Local Government TV

Monday, August 27, 2007

Who Is This Woman? Why, It's The Express Times' Sarah Cassi!

On Friday, I asked you to name the person pictured on the left side of this blog, giving you these hints: 1) She's sassy but kinda' classy; 2) I talk about her all the time, and once devoted an entire post to her; 3) She needs combat pay; and 4) Her restraining order against me recently expired.

J. Spike: "I vote for Bernie's Shrink!"

Lehigh Valley Housewife: "She looks young, so I am going to guess LOLV."

Chris Casey: "[S]he does look familiar. Is she on an oversight board?"

I was hoping to build the suspense all weekend, but was too sloppy. As one anonymous commenter pointed out, "I just right clicked on her picture and her name Sarah came up with jpg."

I was a little surprised by the person who first correctly identified Sarah Cassi, the Express Times reporter assigned to cover Northampton County government. It was Michael Molovinsky, who remembers Sarah from her days at The Allentown Times. A Penn State grad, Sarah also covered Phillipsburg N.J. for the Express Times before being assigned her most dangerous mission.

Voting rights activist Dr. Alan Brau was the first person to identify her on the blog, and he saluted her investigative reporting regarding Advanced Voting Solutions.

She's a very good reporter. Part of the reason for that is her competition, The Morning Call's Joe Nixon. I tried getting his picture, too, but he kept ducking.


  1. Thanks Bernie for salute to Sarah!

    Maybe Sarah wants to poke around a little with what I wrote partially deep down in your last Joe Long blog following her story in E-T?

    "problem is on the horizon unless you and others will contact Bethlehem elected officials. PROBLEM IS: Joe Long is up for a new 5 (that's five) year term on my beloved Bethlehem Housing Authority "this" November! He has been a disaster "posing" as a public servant. He has no clue what public service means! If he is nominated by Mayor Callahan, City Council should refuse to confirm is my strong opinion!

    Maybe another blog for you guys that care about community? Thanks for your services. larry@kisslinger.com and my number is in phone book if you want to chat about "real" public service."

  2. Larry,

    Thanks for your kind words re Sarah. I can assure you that the Norco machine, rusty as it may be, will be addressed next week. It stands for government behind closed dorrs, from Joe Long to Lamont McClure, and this needs to be pointed out. And I will call you tomorrow.

  3. So why don't you guys make a public plea to Callahan to pursue other possible candidates for the BHA?

  4. Chris,

    Although I'm no Bethlehem resident, I intend to do that. Long represents everything that is wrong with government, from back room dealing to attempts to reward political contributors. He promotes candidates who share his penchant for insider dealing while excluding those who endorse open and transparent government. I will never support any candidate who relies on him.

    Joe Long is a liability to local Dems. Instead of attracting votes and candidates, he's losing them. I will never view the local Dem party as a party of reform so long as he is part of it. He needs to be removed from any position in government and from the party as well. I'll have more later this week about Long and a few of his cronies.

  5. Chris Casey: That's exactly what I'm asking others to do! I already advised the Mayor and Council President Schweder when I resigned BHA at January reorganization. I told them because of Joe Long and his lack of public service knowledge. My mild "public comment"
    then was all at BHA needed better communications with each other, tenants and public. In other words no back room stuff and dictates. Has always been his way or the highway. Guess which one I took?
    Who needs the crap? I made a statement so electeds in power so might take notice. With other people helping, I hope they do! larry@kisslinger.com


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