Local Government TV

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

No Tax Hike For Northampton County This Year

. . . but Northampton County Exec John Stoffa is proposing a $20 MM bond for a juvenile detention center expansion, a new archives building and a new building for low-risk offenders. We need all three, and capital projects are usually financed by bond.


  1. Way to scoop the papers Bernie..Hopefully you didn't scoop Council also or they will be pissed..Good job..

  2. Tom Foolery,

    I didn't scoop the papers. I got this off the mcall web. I've linked to the article.

  3. I didn't look online..Was it in the papers??

  4. Stoffa floats a bond and he's a hero, Reibman floats a bond and he's a crook. Is it a sexual thing that you go both ways Bernie?

  5. You are making a fallacious argument. Because I opposed the Reibman bond, you conclude that I must necessarily oppose all bonds, and that's a nonsequitor.

    It is not a bond that bothers me, but the reason for it and the process used to obtain one. Before the controversial megabond over which I filed suit, Reibman had floated another bond for a juvenile justice center. I had no objection.

    I opposed the $111 MM megabond because (1) I philosophically oppose the public funding of private enterprise, and $29 MM of that bond was for that purpose; and (2) the county failed to obtain realistic cost estimates for the projects under consideration. It was in a hurry.

    That bond handed out open space grants with one hand took away greenfields for economic development with the other.

    Bonds are the proper way to finance major capital projects. But they have to be done properly and there is a big opportunity for mischief.

    I'll be watching closely. If Stoffa proposes a $20 MM bond ordinance without first obtaining realistic cost estimates required by the Debt Act, I will certainly object. If he proposes to exceed the county's debt ceiling, he will have a problem.

    But I suspect he will move deliberately and frugally and will give me no reason to object.

  6. Stoffa has continued the unbridled increase in county payroll and employees by adding 39 more positions to slop at the trough. Reibman. Stoffa. C'mon folks, there's very little difference and a still bloating county payroll is proof. SSDD.

  7. Actually, that county payroll needs to be much higher. Many employees do not earn a living wage. The average salary of a LC emplyee might actually be $10,000 higher than in NC. And when we add prisoners at such an alarming rate, that increases the need for correction officers, too. If you don't do that, you endanger both prisoners and those who guard them.

  8. Buses still run down Hamilton Street in different areas. I'll agree that the intent may not have been discriminatory. It was a bad business decision, as you say. But the impact of this change has had a discriminatory effect on small, minority-owned businesses. A city council candidate claims this has actually helped other businesses, but offers no proof.

    Part of Allentown's problem is its image. All Pawlowski has done by his callous response to this situation, is to tarnish that image even more.

  9. So you are for bonds in which you favor the outcome or like the service funded?

    Bonds which ensure the region's economic vitality and a growing tax base for County residents to afford to live are not worthwhile? The way you pay for the buildings which you want and which may very well be needed is through a growing tax base achieved precisely by the Reibman initiative, of which the bond was a critical albeit not exclusive part.

    Finally, you cannot afford the very liberal county worker benefits --and u want salaries to rise---without a growing tax base. Or perhaps you like property tax increases?

  10. You are correct in saying that many county employees do not earn a living wage and also that they are paid in the neighborhood of $10,000 a year less than comparable
    Lehigh County jobs. Also, Social Service employee salaries are mostly funded by the Feds and State government. Paying them higher salaries has little impact on the County budget.

  11. Mr. Foolery: you like the bait of fed/state funds for 85% of the salary--but my good man--the pension, the health care benefits whack you. Raising salaries have occurred except in time of budget crisis. Which position-full time in Norco pays 10K a year? None. And if you include the 12000+ per family for health and $$$ big bucks the defined benefit pension--which no longer exists in the real world--it is a sweeeet deal.

    We need more eco devo bonds if you liberals are going ratchet up salaries!

  12. Anon 2:18,

    The only jobs produced as a result of the Reibman initiative are at LVIP VI, and that involved the destruction of greenfields. Moreover, the lots there were sold before the county ever gave the $1 MM requested for infrastructure. In south Beth, that bond money was intended for offices and jobs, not another Lou Pektor luxury condo special. The idea was to attract 30,000 high paying tech jobs, not a casino.

    Having made this point, I appreciate the efforts of those who felt differently. Perhaps you are right and I am wrong.

