Local Government TV

Friday, May 25, 2007

ET's Jim Deegan: Fleck Facing Charges For Illegally Dumping Campaign Signs

As the Express Times' Jim Deegan, another Fleck follower, might say, "You won't Fleckin' believe this!"
Palmer Township police cited Fleck with theft of services earlier this week for dumping campaign signs in a Dumpster outside the Auto Zone on 25th Street without permission.

Fleck says it was just a few signs and he can't believe police -- and the newspaper -- is making a big deal out of it.
Police even found bundles of Fleck's monthly paper, The Irregular, in the trash. Advertisers will be thrilled to learn their products are being promoted in dumpsters. Deegan promises details tomorrow.


  1. Bernie!

    Leave it to "Evil Eye" Deegan to dig that up! Literally!! From a fucking dumpster, no less!!!

    Rumor has it that Jim was actually the one who pointed a bazooka at Frank Keegan's smoke-sensitive neighbors in Baltimore the other night.

    Luckily, Deegan escaped in one of Martin Till's fleet of personal helicopters and the cops pinned the rap on Keegan.

    007 couldn't have done it better.

    Bernie Takes NO Prisoners

  2. BTNP!

    Fleck is a reporter's dream - a pol who keeps on giving.

  3. Bernie!

    Fleck is a moron. (And I mean no disrespect to all the morons visiting this blog... but THIS GUY really is your king!)

    I know for a fact he fucks fat girls.

    He's a very bad man. Bad, bad news.


  4. BTNP,

    That was uncalled for.

  5. Anon,

    Agreed, but so was Fleck's candidacy. This latest incident is just more proof of that.

  6. To BTNP

    No apology necessary

    all the morons

  7. There's no crime here! Fleck was just exhibiting how cost conscious he is, and how he keeps his advertising rates down.
    That auto Zone dumpster is actually an Irregular Paper Pick up box for Easton's Hungry and Homeless! They appreciate his paper too! After browsing it, they recycle it as toilet paper!
    Fleck's really providing a public service. If anything, he should be charged with cruelty.
    I'll bet those Fleck signs aren't as soft on the ass!

  8. Bernie!

    I'm just surprised that no one has exposed the Deegan/Keegan connection.

    Ever notice that you NEVER see the 2 of them together?

    Ever notice that they both "just happen" to wear the same dress size?

    Ever hear of the strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?

    This case is even stranger.

    Where there's smoke, there's fire. And where there's fire, there's usually hotdogs. Follow the buns, Bernie, follow the buns...


  9. Jim Deegan -corporate Dildo.

  10. for all of the maturity Fleck showed on election night his actions in this case takes him right back down to the level of -- well let's just say he is still the same ole same ole. The problem I have with this is that the police gave him the opportunity to remove the items and he refused.
    The way I see it the "Democratic" candidate as he billed himself only made the Panto cmap spend precious dollars they will need against the Republican Party's fundraising capabilities. What they lack in a candidate they willmake up with money -- even their chairman Blease so much as admitted that himself in the Express over the weekend.


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