Local Government TV

Thursday, November 15, 2007

McHale Comes Through For Struggling Hamilton Street Merchants

Ann McHale should be angry at me. During her reelection bid, I supported her opponent, Tom Dietrich. What's worse, I criticized her imperious style. Yet Ann McHale is the only LANTA board member who responded to an email I sent to each after Tuesday's meeting.

She has some promising news for Allentown's Hamilton Street merchants. "[T]he Business Development/Operations Committee discussed this very matter (I brought the subject up). The overall outcome is to try to work out a plan that addresses the merchants &/or riders concerns. Prior to adjourning, the Board requested the Administration work out a plan and have something to us by this Friday. Hopefully it will be something everyone will be satisfied with. I'll let you know."


  1. We'll see. She is wise enough to try and do some damage control leading to her run for Exec. We will see if there is any fire in all this smoke.

  2. Bernie, you better take credit for the changes. When we hold incumbents accountable for their actions, or in-actions, we provoke them to change their ways. Keep up the good work!


  3. Is this the same Ann McHale that sits on Northampton County Council...something must have softened her up recently...


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