  13. Bernie: We are right and by 2012 or so there will be 30,000 new jobs created. Moreover, if properly constructed public infrastructure would have allowed other projects to come to fruition county-wide, though the goal was to redevelop the largest brownfield in US history--according to the EPA. Indeed it will happen someday--so the investment was worth it-to ensure services can be provided by well paid and big time benefited county employees. Results are a decade away but you will see how economic development investments are part of a historical consensus ensuring our success. Remember the railroads were not privately funded!

  14. Are many county jobs going unfilled? The current compensation package seems adequate to attract the quality of worker we've grown accustomed to in government.

    Current NC employees join the legions of people who complain about their compensation. At one time I worked a job that didn't pay enough to provide for my family. I improved my skill set and found a better job. I know it's revolutionary, but it worked for me.

    My late father always said that if you're smart enough to know you're underpaid, you're probably smart enough to find a better paying job.

    There are some very smart people working on Walnut Street. Don't let the government center door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. I hear they pay much better in Allentown.

  15. Anon 3:12,

    I sincerely hope that time proves you were right and I was wrong. I mean that.

  16. Bernie and Mr. Foolery: where in the non government world do employees choose their doctors; have everything paid for beyond most 1/2% copayment based on their salary so the lesser paid pay less; go to the best specialists for a moderate co-payment; get dental care and pay $8 for a prescription?

    Please let me know so I can sign up....and young workers (in my industry) do not even know what a defined benefit pension is because they do not exist unless you were a steel employee who had one chopped.

    Sure everyone wants to be paid more, but do not weep for the well paid Norco employees. Please send me a sign up form for their health, dental and pension plan!

  17. Anonn 7:16

    As someone who has been working since age 16, I agree with your overall point. I have worked for decades and worked to better my situation. There is a caveat and that is some people work very hard, some people take classes get new training and the opportunities are not there. In this law of the jungle global economy, employers are driving costs to the bottom and forcing us all to do more for less. I wish the formula was as simple and straight forward as you present it. It worked for you and me but I have seen some folks who have played by the rules broke their backs but still got screwed. I happen to believe that is wrong and hurts us all as a society.
    Just my opinion.

  18. Anon 8:29,

    I agree that NC workers have a good benefit package. It's not as good as it used to be, but is still better than most. The fact that other workers may or may not have these benefits is an indication of the increasing divide between the haves and have nots in this country. As CEOs routinely make 10,000 times as much as the employees in a company, it's no shock that bottom liners attempt to screw the little guy. Because it's happening everywhere else is no justification for allowing that bad practice to seep into the public sector.

    And the pay is below the poverty line in many cases. That should not be. People who work hard should be compensated adequately, whether it's in the public or private sector. Shareholders can get by with a slightly smaller dividend. CEOs can do without $5 MM bonuses every time they fart.

    What has happened to the average American worker is obscene.

  19. No serious observer of the US can deny your portrait, Bernie; however, tell all of us which position is paying 10K for full time County work?

    And Bernie, benefits have never ever been better. In a world where most people are paying hundreds of dollars a month and 20% above the deductible--Norco employees are on ez street. When was it better than their current state?

    Your right wing buddy Angle does not even dare challenge their sweet deals.

  20. About five years ago, when the benefits were better and the pay was actually higher, judged by present dollars. And even then, many were in the poverty level.

  21. So, Under that dastardly Glenn Reibman, life was better for County workers? Tell that too ur right wing nut case Angle!

  22. Things were better under Glenn Reibman . . . until he decided to freeze wage hikes, reduce benefits and lay off workers. And Stoffa inherited a very disgruntled workforce, some of whom will never feel good about the county again.

  23. That was the effects of a recession, but please what benefits were cut? And remember he had raised every single pay grade county wide prior to the 01-02 recession. However, it's nice to see you say nice things about Glenn

  24. The effects of a recession? At a time when the economy was booming under Clinton? Are you out of your mind? The county had to make a $10MM payment on the bond debt service.

    During that time, Reibman cut benefits by increasing the copays that employees had to make for medical care.

  25. Bernie u r not out of your mind, just have problems with dates and history. The recession was under Bush.

    The copayment increases were miniscule and would be welcomed by any private sector employee. This after benefits were expanded under Reibman; salaries across the board increased; and the future financial and economic viability of the region secured by the bond payment.

    The tax increase and salary freezes were because of the slowdown of revenue growth combined with the pension (u so ignore) increases necessary when the market tanked!

    Not out of my mind, simple very accurate in my historical recollection. Something you obviously ignore.

