Local Government TV

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Please, Al, Run!

The Assault on Reason. Al Gore's chief complaint about the Bush administration is summed up by those four words.

Mr. Gore’s central argument is that “reason, logic and truth seem to play a sharply diminished role in the way America now makes important decisions” and that the country’s public discourse has become “less focused and clear, less reasoned.” This “assault on reason,” he suggests, is personified by the way the Bush White House operates. Echoing many reporters and former administration insiders, Mr. Gore says that the administration tends to ignore expert advice (be it on troop levels, global warming or the deficit), to circumvent the usual policy-making machinery of analysis and debate, and frequently to suppress or disdain the best evidence available on a given subject so it can promote predetermined, ideologically driven policies.
The Bush admin never lets facts get in the way of its opinions. Maybe it should try blogging! But Gore, as noted by Time's Eric Pooley, is the "perfect stealth candidate for 2008."


  1. We can only hope. He can wait to the fall to get into it.

  2. Even if Al goes all the way and is elected in 2008, it will not change the fact the Bush43 is our nation's first green president. It appears Al has a way to go before he practices what he preaches.

  3. Brian, You're right. I even snopsed that and it comes back as "true." Gore pays a premium for his electric to make sure it's derived from green sources. And the Gores, who work from thier home, lead a carbon neutral lifestyle. I think he practices what he preaches. But Bush43 deserves a lot of credit for his Texas home.

  4. Bernie, you said, "The Bush admin never lets facts get in the way of its opinions. Maybe it should try blogging!"

    It appears the administration is one step ahead of you. They are about to send out a "rapid-response" team, including bloggers, to drum up support for the fiasco of an immigration bill that's before Congress.

    See http://www.usatoday.com/printedition/news/20070524/1a_lede24_dom.art.htm

    PS Al Gore is doing much more for the country as a private citizen than he could if he were in office. Brian's comment above demonstrates that Gore is a polarizing figure. We can't afford four more years of polarization. As for Bush43 being our nation's first green president, Brian forgets that Jimmy Carter had solar panels installed on the roof of the White House. One of Ronald Reagan's first acts as president was to take 'em down. That'll show them lib'rul treehuggers! I thought presidents couldn't get any worse than Reagan. How wrong I was...

  5. I remember cardigans and fireside chats and that Carter darn near got booted from the Democratic ticket in '80. I don't remember solar panels though. Carter had enough problems with the Iranians; perhaps he didn't want to be held hostage by the energy companies as well.


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