Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Nazareth Skateboarding Harassment Continues

Two boys using Nazareth's new skatepark were rudely interrupted yesterday afternoon by a summer thunderstorm. They decided to seek refuge in the park's bathroom, located about 100 yards from the skatepark, while waiting for their mom.

Naturally, these boys brought their shredsleds with them. Those things cost money. But as quickly as they stepped into the bathroom, an overzealous parks employee evicted them.

No boards allowed.

So two young teens, one of whom is afraid of lightning, were forced to sit outside, in the middle of a thunderstorm, until their mother could come and get them. I wonder whether this parks employee had a few chuckles as he forced children to endure a violent thunderstorm outdoors.

It takes a village ... Except in Nazareth ... Too many village idiots.


  1. To A.J.,

    On the bright side, those kids won't need showers tonight.

  2. This is absolutely ridiculous!

  3. and my parents wonder why i moved out of nazareth the first chance i got

  4. That picture is great, it sorta looks like Conklin.

  5. Now that's harsh, dude. But funny!He's going to think I put you up to that.


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