  26. There was no recession. Copays were increased, and they weren't miniscule to the employees making them bc they don't get paid that much to begin with. People were laid off. Wages were froxzzen and remained that way for several years until Stoffa could sort it out. I am aware whjen Bush became prez. I am also aware that you are trying very hard to justify Reibman's abuse of county workers.

  27. Abuse of County workers? For an informed citizen, you really are ignorant of your history:Benefits were expanded by Reibman; salaries increased. Perhaps because you only became informed about County affairs in 2000.

    There was recession in 00-01. Look up fed minutes if u must--2 consecutive quarters of negative growth. The market did tank. There was 9/11. The pension for those lucky defined benefit employees needed to be secured in a fiscally responsible manner.

    To say Reibman abused employees is to spew non-sequiturs and bald face lies worthy of only Ron Angle and his ilk. I am indeed surprised by you.

  28. Dude,

    Bush did enter office during Reibman's tenure. I stand corrected about that. There are numerous ways to define recession. The definition you use is tied to the stock market, and that definition is not universally accepted. Most economists would disagree that we were in a recession after 9/11, although stocks suffered. You just diminish yourself when you start calling people liars. Isn't that what you complain Angle does?

    Now Reibman laid off 127 workers, ordered department heads to cut budgets by 20%, increased copays on health plans and froze wages for three of his last years in office. At the same time, he raised county taxes 66% over two years. Even if we were in recession, did it last three years?

    Morale was in the tank under Reibman, and Stoffa inherited a mess. For some workers, it is too late.

  29. For ther record "dude" I used what economists and the Federal Reserve call a recession--2 straight quarters in which GDP falls.

    The implication for public policy on a state, local and federal level is declining revenue- aka tax dollars. Yet costs--salaries, benefits, pensions and interest payments rise. Hence the necessity of all but 3 counties in PA to raise taxes and nearly 3/4 of the states.

    And yes to say Reibman abused employees is a lie. Salaries were universally increased. Benefits expanded. The pension protected. And I would add--employee expansion way overboard as he capitulated to the courts and those who believe that 85% reimbursement is justification to saddle taxpayers with pension and benefit costs.

    Say many things about Reibman, but "abuse" is certainly not one of them. Abuse, my friend, is handpicking which salaries should go up and down (Seyfried vs Boscola and court admin-she won); not providing the vision necessary to ensure basic services performed by a fairly compensated workforce with benefits which are the envy of all non County workers.

  30. As someone who works at the courthouse, I can tell you with some degree of certainty that workers felt abused and ignored by Reibman. He liad them off, froze their pay and reduced their benefits. He was unavailable to his worforce. And that's why he didn't even make it out of the primary.

  31. He did freeze salaries; modestly ---even embarrasingly low--increased co-payments and laid off workers after his binge hiring in 2000 and 2001.

    There was no rationale except requests from department heads and the courts who always look to expand their feifdoms to increase staff.

    This all in contrast to the years 98, 99, 00 and 01 in which salaries rose; benefits expanded; pension payments increased!

    I am sure some workers, especially those laid off, felt abused. However to say Reibman abused employees just doesnt stand the light of truth.

    And he lost the primary because he ran one of the dumbest campaigns ever.

  32. Annon 1:32

    Finaly another soul who debates BO's take on the Age of Reibman. If Reibman had it to do over I know he would not have frozen wages, but it would have meant a higher tax increase for a contentious Council and Mr. Angle to approve. During his tenure pay increased and Dental coverage was finally given. Fiscal forces and directors pushed for a layoff and freeze. I wonder if Mr. Mazzioti told Stoffa he had to cut personnel costs if you would be saying Dept. heads have to suck it up.
    Also other then his appointed Cabinet I am unaware of payfreezes for three years in a row. If you are referring to the 'Residual Unit' that was their call and their unions. The year after the freeze everyone, even those at the end of their payscale got a raise.
    I know you put great stock in a few of the county hotheads but some of your assertions are just not factual or very strained to say the least.
    Mr. Stoffa has already increased what employees pay for their heathcare is he also a 'bad guy' or just cleaning up the mess. At some point, whats good for the goose must be good for the Stoffa.
    Whoever the other annon commenting is they are very knowledgable re: facts. He is right Reibmans campaighn was poor, party because he was too nice a guy to run ad's highlighting Stoffas managemnet record.

