Local Government TV

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Fleck Campaign Signs Litter Easton ... and Violate State Law

I hacked my way through Easton's Mike Fleck signs Saturday night. After a brief rain, more of them seemed to pop up.

Jim Deegan, Express Times managing editor, has a terrific blog about those signs. "Someone even told me he spotted one attached to a shad reeled in near the free bridge."


  1. I was walking the dog a couple days ago in Easton. I turned for a moment and when I looked back down on the dog she had a fleck sign taped to her back and a campaign button on her. I removed them but for every one I removed, 2 popped up in its place.

    Truly confusing.

  2. You think Fleck is bad. Iwent the wrong way on a one way street in Bethlehem and there was a Reyonlds sign in front of me! HaHa.

    Hey Bernardo, happy mothers day--You mother!

  3. Thanks. People call me that all the time. Looks like Reynolds is my kind of guy. He's going after the idiot driver vote. That would include me.

  4. Fleck should shave his oversized head and have "Vote Fleck" Tattoed on the back of it. as big as his head is, it would be the biggest mobile billboard in Easton!

  5. Signs don't win elections, no matter how many a canidate posts in the public right of way. For Fleck, like many others, it has backfired immensely. Plus, he went to Federal Court to have a very common sense city ordinance overturned and now a candidate can place the signs 90 days in advance of an election and doesn't have to have them down until 21 days later. That my friends os rediculous and the original ordinance of 45 days prior to and 7 days after is more than ample.

  6. And he used Larry Otter, the same legal genious who tried to con the county into paying his bill for representing the voting registrar. I wonder how much he'll charge Easton.

  7. Signs, signs, everywhere are signs. What a great song that was back in the day. The difference in the Mayor's race in Easton is that all, and I mean ALL, of Fleck's are either in the public right of way or they have been placed on vacant properties. The way I see it, Panto, Warner, Brown and Warren have the most yard signs showing actual support and Fleck and Loane are mostly on public property. That determines the winners.

  8. Yard signs tend to reflect a candidate who's out there, knocking on doors, and asking for permission to place a sign on someone's property. It's grass roots campaigning. You have to respect that, no matter who it is.

    But Fleck has three things going for him: 1) money; 2) GOTV skills, which are grudgingly acknowledged, even by those who detest him; and 3) Jim Hickey.

  9. But come on Bernie, can you see Fleck as Mayor, and you think Hickey sold the county before with Reibman ---- you haven't seen anything til you see Fleck in action when he sells contracts for favors. I know a person on city council that spoke of the many perks Fleck would get from the consultants, etc.

  10. Anon 4:42, I just wouldn't underestimate the dude. Do Eastonites know the real Mike Fleck? If they do, he's in trouble.


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