Local Government TV

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Who's LVDem??

Every now and then, I manage to convince myself I'm a brilliant politcal analyst. I'll spout off strategy on congressional and local races. Then I read your comments. One message comes through loud and clear.

I'm an idiot.

LVDem, unlike me, is probably the closest thing we have to a political strategist in the Lehigh Valley blogosphere. His new job keeps him busy, but I'm always happy to see one of his posts or comments.

So who is this anonymous blogger?

As lousy as I am at analysis, I'm a pretty good spy. In fact, I did some freelancing for the Bush admin right before it decided to invade Iraq. And now, I've solved the mystery. Here's LVDem, captured on film!

I caught him saying this. "I like big butts and I can not lie, You other brothers can't deny, That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist ..."


  1. Bernie!

    1) LVDem is a God/Goddess. He/she is not a mere mortal.

    2) Actually, I picture LVDem being a super cyborg, part cosmic computer and part human.

    P.S. Jim Hickey called me the other day. After we concluded our business, he marveled at the fact that no one has shot you yet. Like me, he's a daily fan of your blog! And he truly admires the fact that no one has taken you out on a rowboat, shot you 16 times, wrapped your dead body in heavy chains, and then tossed you overboard.

    Bernie Takes NO Prisoners

  2. BTNP!

    Hickey knows damn well I've been shot. He's shot me himself several times. And it really hurt. He's even thrown me off the courthouse roof.

    But like Michael Myers, I keep getting up. I'm the bogeyman with a bugernose.

  3. Bernie!

    Hickey and I both admire what you do and we especially admire what you manage to get away with!

    Before he hung up, as monkeys flew out of his ass, he said, "I'll see you on Bernie's blog."

    1) Keep pissing people off. That's why we love you.

    2) If Obama deserves Secret Service protection, you deserve double! (That means a Secret Service dude in the shower with you, your inflatable girlfriend, your trained chimpanzees, your Love Lube supplier, your bi-sexual next-door neighbor who's a steroid-chugging bodybuilder, and the rubber chicken farmer who just happens to be in this country illegally.)

    I am not worthy!!
    Bernie Takes NO Prisoners

  4. BTNP!

    It is only thanks to people like you and Darth that this blog is interesting. You're the ones who give it life. I just argue with myself most of the time.

  5. Bernie!

    You are a very humble "trouble maker." Which only proves just how great you are.


  6. wow... you too need help. I love the line about the rubber chicken farm who happens to be here illegally. That sounds like a good line I would hear at the bar.

    But I will contend with you Bernie. I'm not a strategist, at least any more. I'm more of a comentator. But if anybody is looking for some strategy help, I'm pretty cheap... couple beers and a good hamburger and I'm yours for the taking. Oh wait, that's what Angle said to Bernie last night.

    Thanks for the props Bernie. Now, if you'll excuse me, super cyborgs need to have the joints oiled on a weekly basis and my appointment is in 20 minutes.

  7. yo bernie!

    LVDEM is onna daguyz. He's a made dude, dude.

    Now, what's with the rumor that you and Frank Harhart have a clandestine affair takin' place?

  8. I have it on good authority that LVDem is a woman, and related to Pissed off naked Blogger.
    She also had a tragic bicycle accident on the edge of a volcano as a child, but was fortunate to be the recipient of the most successful sexual reassignment surgery ever performed.
    In the upcoming made for TV movie about his/her life struggles, Jessica Simpson has been cast to play LVDem. Christopher Walken will play Joe Long, and Harvey Keitel the role of Ron Angle, with Robin Williams as Charles Dertinger. Shirley McClaine will play Sam Bennett, and Sharon Stone will star as Jennifer Mann. I see a blog spoof in my future!

  9. Chris, you swore you wouldn't tell my life story.

    Watch your back man. Just watch your back.

  10. Bernie!

    After your post last night, I had 2 very good friends from the Valley call me up today and DEMAND that I tell them who LVDem really is!

    Like you, I have no fucking idea and I told them so.

    Both of them called me all sorts of very bad names and then hung up on me (which is basically what Lisa does to me every day, so it really didn't bother me).

    LVDem is a legend. That's all I know.

    He, she, or they have an incredible understanding of politics and a laser-beam focus on the details that matter most.

    P.S. Hickey swears to me that you "jumped off the courthouse roof" before he could save you...

    Bernie Takes NO Prisoners

  11. Geoffrey Chaucer. "The gretest clerkes ben not the wisest men."

    Who the hell knows?

  12. Please give us a hint! Is LVDem a lifelong local or from Wyoming, Rhode Island or where? Any other hints would be greatly appreciated. I don't like Anon's or stage names very much! What's the big deal identifying yourself if you have something to say, is my opinion? www.kisslinger.com

  13. I am LVDem. Your hints I'm 'Jolly' and it's polka time.

  14. Anon 7:49 PM, Thanks for the hint. I must now come "clean" and admit my deception and that I'm really Tinker Bell! www.kisslinger.com

  15. Isn't that a picture of Ice-T.

    It is indeed good to be a gangsta.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.


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