Local Government TV

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Northampton County Council Finance Reports Online Here

Thanks to Northampton County's voter registration office, I have complete copies of campaign finance reports filed Friday by nine of ten candidates fighting over four county council seats on November 6. The tenth, candidate Mark Schwartz, is spending under $250 and is excused from filing any reports.

I scanned these finance reports and uploaded them to an online library so we can all look at them for ourselves and follow the money. It is my hope that the county eventually begins to make these local finance records available online.

At Large Race: (countywide)

Tony Branco (D) v. Peg Ferraro (R)

District 1: (Bethlehem area)

Ann McHale (D) v. Tom Dietrich (R)

District 2: (Easton area)

William Wallace (D) v. Mike Dowd (R)

District 3: (Nazareth area)

Lamont McClure (D) v. Mark Schwartz (R) (no report)

District 4: (Slate belt area)

John Maher (D) v. Ron Angle (R)


  1. Thanks for all the time and effort that must have gone into this.

  2. Good job, Bernie!

    I like how it's easier to access stuff here than from the actual government offices and websites, lol!

  3. Thanks. It's in .pdf format, not the best format to work with. You need Adobe to open, but that's free.

    This is for those who would like to look at expense reports but who can't make it to the courthouse. Instead of just the reporters and a candidates, I think it's important that as many people as possible view these reports. They tends to show which candidates are promoted by special interests and which candidates have grass roots support.

  4. grass roots support

    i.e. "Dirt Poor?"

  5. If you look at $50 or less category, you'll see candidates who get quite a bit of money that way. On a national level, look at Barack Obama as an example. many smalll contributions is a good thing, especially in a democracy. That's why dirt poor can still win.

  6. I like to see Angle sent back Pektor's contibution. Pektor tries to buy a piece of every candidate. But I noticed that the Haddad name shows up on Angles report too. What's up with that?


  7. I would like to see all the candidates send back developers contributions. This is nothing more then trying to gain influence. This Pektor character is the worst. Throwing money at every political running


  8. BadApple, I'd like to see that happen, too. But it's not going to happen until we change campaign finance laws.

    Ramzi Haddad gave $1000 to McClure, $1,000 to Branco and $500 to Angle. He's trying to buy influence. I note he lists an easton address on the Angle contribution and a Whitehall addy on the others. I'll look into that.

  9. Ron,

    Send it back you don't need it


    I see Rich Thulin is a contributor, another developer seeking influence? Send it back, you don't need it either. Impress me


  10. Bad Apple,

    I am preparing a post to identify those who are obviously trying to buy influence.

  11. You know, candidates would not have to whore after these money types if every citizen in the county who wanted to see good government donated a mere $10.00.

    I know, I know, it's easier to criticize than it is to oipen one's wallet.

  12. You know, if Joe Long would pick the RIGHT candidates to support, he might not be such a ridicule-deserving figure.

  13. Bernie, great service! We used to have to visit courthouse to review reports. I always find out much more about candidates "and" donors than I already knew otherwise when I read them! We could write a small book about some candidates and donors here and is the exact same every election! Is it their interest in good government or is it their personal interest? Those in the "know" pass their opinion around town til people vote. Folks who have little interest and/or time will also vote based on whatever they hear from their sources. The way things are going these days, grass root folks have lost much, if not all, interest in wanting to "serve" or even help in campaigns. What's the use and who wants to deal with all the political nonsense while good fiscally responsible service to the
    public always seems last?

    In my opinion, they are wrong but that's what I hear too often to suit me. I believe we get the government we deserve and depends
    on what each of us does with our work and vote.

    FYI, it cost me $1,100.00 all from donors, 25 or so, in 1973 City Council winning race. I would never use my own money to campaign for public office! I figured if people wouldn't help me work to get elected to serve them...
    (volunteers are worth as much as money to me)...then I didn't deserve to win. Guess what? no support from County or City Chairs, so I went direct to local committee folks and other friends. Times are a changin' and so are
    the moneychangers.

    BTW, I have always thought, and still do, the paperwork required to report is dumb as it gets. Where are the tree huggers when you really need them? Go figure.

  14. "Bernie O'Hare said...

    I am preparing a post to identify those who are obviously trying to buy influence.

    9:05 PM"

    where's the BEEF?

    who's contributing to the DISTRICT JUDGE's RACE?

    We know MOnahan is being backed by at least one wealthy landdeveloper. I repeat...


  15. "Bernie O'Hare said...

    I am preparing a post to identify those who are obviously trying to buy influence.

    9:05 PM"

    where's the BEEF?

    who's contributing to the DISTRICT JUDGE's RACE?

    We know MOnahan is being backed by at least one wealthy landdeveloper. I repeat...


  16. Anon 6:33 PM, Dude, This post is about county council. I did not scan the DJ expense reprts. Nor did I say I would.

    I did look them over and took notes.

    I suppose you're trying to draw a Monahan-Pektor connection, but that's not what stuck me. What hit me, as it did in the primary, was the large number of attorneys who contribued. These are lawyers who will regularly appear before Monahan if elected. One argument is that they are trying to buy influence. But the other side of that coin is that these lawyers just recognize Monhan for his professional skills. take your pick.


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