Local Government TV

Friday, October 05, 2007

Who'd Have Guessed? Morganelli Claims He's Close

In a goofy push poll that inexplicably fails to include candidate Jim Eisenhower, sleazeball consultant Tom Severson claims Northampton County DA John Morganelli is in a "statistical tie" in the race to become AG Dem nominee. This poll is posted at PoliticsPa.

Morganelli is simply delighted. "Ed Rendell was behind 35% against Bob Casey, Jr. in the 2002 Primary for Governor when he started out and went on to win a landslide. We are neck and neck.”

John is a friend of mine. He's no Ed Rendell.


  1. Only someone as dumb as Tom Severson would describe the race with Casey this way. I always believed Morganelli was smarter than this bozo. Guess he will be o for 3...

  2. Severson is going to attack Casey for being a federal prosecutor because of who the President happened to be?

    Next time he's running against a combat veteran, maybe he'll decide their military service is a weakness, too, because it happened under the "wrong" President. Sleazy.

  3. Bernie says..."In a goofy push poll that inexplicably fails to include candidate Jim Eisenhower, sleazeball consultant claims Northampton County DA " Bernie I think this is turning to a sleazeball blog.

  4. well, look at the bright side.... he's not Sam Bennett....

  5. Bernie can defend himself, but I have to say something. If River bothered to check the link that Bernie inserted into his post, that troll could easily see that it was a goofy push poll. If he's read this blog or talked to anyone in politics, he'd know that consultant Tom Severson is a smear artist. I wish morons like River would stop shitting here. I'm tired of seeing him pick fights with everyone in here, from Dottie to AJ. Bernie, please ban this asshole.

  6. The push poll is another sign of Morganelli's desperation. The campaign has not even started and Morganelli is slithering in the gutter with first the email debacle (which the state committee people will not forget) and now this ridiculous self serving attack Casey poll. Message to Morganelli: People generally like and respect the Casey's (regardless if they vote for them). Rendell beat Bob Casey Jr. by taking the high road against him and raising a ton of money. Looking at how Morganelli is starting out it seems as if he is incapable of taking the high road and that in turn will just dry up any funds he hoped to raise.

  7. calling tom severson a sleazeball is being very kind to him! I can think of many more adjectives to describe him, but can't mention them here. Morganelli needs to hire an honest consultant is my opinion. larry@kisslinger.com

  8. If Severson is such a bad person why is Morganelli using him? Aren't there better right here in the Lehigh Valley? Judging by Morganelli's response to the pathetic email attack and the use of this desperate and goofy push poll he can't be using him for his political acumen.

  9. Anonymous 11:35 AM

    Don't ask me why Morganelli uses a numbskull like severson! I just don't understand. I learned long ago not to try and figure out why a politician does what he or she does, otherwise we'd go crazy trying to do so. larry@kisslinger.com

  10. So is Morganelli's campaign slogan going to be "I am the lesser of Evils, vote for Me." I don't have an ounce of respect for him based on first hand experience with his office. I believe he is for sale. I wrote him years ago asking a very basic question, he ignored answering my question in his response.. If his action makes him look better, he will stand in your corner. If it is risky business, I believe you can depend on him to turn his head.

    As far as his choice of mud slingers goes, don't birds of a feather flock together? He really has underestimated folks living beyond his backyard and I believe he really doesn't have anything to offer other than not being a stand up guy who expect cronyism to grease his rails (I read that Rendell has NOT endorsed him) . That people in more progressive parts of the state believe that Gay People are citizens. They are expected to behave like citizens by accepting 100% of the responsibilities of citizenship, yet don't get same percentage return on their investment where laws and there enforcement are concerned. When things get messy (like who really pressed the SEND button) you can always depend on him to bury his head and hope that it will fades away. I beleive that responsibility is not a strong point of his.

    When people tell you who they are, beleive them.

  11. Morganelli first exaggerated (some would say lied)about Rendell's endorsement (some would say lack of endorsement), he then is connectected with a fraudulent email attacking his opponent,he then never comes clean about the fraudulent email, he then attacks Casey for being a Federal Prosecutor because of who the president was at the time and now he submits a sleazy push poll believing us all to be idiots in believing the results actually mean something. I wonder who the real idiot is?

  12. Reading the questions this poll asked and the way they were phrased this poll cannot have any credibility. Knowing that the only people who are going to read a poll this far out from an election are inside political people, one has to wonder how stupid Morganelli thinks these insiders are. These sleazy tactics are not going to help Morganelli anywhere and in fact may simply just drag his declining credibility down further.

  13. Word is that Rendell is now backtracking away from Morganelli.


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