  33. Bernie was baptized into the Angle cabal. It is why his late entry to knowing the County precludes facts. He may be right about some employees who felt put upon, but it is because they forgot they had salary boosts, benefit expansion and a secure pension which increased benefits to retirees.

    The Age of Reibman looks grand compared to the Age of Absence, Confusion and Rule by the Morning Call better known as the stoffa administration--btw does he have one?

  34. Anon 6:57, 5:36, etc.,

    While you are eating your sour grapes here, I was at a county council meeting, and guess what? REIBMAN wasn't there! That's right, folks. He lost. He deserved to lose. The voters detested him. The better man won. Now I could understand all the crying and sniveling right after the election, but it's two years now! Get over it! If you want, I'll set up an intervention with Dr. Phil.

  35. Bernie: this is not sour grapes. It is historical reality. And u did not start attending county council meetings until mid 2000.

    Dr. Phil intervention is and was needed for ur bud Ron Angle. Instead u encouraged his antics and obstructionism.

    This is about Stoffa and his age of benign neglect. And it is about refusing to let you and others distort history by alleging abuse of workers by Reibman; misinforming new residents to the history of norco government; and it is about standing up to the Morning Call and its robotic tool, known as Stoffa.

    You still have not given one example of a full time poverty salary in the county--because they do not exist!

  36. Sadly, there are a number of jobs below the poverty level. And many more below the living wage level. I have not provided an example bc I don't have them at my fingertips and I want to be right. I went over it last year with a county worker who hads the data. I'll get the info next week and post it as a separate blog.

    I actually started attending council meetings in the 90's. I became a regular in 2000. That's seven years.

    The election is over. Time to move on.

  37. I look forward to your blog posting of poverty wage full time jobs as I do not believe they exist.

    Living wage jobs are hard to find in any sector these days and you know that. The posts by u and foolery site poverty level jobs in Norco. And that is false. Again, when you add the family or single person health care cost plus the defined benefit pension--most private sector workers would jump for those jobs.

    Your familiarity and prominence began in 2000. I am glad u still attend council meetings so u can witness the absurdity of ur buddy Angle.

    The election is over. That is not the point. History is.

  38. Your familiarity and prominence began in 2000. I am glad u still attend council meetings so u can witness the absurdity of ur buddy Angle.

    Prominence? What the hell are you smoking? All I am is one person who is interested in good government. And I like to write. I have no political ambition and don't consider myself prominent, especially as I sit in my estate atop the nazareth Army Navy.

    As far as Angle is concerned, I'm glad he's there. So are most people except the most rabid partisans.

    I look forward to your blog posting of poverty wage full time jobs as I do not believe they exist.

    They will be posted next week. This LANTA thing botheres me and I want to cover the elections, but this is something you should see in black and white. There were several full time employees on the county payroll living below the poverty level under Reibman's tenure.

  39. Ad hominem attacks are something I believed your blog eschewed. I don't smoke anything. I leave that for you and yor Angle-philes.

    And your modesty belies the prominent lawsuits which you filed delaying initiatives of great import to the county.

    Interesting, you now state they jobs were poverty under Reibman, so they do not exist today? And u better get the per taxdollar cost of benefits and health when u calculate!

  40. Bernardo, I think this turned into a great give and take. Somewhere down the road, maybe after the new year I think you should consider a thread on the Stoffa two years and the Reibman Admin.
    You are clear about your position on Reibman as you are on Stoffa. Yet it is refreshing to note others seeing that history was a bit more nuanced than you acknowledge. You do in fact take snarky shots at Reibman while praising Stoffa. Praise that is much akin to praising a bird for flying, a dog for sniffing or a worm for crawling.
    Just a thought.

  41. I'll take you up on that. After the new year, I'll do a comparison.

    Reibman is a gentleman, but was a bad county exec. The whole idea of department heads begging him to freeze wages and engage in layoffs is completely laughable. Even Reibman's good friend and ally, would have to disagree with that. He actually conducted a pool party for campaign contributors as people's cars floated away in the aftermath of a hurricane. he not only froze wages, but cost of living benefits, too. County employees lost their homes when he was exec. If I'm taking snarky shots at Reibman, I apologize. But his record is his record. Now some anons have challenged me, and claim history is on their side. So I think your suggestion is a good one. Things were very bad under Reibman, and it goes way beyond how he treated employees. He should never have been a county exec. He suffers from a physical condition that nearly resulted in him losing his job as a teacher. In the much more demanding role of county exec, that problem hampered him even more. I don't doubt his good intentions and think he was excellent on county council. But he was a bad exec. I'll lay it out after the new year. Who plans a prison complex knowing it will be full the moment it is built? Who decides to destroy a state of the art archives building, forcing the county to build a new one? Who sells the parking lot at Governor Wolf, but keeps the building? Who enters into a goofy lease at two times the going rate with a campaign contributor? Who let the contract for the county fleet lapse without getting a new one? I won't blame him for Solomon, who was very bright and hid what he was doing. Late next week, I will post the truth about people at the poverty level under Reibman's tenure. And next year, I will compare Reibman to Stoffa.

