Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Campaign Sign Time Again!

Just as the arrival of robins tell us it's spring, the first campaign sign signals the end of summer. A dark, dreary winter is just a few weeks away. I spotted my first sign yesterday, along Route 248 near its intersection with Route 33. It was still there a day later.


  1. these were the first along any roads I have seen as well. The very same spot.

    Not counting homemade Ron Paul signs.

    Since no one counts Ron Paul.

  2. I'm not putting mine out until October 1st.

  3. I can't stand these signs.

    Well, let me make that more clear...

    I don't mind when you see ONE sign representing a person campaigning for whatever. But when you see 5, 6, 7, 8, and more in a row along the road side, it makes me sick.

    Such a waste...

    And what's even worse is when these signs remain long after the given date to remove them from our Valley landscape. That rule (or whatever it is) needs to be followed.

    Sorry, I'm ranting... I'll stop now.

  4. In 2005 there was still a Rendell 2002 sign lying along 22 west near Hanover twnsp.

    It was standing and fading until 2004!

    That may have been my personal record holder. Althought I loved bumperstickers of failed Easton mayoral candidates and presidential elections over the years.

    In the Poconos I saw a Perot 92 sticker on the back of a sign. In Easton a Clinton Gore 96 heading to southside.

    Oh and a Jeep with a Ron Angle and Nader LaDuke stickers on its front bumper. lol

  5. Peg Ferraro will be County Executive in January 2010.

  6. I've seen them our for judges in Lehigh county since the middle of aug

  7. 12:47 Despite years on Council and party chair, Peg got only 37% in the last Exec race. She's a nice lady but not an executive. Rather see her as Council President in January 2008 and again in 2010.

  8. First she has to win a seat on county council.

    I don't think she'll be president of county council. I think it will be Grube, who has impressed the hell out of me this year. I owe him an apology. I thought he should have stepped down, but he has been very fair as council prez, and has called things right down the middle. When Grube is ready to step down, she'll take over.

  9. So you predict a continued Dem majority? Councilmen elect Maher and McClure?

  10. No matter how much Severson tries to slime Angle, Ron will win. He's tried it here, and people don't even pay attention to the smears any more. People have already made up their minds about Ron. They either love him or hate him, and nothing anyone says will change that in the slate belt. Angle will win big, unless Severson finds those pictures of Ron and me from a few years ago in that hotel room in Little Rock.

    McClure will win, not because he deserves to win, but because his Republican opponent has no money and is not campaigning.

    Ferraro will kill Tony Branco, a very nice guy, but in way over his head with Peg.

    Dowd and McHale will easily win re-election although I'm very disappointed in Ann's "Nice guys finish last" remark.

    The council will be a 5 to 4 Dem majority. Team Dertinger will start losing its grip on a disfunctional council as more people start seeing them for the partisans they are.

    I expect Stoffa to be able to accomplish much more with this new council bc Grube is no longer willing to let Team Dertinger sway him. I suspect council will improve.

  11. Please, tell me who will beat Peg Ferraro in a County Executive Race?

  12. Peg should not seek that office. I don't think it's a right fit for her and I think the voters would agree. I'm prepared to be told differently, but give me some reasons.

  13. The Real Ron Angle as per Bill White:
    "He is a destructive influence whose antics make rational discussion of issues almost impossible. He thrives on a circus atmosphere that makes it very difficult to accomplish anything. He will say or do anything to get the spotlight and throw an opponent off balance. He ends up costing the taxpayers thousands of dollars in extra legal fees." Morning Call writer Bill White (May 15, 1997).

  14. Hey, Tom Severson! When are you gonna' learn that going negative on Angle just doesn't work. People just ignore your rants. Furthermore, Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  15. That's a flip response to Bill White's assessment of RA. Does Bill have Ron wrong? I have always been curious as to your kid glove approach to him.

  16. It's a flip response because it's the obvious work of a political consultant. Even Bill White doesn't carry his clippings from back in '97. Somebody, probably Severson or John Maher, is trying to dig up dirt to throw at Ron. Big deal.

    Maher has already been warned that the worst thing he could do is throw mud at Angle. That will just piss people off because everyone in District 4 knows Ron. They've already made up their mind.

    As far as the substance of what Bill wrote is concerned, it is a criticism made before Angle had served two terms on county council. But it's still a fair criticism. Ron can be divisive. Everybody knows that. But he is also the most effective county councilman I have ever seen. Nobody can ask questions like him, not even the most skilled trial lawyer.

    Does he have flaws? You bet. But I'll take nine Ron Angles over the crew on council in a heartbeat.

  17. NINE RON ANGLES!! The final seal has been broken and the legions of Hell are converging in Northampton County. Fortunately there is non-pol-pol John Stoffa saying Hell is not nice, promising a new and better Hell, getting an Easton Excess trophy and saving Earth once again. But we still have 9 Ron Angles.

  18. It's so unfortunate that the courts have disallowed local control over political signs. I am working on the Panto campaign and he has specific guidelines as to when they go up (not before 30 days prior to election), where they can go, and strict rules about places they cannot be placed. And the sign chairman keeps a log of every sign that is placed and the volunteers taks them down the day after election. I was impressed.


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