Local Government TV

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Lehigh Valley Gas Over $3 per Gallon

Gas prices are spiralling again. The $3 per gallon bubble has finally burst in Easton. Gas prices in the Lehigh Valley range between $3.02 in Easton and $2.75 in Emmaus. You can find the cheapest gas here.


  1. And Rendell wants to add a gas tax to this?

  2. A gas tax is a good idea.

    In theory, it will reduce demand which will slow the decline of the resource. People say gasoline in inelastic but I think that will prove wrong over time when gas is 4, 5, or even 6 dollars or more a gallon on the regular. A simple understanding of the exponential function will leave you with the understanding this is only a few short years away.

    We may as well jack up the prices now artificially so we can slow the decline of the resource and use the extra cash to built the necessary infrastructure for an energy tight tomorrow.

    Allentown Joe

  3. Oil companies will never let it go too high otherwise people will start looking hard at alternatives and the incredibly underachieving
    government of ours will be forced to allow cars to be sold in this country that actually get great mileage. Look up the chrysler Smart for two vehicle. It gets 46 in the city and much more on the highway. You can't even get the car here unless you smuggle it in from canada or pay twice the retail price. What's with that crap?

  4. I agree w/ Allentown Joe and Tom Foolery. A gas tax is a good idea, ridicuolous as it sounds. Because we are peaking, we need to start learning to cut down on unnecessary driving as we switch to some other kind of fuel. And American car companies have been very unhelpful. Most of them are gas hogs.

  5. Allentown Joe,

    Would it be ok, for all the oil companies to get together and jack up the gasoline prices 400%, using your logic?

  6. The "market" determines all prices in the USA! Ever hear of supply and demand? Public demands big cars and they use lots of gas. Libs won't let USA drill for oil anywhere because snail darters and other animals will be endangered. Folks think they "need" bottled water, & other nonsensical items, many of which cost more per gallon than gasoline does for cars. Stop complaining, ride a bicycle, take less car trips, car pool, take public tranportation, get rid of your car(s), but please stop complaining every time someone wants to get paid for their product or services. Answer is very simple, don't buy or use things you think cost too much for your budget! Taxes are another issue! Government officials should stop taxing everything they can get their hands on! Tax us once for everything to cover government costs and our eyes will pop out of our heads! Instead they tax everything else and pretend it is very ugly others who tax us. Guess what! All those entities that tax us merely pass the money on to our government. Did you know that all of us are now working past IRS income tax due date just to pay TAXES of all kinds and only then can we "start" buying shoes for kids & grandkids? I'm getting a headache! Go figure! www.kisslinger.com

  7. Larry!

    I think you need to double your meds and try meditating more often.

    And, yes, I know it's my turn to buy lunch next time I'm in town...


  8. Chris, Thanks for that cheerful production. That's me entire blogging salary for a year!

  9. Larry!

    1) Ignore that bastard, BTNP.

    2) Since it's his turn to buy, makle sure you call me next time he's in town.

  10. BTNP...I'm going to order most expensive items on menu when you come to town! I'll bring "all" of my meds...aspirin for my headache. O'Hare needs to be at our luncheon and, as always, you pay. Will do you good to get out of H'Burg for a while. www.kisslinger.com

  11. Larry!

    1) If I'm gonna do lunch with you and O'Hare, I gotta factor in the bail money I'll need for the both of you before, during, and after the meal.

    2) You ALWAYS order 2 of the most expensive thing on the menu!

    3) Getting out of Harrisburg is up there on my list of things to do, right after getting a lobotomy and entering the witness protection program.

    Look for me in 2 weeks...

  12. As we know by now, supply and demand are no longer the only driving forces in the oil pricing game. Speculation, hedge funds and their aggressive managers are driving futures prices skyward thus keeping the price of gasoline unrealistically high. Please close the "Enron Loophole" in the government's commodity oversight.


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