    I know you don't like Stoffa, and that's fine. And I actually do like Reibman as a person and he was always kind and encouraging to me. I will credit Reibman with trying to include more diversity in local government.

  42. You are a serial distortionist wrapped in the ersatz cloak of blogging.

    And what the hell are u talking about Reibman's health? Sad pathetic attack. Sleep apnea runs in their family.

    I look forward to your thread next year. In the meantime:

    1)The prison was designed by the Courts. Their consultants etc.
    2)Pool parties while stuff floated in a flood? Hmmmm guess Reibman should have declared authority over Easton. Then u could call him fascist.
    3)The other trifling things u go on an on about are snarky snipes ignoring substantial positive changes.
    4)Solomon couldnt do anything without Reibman's consent.
    5)In short, He was the only County executive who actually did something with his office--modernized departments; expanded county benefits; did not short change the pension; and his economic stuff is precisely the kind of stuff Rendell became governor on.

    It's ur blog so thread away. But some people will not allow u to go unchecked in your insulting attacks and misrepresentations. History deserves better.

  43. Whether it runs in the family or not, narcolepsy seriously handicapped him in office.

    1) Obviously. But Reibman knew that it was inadequate and went ahead anyway. That was one of the criticisms.

    2) The county does have authority in these situations. Reibman had declared a state of emergency. The 911 center was going nutz.

    3) OK.

    4) I won't blame Reibman for Solomon.

    5) Wow! Another Rendell. Just yesterday, Morganelli was clkaiming that he's another Rendell. There's a lot of folks woh thing they're Rendell.

    In truth, the only time anything happened under Reibman was when Hickey did it. Often, Reibman was literally asleep at the switch. Early next year, I will do a comparison of Reibman and Stoffa. You can split me apart then, too.

  44. If the only time something happened was when Hickey did it, does that mean everything? So Hickey is to blame for the problems. I know you like Jim, even if you disagree with him. But BO that is a problem when you like someone you really like someone and see what you want, eg. Hickey, Stoffa and Angle. When you don't like someone you see or don't see what you want. No one can deny you are a decent guy who obviously cares a grerat deal but you do cherrypick and sometimes twist history based on personalities. Not as bad as Owens-Deegan but still it happens.

  45. To add to the last post. I believe a few good things happend during those eight years beyond Mr. Hickeys accomplishments.

  46. That's a fair criticism. I try to be fair, but almost always have a point of view, especially when it comes to NC. And when I like someone, I do tend to really like them, just like you say. I'll try to be fair when I post my comparison. And I will say that although I dislike Glenn as a county exec, I always liked him on a persaonal level. I do think he is a good man.

  47. BO, attacking Glenn's health is beneth you. Angle would make fun of it at meetings but you are not Angle. Ron is a smart county councilman but he is also displays the symptoms of a sociopath, should he resign?
    All's fair in etc... but I really don't think we should go there.

  48. Anon, It certainly is no personal attack. I never heard Angle make fun of it but maybe did not realize it as it happened. From what I'm told, Reibman would doze off during crucial meetings. I believe it affected his performance, and that makes it relevant. It might be part of the reason why he suddenly stopped attending CC meetings.

  49. bernado: ur distortions continue....and ur love of hickey who was chosen by solomon is intersting...u r bizarre and have no standing/

  50. Sure, I'm bizarre. Everyone knows that. But the info re Reibman is right on the money and from a highly reliable source. That's no reflection on Reibman personally and I sure don't mean it that way. But his narcolepsy prevented him from being an effective administrator. He fell asleep at times when he should not have fallen asleep. I only discovered that he had this condition recently, or I would have mentioned it before. It's highly relevant. I think we have the right to expect that our county exec is mentally alert at all times, especially during a meeting with his own staff. I don't believe I'm distorting a thing here. In fact, Reibman's condition was hidden from the public, and that's a real distortion. I wouldn't be troubled if he hid some irrelevant physical malady but nodding off at inappropriate times is not a very good quality in a county exec.

