Local Government TV

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Garvin Dumped As Norco Elections Commission Chair

During last year's Lehigh Valley congressional race, WGPA 1100 AM's ran a program called "Checks and Balances." It was dreary hour of highly partisan propaganda delivered in a monotone by host WALLY G.

Just the thing for insomnia!

One day, when Wally G was a guest on Don Russo's show, I decided to call. Before being allowed to say anything, Russo always insisted that callers identify themselves. I did, but then said it's only fair that Wally G identify himself, too. That's when I learned he's really Walter R. Garvin, who at that time was both Democratic Committeeman and area chair. In fact, Wally's radio show was touted on the Norco Dem web page with this little promotion: "Sick of Right-Wing Talk Radio Blather? Tired of them insulting our intelligence? Then tune in to WGPA SUNNY 1100 AM and host WALLY G ..."

Garvin was even the parking valet at an anti-Dent campaign rally late this summer. As I attempted to maneuver my Jeep into the parking lot, Wally wildly waved a "Support the Troops - End the War" sign at me, and directed me where to park, which for some reason was right in the middle of Monocacy Creek.

Wally G is a partisan activist, so what?

Let me explain. Wally G also happens to chair the Norco Elections Commission. According to our Home Rule Charter, party officers are barred. When Republicans found, several had strokes and died. Those who survived went ballistic and made their own signs. "Hang WALLY G, From the Nearest Tree!"

When I complained at a council meeting, Council Solicitor Zito told anyone who was listening that an elections commission is a quasi judicial body. It often makes decisions that are essentially judicial. Members must avoid the appearance of impropriety, and conduct themselves with impartiality.

Soon after that, Garvin resigned as committeeman and area chair, and his radio gig was over. Things seemed to die down.

But not for long. Just a few months ago, Wally G was at it again, hosting another radio show that blames Republicans for everything, from pink eye to the recent flooding along the Delaware. Now when you have county council races in which a Dem wins by just 91 votes, the last thing you need is a partisan elections chair.

Yesterday, county council's personnel committee reviewed county exec Stoffa's appointments to the elections commission. Garvin's name is missing. Now he can devote more time to his radio career. But before he goes on air again, he should spend a few weeks at the Ken Matthews school of broadcasting.

Angle and I are both A students.
Update: The Express Times' Sarah Cassi has a detailed report about Stoffa's new elections commission. He explains his Garvin decision. "I like Walt. I think he's a good person. He's a great Democrat. ... I didn't think he was objective."


  1. Bernie, are you saying that the election was fixed for McClure by stating, and I quote "Now when you have county council races in which a Dem wins by just 91 votes, the last thing you need is a partisan elections chair." Do you have the grounds to open an investigation into this? If so, please let us know what, if anything was wrong with the vote count. What if the Chair was a Republican, and the same total came in, would you feel the same way?

  2. Anon 9:43,

    No, I'm not suggesting in any way that the election was fixed in favor of McClure. What I am saying is that because there will always be close elections, that's why an elections commission chair has to avoid partisan activities. If the elections chaoir is a rabid partisan, and one of his candidates is in a tight race, the other side will unserstandably be concerned that the fix is in.

    Look at what happened in Florida, where Harris was Sec'y of State. She was a rabid partisan, and many Dems are convinced she threw the election for Bush.

    But I am not hinting at that here. i don't question Garvin's integrity. I do question his sense - he was on notice to avoid the appearance of impropriety.

  3. Bernie O'Hare said..."But I am not hinting at that here. i don't question Garvin's integrity. I do question his sense - he was on notice to avoid the appearance of impropriety." I would ask who put Garvin on notice?

  4. Since September 2006, Garvin has been on notice. His radio show and party positions were brought to the attention of the county exec and county council. The conclusion from the exec's lawyer was that he could not unilaterally remove Garvin because Garvin was appointed by council. At that time, the concerns over Garvin were made abundantly clear.

    The conclusion from council's lawyer was that they could fire Garvin but had to comply w/ due process. Council's attorney also made very clear that as chair of the elections commission, Garvin was required to avoid the appearance of impropriety because his function is quasijudicial. For that reason, he would have to avoid partisan activity.

    Garvin did resign his position within the party. But thereafter, he continued to act in a partisan matter. He continued to host that partisan radio show. He played a role in an anti-Dent rally. he participated in several demonstrations outside of Dent's office. He began another partisan radio show. During elections commission hearings, he tried to silence me when I first discovered we were voting on a version of software that had never been approved by the DOS.

    He did all this knowing he was to refrain from partisan activity. For that reason, Stoffa concluded that Garvin is not fair-minded enough to sit on that panel. He's a bright guy and I don't challenge his integrity, but is too partisan to be in that role. it would be just as bad if Angle or some partisan R was appointed, so doin't get me wrong.

    In truth, we need to change the way the elections commission is selected. The citizen panel suggested we should try to make it more nonpartisan by selected independents and third party members.

  5. The current electronic voting machine problems were they cannot even be certified is just more proof that Bernie was correct all along by questioning Garvin's ability to be impartial.

  6. Wally G looks like Jan Micheal Vincent from Airwolf.

  7. wally G looks like the pic in the above topic with the guy in his powdered wig holding the Gold Key to the Cappy Crappy :):)


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