Local Government TV

Thursday, July 19, 2007

LC Dem Committeman Asks Bennett to Withdraw Candidacy

Chris Casey, one of a diverse coterie of bloggers at LVPoliblog, is also a Lehigh County Democratic committeeman. Congressional hopeful Sam Bennett actually kicked in $50 to his unsuccessful state legislature campaign last year. She probably should have dug a little deeper.

In a post published yesterday afternoon, Casey calls on Bennett to withdraw from the race.

"The biggest drawback is that Sam's present position excites swing voters to vote against her, and in general against the Dem ticket. It is a lot to ask a statehouse candidate to raise enough money to overcome that kind of a mountain. ... . I will not sit quietly as someone takes the Democratic party bus I have taken a seat on and drives it off a cliff into an abyss."


  1. She is not getting out until she raises about $100K. Then she can pay it all to herself when she does withdraw to pay off the debts and personal loans from her campaigns for mayor. She won't give anything to any other candidates.

  2. I'm not familiar with the rules. Is that allowed? This is a serious question.

  3. It is legal because her Congressional campaign is a federal pac and those kinds of committees can give to state and local pacs (which is what her losing mayoral campaigns were) with no limit. If her reports for those two campaigns show that she reported debts and personal loans, she can pay them off with the Congressional money and pocket it for herself.

    Just another Sam Scam.

  4. Thanks for the information. It should be interesting to see how this plays out.

  5. I don't think she's listening to Casey. I just got an email from her asking for money.


  7. Of course she is not going to listen to Casey -- or to anyone else who tells her what she doesn't want to hear or believe.

    That is just the way she is. Delusional.

    She has her game plan set and she will let it run its course until she is forced to stop.

    Asking or suggesting won't work.

    The unfortunate thing is that she will eventually crash and burn and take a lot of others with her.

  8. Anon 11:06,

    Considering the recent success of the local party, is that a bad thing? Maybe crashing on the Boss will help things move forward.

  9. This is all so ridiculous..Right now she is the only candidate. If she leaves, then who?? Some no name from nowhere?? How stupid..
    She is the candidate..Suck it up.
    This whole discussion about Bennett
    is getting old.. How about Mike Vick torturing animals..Let's talk about that..

  10. No Tom Foolery, let's not suck it up. Sam's worse than nominating a GOP hack to be the Dem nominee.

  11. .... although I am open to us ripping Vick too.

  12. Hey Tom Foolery,

    It is definitely NOT too old of a discussion. In fact, the foolishness of Sam Bennett will be like herpes.

    She will just keep coming back. She just can't help it. That's the way she is.

  13. LC Dem Committeman Asks B.O'Hair to take a ride in the skate park.

  14. Tom Foolery,

    You're usually a little more logical than this. It appears you subscribe to the "my party, right or wrong philosophy." In fact, you take it one step further. You will support Bennett even though she is not the nominee because that's what party bosses want you to do.

    What a good little doggie you are!

  15. Just read your post Bernie..That was hilarious.I am far from a party person and I agree with that old fart former Republican chairman Kisslinger that party bosses have no power. However, I am tired about people crying over Sam Bennett's decision to run.. If they don't like her running, tough crap. They should run themselves then. Or find a better candidate or just shut up already.. I happen to believe there are only a handful of dems in the valley that can beat dent. She is not one of them. Again, however, until they declare she is the candidate. She decided to run and is supported by joe long..And, so what??

  16. Unless we speak out against this continuing procession of nitwits, it is bound to continue. That's what! No pop tart for you today.

  17. Taking away my pop tart? Now that is just cruel!

  18. As we all sit quietly, Joey and the Boys plot up the next dud for 2010. Someday, we have to figure we'll get lucky once.

    Lehigh Valley Dems= Chicago Cubs?????

  19. Joe Long is going for the Phillies 10000 loss record. BO, I think I know who Tom F. is and he is no Party Guy, quite the opposite. His point is well taken. Please no more, Oh if you beg me I'll run. Step up. I think Sam is a horrible candidate, I wish Orloski would announce again. In fact, I am not interested in a candidate that goes on about how humbled they are and were pulled into the race. Fire in the belly baby. Who knows the stars could align and ---. Hey, if an incompetent goof like Stoffa can win, anything is possible. I still want BO to run just to go to the candidate debates and read Sam's fliers about him. Or better yet--Run,Joe Long, Run.

  20. Anon 6:47,

    You may know Tom F? Well, he's a bright dude, and I apperciate his (and your) view. We don't have to agree. I like the discussion and learn a lot.

    I'll give his pop tart back. That was cruel. But he's got this wrong. Just because Bennett has "fire in the belly," that does not mean she should run.

    If she stays in the race, what she will do is draw votes away from Democrats seeking seats in the state house. She certainly will draw money that could be spent on those campaigns.

    So I'd actually rather see no one run than See Bennett run. In the meantime, if someone else who does have that fire in the bell steps forward, so much the better.

  21. Tom Foolery said: Just read your post Bernie..That was hilarious. I am far from a party person and I agree with that old fart former Republican chairman Kisslinger that party bosses have no power.
    old fart says: will you please, at the very least, call me a SMART old fart who knows what is going on in local political circles? Also, some day Foolery might just get old enough to be an old fart! guess we'll never know since hides identity like many chicken shits here and blogs elsewhere. Also,
    please stop trying to get Bennett out of the campaign for Congress so my guy, Charlie Dent, can steamroll her, Longy poo and his "experts", without effort.


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