    I'm sorry if what I say is bothering you. I really am bc I've had ebough discussions with you to respect your opinion. But I think this is relevant.

  51. BO: u may have stepped in a wasteland of such repulsion no decent person can even acknowledge u as a serious person===blasting someone for sleep apena is so low you deserve the fate of ur father's death--slow and painful.

  52. Then if u think sleep apena hindered Reibman--then move to impeach his cousin since he suffers the same. i always had some respect for u. Now i know ur a repugnant slug deserving of disdain.

    Sleep apnea never affected his ability. And u should no better.

    You are beneath contempt.I am so surprised anyone would go as low and despicable as this...truly i thought u a better man.. but u as a son of a chronic alcoholic who held public office and u r an admitted drug addict perhaps u a projecting.

    i will pray for u tonight since i thought so much more of ur despicable soul

  53. Anon 7:19 & 7:24,

    Getting a little melodramatic now, aren't we? I think it is a relevant consideration, and Reibman should have disclosed this condition publicly before he ever ran for office. This is narcolepsy, excessive daytime sleepiness. According to what I've read, people with narcolepsy should avoid jobs that require them to be alert for long periods of time. County exec clearly falls in that category. Thus, Reibman's disability did hinder his effectiveness.

    Judge Reibman suffers from narcolepsy? Fortunately, a judge can more or less set his own schedule. A county exec does not have that luxury.

    I don't understand the histrionics on your part. I don't think I'm saying anything horrible or that is contrary to anything I've read on the subject.

    Incidentally, sleep apnea and narcolepsy are two different things. Sleep apnea occurs when someone stops breathing in their sleep. Reibman's condition is narcolepsy - excessive daytime sleepiness. People w/ narcolepsy will fall asleep at inappropriate times and places.

    I'm sure that Reibman can be very effective at many things. But he should never have assumed the burden of leading the county and a $400 million budget. That's a high pressure job, and it probably was very difficult for him and just worsened his physical condition.

    I mean no disrespect and don't believe in personal attacks. I know you've construed this as such, but I don't mean it that way at all. I'll forget the nasty thing you said about my dad because I know I made you angry, and I apologize for upsetting you. But I do think this is relevant.

    If Stoffa was diagnosed with an illness that hampered his effectiveness, I'd consider that relevant, too. Settle down. I'm sorry I upset you. Nobody is reading comments on an older blog except for you and me.

    If you'd like me to delete all these comments, I will do so bc I doubt Reibman will ever run for county exec again. But if he did, I would think a physical impediment that impacts his effectiveness is fair game.

    Now settle down and have a martini on me.

  54. Bernie: i dont drink martinis. And I know both the judge and former exec and u r right they suffer from narcolepsy. However, I have never ever seen them suffer it during the daytime hours or when their concentration was focused.

    And yes as a friend of long standing with their family, i found ur comments audaciously disrespectful, ignorant and malicious.

    I thought bette of u and i have know all including jeanetter for almost 25 years.

    In no way, did glenn's narcolepsy hinder his performance. Please there is enuf to criticize without going there.

    I have, albeit reluctantly, returned to ur blog since i am the one who told ur peeps about the riff raff comment regarding hamilton.

    Please defend ur opinons but dont attack good people's condition. U would not want ur family attacked--and that is not histrionics. It is grace.

  55. Anon 7:33,

    I'm glad to have heard from you. Once again, I apologize for having upset you. That was not my intent. Although I might be highly critical of what people in office do or say, I really do abhor personal shots.

    In this case, I did not consider what I said a personal attack, and my information on whether this had an effect is a little different from what you say.

    I presented a hypothetical without names and asked three different people. One person agreed with you. One person agreed with me. A third said that, although it may be relevant, he would never mention it. My brother, incidentally, is the person who agreed with you.

    Having given it some thought over the past week, I think I was wrong to have mentioned it and apologize, not just for upsetting you, but because I was wrong. I went too far without knowing enough facts. I will try to do better, and you are right to be upset with me. In my defense, I will say I had no desire to be malicious, although I understand why you reached that conclusion. I hope you will see this apology.

    I don't believe anyone is reading this exchange except for you and me. I will be happy to delete all comments that make mention of Reibman's condition.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.