'm going to have to make an open records request. I'm very disturbed by what DRL reports, and want to know if it's true. You haven't answered his basic accusation.

  22. bernie, all pom programs are free to nominate who they wish.their are 5 such programs all different..some focus more on businesses like bethlehem.you dont have to be a harvard graduate to figure out the mission if one was at one of the events.even slatington had a well received program some nominees were in the rural area washington twnshp.by the way pom is one of the few groups that has as many rep as dems involved ,figure that one out. call gary bertsch,or lynn logue from the beth chamber they are proud of what has been done done so far in easton and beth.sam only provides the template. others to contact quakertown alive quakertown pom. suzie from suzies shady nook restraunt slatington pom, coplay is headed by their mayor. forgot his name
    all had press that published the finalists and the people voted their favorites,you really need to get the facts so as to comment pro or con.

  23. "you really need to get the facts so as to comment pro or con."

    Oh, I agree. But what are the facts? What properties in Easton are under consideration?

    If Easton is rewarding a bunch of high ende busunesses and expensive private homes, it should not receive a dime in public funding, no matter what template it is using.

  24. better yet bernie, heres a challenge to you. call your good friend barbadel campbell and ask her about sam and the pom. then i want to see you have guts to publish her words on this blog. shes the best.

  25. Anon 8:51, I admire and respect Barbadel, but don't have her telephone #. But I can get it on Friday and will call her. I have no problem publishing what she tells me, even if she blows kisses at Bennett.

    But I do want answers to my question about what kinds of properties are being considered. DRL is a very straight shooter. He may be misinformed, or he may be right on the mark.

  26. properties that are well maintained or remodeled or spruced up, either homes or businesses or rental fit the bill.all small pom programs can choose a focus if they want. some slant to historical restoration.in allentown all wards have nominees and peoples choice winners.in the challenged wards the honor is as good as in the far west end.the biggest impact over the years has been in the challenged wards.many of the winners and grand prize have gone to minority owners.its just the way it turns out.in your own town youve seen homes improve due to upkeep or renovate.small,large or unique. a little paint and fixing up goes a long way.so get a group and pick a few through out your town every year and pat them on the back. is that so hard to understand

  27. "get a group and pick a few through out your town every year and pat them on the back. is that so hard to understand"

    Not at all.

    But has this program been perverted, as DRL seems to suggest? The only way to answer that question is by looking at some properties that have been rewarded. Since DRL is talking about Easton, that's where I'll look.

  28. Seems like my comments on POM have struck a nerve...not necessarily my intent. All I am saying is that my initial experience with the program was not as positive as it should have been and that the reasons for that perception were the result of having an entire project dumped in our lap with virtually no help or guidance from the person responsible for it being here.

    As for the demands and insinuations by others commenting to this story, I have no problem discussing the issues or backing up anything I say about any issue I'm involved with but I don't respond to anonymous attacks. So, lets get some thiongs straight. My screen name (DRL) are my initials and my name is Dennis Lieb. I have been involved in activist causes in Easton since 1999 when I realized I wouldn't be able to live here much longer under the then current set of circumstances. I have been involved in everything from blowing the lid of the corrupt Easton Weed and Seed program to helping rewrite Easton's suburban-based zoning ordinance to what it is now; the only third class city in Pa. with a form-based zoning code. If anybody wants to talk to me in person about anything involving POM in Easton feel free to call. I work at Prudential Paul Ford Realtors and the number is 610-253-6123. You can e-mail me at dennislieb@prupaulfordrealtors.com but I don't talk to people who won't put their names on their comments so be advised. I stick my neck out in this town every day-especially considering the business I', in and it costs me money to be honest. If more people put the city ahead of their petty greed and their need for inclusion in some imaginary Easton "in crowd" we'd have a much better place to live. I don't have the list of all POM nominated properties from this year because I wasn't involved in it. Gary Bertsch is a friend of Mine and I yold him the same things I've said here. I know for a fact that the mayor's assistant was totally pissed after the first year's avent and didn't want to have anything else to do with it after that experience. I also know that POM would not have come to Easton when it did if I hadn't been involved. I saw the POM placards in the yards of $1 million dollar properties. I know that is not the intent. I also saw perfect examples of what kinds of peoperties should have been nominated that weren't. That's my take. Like it or lump it.

  29. Bernie, no one ever said she was running the bed and breakfast. It could just as easily be primarly her husband's venture.
    Love the "you can't have a job or two to distract you from the campaign" sentiment hinted at in the post here. Because we don't have enough rich people in politics as it is.
    And finally, "hiding herself?" That's little thin. How long did it take you to figure it out in the first place, 10 seconds at the most?

    Yes, Mrs. Bennett is a bad candidate. She won't win. Relax. She's not a serious candidate.

  30. If she's running for Copngress, it's very relevant that she wants to turn her home into a B&B. It's something folks should consider. Regardless whose venture this may be (presumably both), it will distract her attention from a campaign. Gioven that she's viewed as an opportunist, I think it's highly relevant to her sincerity. And I do think she tried to slip it in with none of us being any the wiser. That's my take.

  31. I don't know if I agree with this one Bernie. Only in Lehigh Valley politics is opening a small business considered "opportunism." And if she has the kind of debt that most people seem to think she has, isn't it the responsible thing to do to supplement her income? And it's not taxpayer funded, even! And if the name on the deed like some other commenter said, it doesn't sound like she snuck anything through. Though you and others have shown misgivings about her political viability (I'm still relatively undecided, luckily it's early in the season) I think this one was more of a character attack than an informative piece.

  32. If someone is (1) sending out emails that dun the public for congressional contributions at the height of the municipal campaign; (2) sitting on a board that decides her own salary at POM; and (3) is converting her home into a B&B when she tells everyone she works 70 jours poer week at POM, then it's safe to conclude she's an opportunist.

    Having said that, your take may be absolutely right. I don't view money as being all that important, and perhaps that's why I'm always broke. I called it the way I saw it, and I have no editor to question me. I do think it is something worth pointing out, but your criticism has merit, too.

  33. I don't know that it's safe to assume anything. (1) If she wasn't fundraising, this blog entry would have been about how she can't possibly be a contender if she's not trying to raise money. Though, reports on that aren't overly impressive for her either way. (2) The jury's still out on that one. The article in The Morning Call sounded stinging enough, and the response from POM's board a few days later said they were hiring a consultant. I'm waiting to see what that consultant said, if The Morning Call ever writes about it. I don't trust TMC's so-called investigative "reporters," especially when it comes to non-profits and the like. They've twisted many a person's words to make things sound worse too many times for me to take anything they write at face value. (3) Perhaps that's true, but we don't really know who is running it. I hear her husband works from home or something, perhaps it really is his pet project. My father opened a B&B all by himself when he worked from home. Granted, he closed up a few months later because it was too difficult alone (and he has terrible customer service skills), but maybe that's what will happen here?

    I just don't like jumping to conclusions so quickly. Things always seem bad when you only hear one side.

  34. Granted. That's why people with different views should feel free to comment.


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