Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Bertsch is Graceful in Defeat

Congratulating Mayor Sal Panto for his clean and issues-oriented campaign on WFMZ, Gary Bertsch goes gently into that good night. His advice to the Mayor elect? "Just work as hard as I do."


  1. El Warner in the lead over Incumbent Ken Brown. In the words of Borat. VERY NICCCCE!

    On the down side the old school machines brought back moronic One lever party votes.

    Swine gallore Jeff Warren in third over Roger Ruggles by about 200 last I saw.

    The GOP mailer may have had a Costanza like "Opposite effect".


    And BTW Panto had more of a Challenge from Fleck. Bertsch lost every ward it seems.

    And lets keep in mind Panto has also voted for the Charter, supported busting up the union and making the city owned water plants run by Easton Suburban (private company), and the Riverwalk Debacle to name a few issues.

    No candidates are perfect. Easton residents need to push Mayor elect Panto to do what is RIGHT for Easton. Not private interest.

  2. Easton residents need to push Mayor elect Panto to do what is RIGHT for Easton

    Easton residents need to push THEMSELVES for what's right for Easton. "Back to the future" cannot stymie Easton's freefall.

    For those who live in the city, good luck, because in four years the people and businesses who haven't bailed out, who be asking, once again, why they aren't better off than they were four years ago.

  3. The Sal Panto victory reminds me of a quote from Albert Einstein "an idiot is one who does the same thing over and over expecting different results"

  4. Now be nice. If Bertsch was graceful, you can be, too. The people have spoken, and rather clearly.

  5. Wow. What poor losers. Get over it, the voters not only spoke, they spoke overwhelmingly!!!! I believe it was 65% to 35%.

    Spike, union busting? if you are going to put something on the net just the facts please. The water facility is wholely owned by the
    City of Easton, the Water Authority is wholely appointed by the City of Easton and the Water Authority PAYS us every year huge amounts of money to lease our facility PLUS the required capital improvements.

    Gee, you keep speaking about change but when it stares you in the face you don't want it. That's why Panto was the choice. He, not his opponent was the candidate with the vision and the platform for change.

    As for Bertsch's comments I don't think they were gracious at all. He never once mentioned Sal by name and to say that he should work as hard as him was obviously not gracious, nor factual. Mr. Bertsch I know Sal Panto and you are no Sal Panto, especially when it comes to a working day!!!!

  6. cry babies, please go to a different blog. You are just a bunch whiners, and as usual after the fact. Sal was the best choice and I know he will do a great job of cleaning up one huge mess. Why he would want to do it is beyond me but Thank you Sal. I would have to move if either of your two opponent won.

    GO Rovers!!!

  7. when you end a partnership with a union and go non-union private THAT is unionbusting!

    I grew up in a union house.

    I know what REAL progressive values are.

    Rubber stamping Mitman policy is not it.

  8. Spike,

    I don't know why you have a problem with Panto. Do you even know him. You talk about his past like you lived in Easton his first term. Didn't you just move here from up North a few years ago? And I think Sal made his position clear on the Charter. You totally missed the boat on that one.

    "Easton residents need to push Mayor elect Panto to do what is RIGHT for Easton. Not private interest."

    Why are you making this comment? You really should watch your assumptions. When you step up to the plate and actually do something positive for this City then you can talk. Until then i think you should keep your greasy, Uncle Wesley's mouth shut. Sal has done more for Easton than you ever will and putting him down when you don't even know him is unfair.

  9. Bernie,

    Do you know who Dickster is?????????

  10. Anon 10:55, Don't have a clue who Dickster is. Obviously, it's someone who thinks he knows better than the voters. He's not just calling Sal an idiot. He's doing that to Easton voters, too. And it's based on poor logic.

    As I understand the argument, it goesd something like this:

    1)Phil Mitman was Mayor of Easton long ago.
    2)Phil Mitman is mayor now, and has been a failure.
    Therefore, it necessarily follows that all prior mayors will be lousy if they are installed as mayor after a hiatus of several years.

    That's a nonsequitor.


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