Local Government TV

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Bennett's Fundraising Problem: Too Liberal or a Phony?

The Morning Call's Josh Drobnyk gives some perspective to Congressional wannabe Sam Bennett's "paltry" fundraising efforts. Her $33,000 treasury is a drop in Dent's $459,000 bucket, and far shy of the $2 million goal she set for her campaign.

Our very own Buddha of the Blog, Chris Casey, tells Drobnyk that people perceive her as too liberal to want to give her much money. ''People here in the Valley might be registered Democrat, but a lot of them have conservative values. . . . [W]e need a moderate [candidate in place of Bennett]. People here are not into extremes.''

Actually, the antipathy to a Bennett candidacy has little to do with her ideology, at least in my case. I resent that party bosses have shoved her down our throats. And I agree with much of this reader's observations: "I hope [Dent] raises a million dollars and buries that phony. I'm a Dem who is tired of lectures by all the twenty something Dems about voting for Bennett. If she is the best we can do, I will support Dent. Why? Because even though he and I don't agree on all things, I believe he believes what he says. Bennett is pure opportunist. When you have lived in the jungle for many decades you can tell the monkeys from the lions."


  1. it's not even so much that the party bosses are trying to ram her down our throats. i suspect if the joe long's of the world were pushing don cunningham on us, no one would care. it's also not her idealogy.

    it's the fact that she's a loon.

  2. I'd have to say, Sam's fundraising ability is probably due more so to her being seen as a phony.

    That whole POM structure is seen as outrageous and exactly indicative of what voters DO NOT WANT from their legislators.

    Also add in Sam's job-hopping over the past decade and one begins to question her ability to hang around ANYWHERE and be accountable. She has NO enduring track record of success.

    To make matters worse, her handlers must be telling her to lay low over the POM issue, keep outside the local media until everything blows over.

    My hope is that NOTHING blows over the electorate any longer.

    I need Sam to be active locally NOW. I want SAM to express what the local issues are and how she will help solve them by acting on my behalf on the national level.

    I also want specifics, not just a pretty face who says essentially nothing. I no longer tolerate that.

  3. This is not important?

    Who contributed is?

    Why don't you post the names of the people who contributed each campaign Bernie? That's something we won't see in the News Paper.

    How does this represent anything?

    How does it help the middle class?

    We have to fight for the middle class because it's not a normal thing in most societies; but many like myself thinks it's an imortant thing to have!

    Are you posting this to manufacture some sort of content that average American people are behind Dent and not the other candidates. It's not a secret that the industrial military information complex has more money after they stoled it from us we the people.

  4. One of the reasons why party bosses like Joe Long were so enchanted by Bennett is because she claimed to be able to bring home the bacon. Like it or not, the amount of money a candidate can raise has a lot to do with whether he or she can get elected. So Bennett's insability to bring in the dough is quite relevant in and of itself.

    A far as where the money is coming from, that's quite important, too. Bennett's filing was not available at the FEC site, so it was impossible for me to do a "follow the money" post. I will do one later. I just checked and they still aren't available. So much for accountable Sam Bennett. She delayed filing her report because she knew people would not like it. And even now, I don't know what special interests gave to her campaign.

    If Dent's pattern continues, you will see that there are contributions from outfits like PPL and Air Products and Buckeye. You will scream Big Oil, and that's fair. But those also happen to be the businesses in Dent's district. They happen to be his constituents. What distinguishes Dent from many pols is that his pool of campaign contributors is more local than most. And usually, he relies on individual contributions as much as he does on PACs.

    Incidentally, average people are behind Dent. That's why he won. That's why he was able to win when the Lehigh Valley went for Kerry.

  5. Bernie O'Hare said... Incidentally, average people are behind Dent. That's why he won. That's why he was able to win when the Lehigh Valley went for Kerry.

    What has he done for the average people here? I need a good laugh!

    I disagree in part; Dent painted
    Joe Driscoll as an out of towner.

    I was at the debates.

    A lot of Democrats as well as Republican are very sorry that they voted for Dent. They won't make that mistake this time around!

    He's ties to Cheny, the Neo Cons, and the globalist will not benefit him here.

  6. Dent painted Driscoll as a carpetbagger because that's what he is.

    But since everyone's sorry they voted for Dent, I guess you've got nothing to worry about.


    If you had any sense, you'd devote your time and energy to making sure the LV votes for a good Democratic presidential candidate. You're spinning your wheels if you think you can put a dent into Dent. Right now, the only way he loses is if he gets caught with you, building a moat around your house.

  7. First, It is not that Bennett is too liberal or because she has forced down our throats. It is that she is a bad candidate. Some people were born to run for election and some were born to be a supporter and behind the scenes person. Bennett is a great organizer of GOTV and a great support person. She is a not a good candidate.

    Second, in response to Anon 7:13, people need a reason not to vote for Dent. Bennett has not given them a reason. People will continue to make the same mistake until they have a reason not to make that mistake. If it was such a mistake in 2004, why did they do it in 2006?

    The only mistake was the Democrats picking Bennett as the choice this time around.

  8. Good Grief...

    If Dent is tied to Cheney, the Neo Cons, and the globalists, moderates like me are in real trouble...what will we do when election day roles around?? Gee, maybe we'll vote for that middle of the roader, Sam Bennett.

  9. Whats with all the fonts and bold type razzle-dazzle. This must be the new war on the blogs launched by Sams Stromtroopers. Is she a liberal is she a conservative or is she just a kook? No one seems to know. Talk to some folks around her and they admit she has never had much of a heavy take on anything but her future.
    You guys are investing a lot of faith in the 15th voters hating Bush so much they will take down Dent. I just don't see it. She will get her 45-47% for showing up in a contentious year, maybe as high as 48%. She will assume that proves how great she is and challange Cunningham for Gov.
    Dudes get a grip. BO could pull at least 45% as the Dem candidate. Forget it if a Green party candidate surfaces; then I give Bennet 42-44% tops.

  10. I think I'd get 46%. I did a poll this morning.

  11. Yo, BO that was a Severson poll and I don.t trust the results.

  12. True, it was a Severson poll that had me running against no one. No one still beat mt, but not by much.

  13. Sam is in so much trouble because the left wing of the party makes up maybe 15 to 20% of Democratic voters in the 15th district. The vast majority of Democrats in the 15th district are true moderates and in some cases semi-Libertarian. They don't want Lorretta sanchez as a congresswoman and that's more or less what Bennett is

  14. In Easton she has made her Properties of Merit Award so political its pathetic. AND guess what - for a Republican. Yep, The Mayoral Repub candidate is on her Board. Looking for votes he nominated C-Town and Las Delicias both on the southside. WOW. Please, someone tell me how these were nominated other than Bertsch looking for the Hispanic vote. C-town did one thing -- the installed new signs that emblazzon C-Town so large and ugly that its a disgrace. And Las Delicias, give me a break, its in a small strip mall known for the selling of drugs, dirty windows and filth. Bertch must be deperate and Bennett -- more.


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