Local Government TV

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Maher Loses Home Town By Four to One Margin

Politicians instinctively avoid controversial issues like the plague at election time. Not Ron Angle. He threw himself, head first, into the discussion over the unpopular Marshfield development proposed in Upper Mount Bethel Township. Instead of playing to the crowd, Angle actually advocated a compromise with the developer, a very unpopular move.

During the campaign, Machine Maher did his best to exploit this to his advantage. It was the subject of anonymous robo calls and negative mailers, and Maher himself complained about Angle's position at a county council meeting.

So how did this strategy work? According to unofficial tallies, not well enough. Angle still won Upper Mount Bethel, 647 to 603. They still like their Bull Dog.

In Maher's own home town, he lost 229 to 57, four to one. Voters don't like smear campaigns. And in Wind Gap, they detest weasels.


  1. after every election when I was a candidate, the very first voting district where I sought results was my home district. I always did very well and would have been mortified if not! A 4-1 loss for Mr. Maher must have been devastating for him and his sleazy consultant to learn. larry@kisslinger.com

  2. Maybe it was 4 - 1 Repubs to Dems. I can understand people blindly voting party lines, because we don't want to know the issues. Hey what's that on M-TV?

  3. the ratio rep. to dem. in Wind Gap is 3 to 1 dem. Devasting loss to say the least. hopefully everybody will see that negative campaigning and mud slinging does not win elections anymore. It is a sad state when you give up your integrity as a person to try to win an election.

  4. Some NorCo candidates had no positive attributes, so they had to appointed to council. To run a positive campaign about their attributes, would cost nothing, and results in a failed election run. However, to do a negative campaign costs big bucks, and still results in a failed election run. But..... your campaign company rolls in the dough!

    See negative campaigning results in positive cash flow. Cha-Ching!!!

  5. Radralph is correct - there are about 3 Democrats per each Republican registered according to the voter list. To lose so definitively here speaks VOLUMES about Maher's tactics and the response to them.

    I just yesterday ran into a teacher of mine from high school, and she's a member of the League of Women Voters and a Supervoter. In just one afternoon her answering machine intercepted 5 separate robocalls alone!

  6. BOH said,"Instead of playing to the crowd, Angle actually advocated a compromise with the developer, a very unpopular move." That's because he stands to gain a lot financially because he owns adjoining properties and their value will only increase to the delight of Mr. Angle.

  7. Larry Kisslinger said...
    after every election when I was a candidate, the very first voting district where I sought results was my home district. I always did very well and would have been mortified if not!
    I guess they miscounted the ballots when you ran for mayor of Bethlehem, Larry because you are mortifying.

  8. you are all right on one count.to put all your eggs in one basket and run a negative campaign is not only very risky and demeans the whole process but shows the voters that a candidate cant run on their own abilities. we shall see who learns this lesson in 2008. Ron angle despite his short comings in the past has always had the determination to do good for his district.as a democrat i have to respect his dedication to his point of view.

  9. chicken shit anon: "I guess they miscounted the ballots when you ran for mayor of Bethlehem, Larry because you are mortifying."

    No miscount at all! I did very well in my home ward 1985 bid for Bethlehem Mayor as a new R. You need to know there were 19,000 D's and only 9,000 R's back then. I lost 8,000 to 6,000 in a very positive campaign to my still good friend Paul Marcincin. Do the math! Imagine that, 6,000 people voted me for the highest office in my city! I'll be forever proud and grateful of that fact. Also, I won more elections than ever lost in my fair city! I always figure you can't win if you don't run!

    Now, chicken shit, can we hear details about any of your bids for public office? not mortified or mortifying to 6,000 voters in my town. larry@kisslinger.com

  10. Anon 8:28,

    Thast argument has been made and dismissed. Team Dertinger made that argument before county council, and a 66 to 3 Dem majority rejected it because, as a matter of law, it is spurious.

    Nevertheless, Maher used it in his smear campaign against Angle. It was used, not only in complaints that he himself made (when Angle was not around), but also in anonymous robocalls and in negative mailers to the voting public.

    Despite the sleaze, Angle still won in Upper Mount Bethek, his hometown. And in Maher's hometown, that message was rejected by voters four to one.

    I think it's time to come up with some new arguments.


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