Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Dan Corpora Condemns Sleaze Campaign Targeting His Foe

I've just told you that mini-judge wannabe Brian Monahan has been slammed in an anonymous mailer. He can defend himself only by violating attorney-client privilege.

Monahan has a defender. It's one of his opponents!

Here's what Dan Corpora has to say.

I have just been made aware that a second mailer was delivered today, this one is also an anti-Monahan piece. I have had no knowledge of either of these mailers, and would NEVER approve of this type of campaign.

Four years ago, I was unsuccessful in a bid for Easton's Mayor, losing by only a few votes. Many people have told me that I would have won if I had aggressively "gone after" my opponent. I would not do it then, and certainly would not do it now. That type of politics is what turns voters off from the whole process.

I respect my two opponents in this race, and hope the voters decide who they want to serve them as District Judge, not on these mailers, but on our experience, background, and commitment to our community
A class act! Very refreshing!
Update: Thanks to Lehigh Valley Housewife, I have a copy of one of these mailers. It's stamped with bulk mail permit #172, and that's registered to Pat Vulcano. Many items from different campaign have been mailed using that bulk mail permit. But Vulcano would have to authorize someone to send the flier in question, even if he never saw it. I've called Vulcano, and will tell you what he tells me.
Update #2: I don't know if any of you have ever spoken with the loquacious Pat Vulcano, but he was very helpful. He explained permit #172 is actually registered to him, his wife, the Northampton County Democratic party, and the Easton City Democratic committee. He told me Bethlehem Dems have used it and it may have been used in the last municipal race in Williams Township. Although it only happens rarely, some Republicans have used his bulk mail permit. He has no idea who sent out the negative mailers, and never authorized its use. He was never sent a receipt from the post office to indicate the number of items mailed, the cost and when they were sent. I'll have more to say tomorrow.


  1. Hmmmm... Unless Corpora is a liar or Monahan is trying reverse psychology my money is on Greene.

  2. Is this Greene related to the Blease family?

  3. My husband also received the negative mailer about Brian Monahan. Researching permit #172, it is not only Pat Vulcano's but a Democratic user permit number. I am a Republican and Pat Vulcano can attest that I did not request to use this permit or anyone associated with me.

    Having met both candidates at the two "meet the candidate nights", both Corpora and Monahan seem to be very nice individuals. When I ran for Supervisor in Williams township two years ago, I also did not engage in negative campaign tactics.

    I also agree with Dan Corpora and do not promote negative campaign tactics nor do I bad mouth either candidate. I am busy going door to door working on my own campaign in a positive manner.

    What's most important is that voters get out to vote on May 15th for the candidate they feel will serve and better our community for the future.

  4. Cindy,
    It's a shame that you have to be accused of this negativity. Politics can be so ugly. Keep up the good work and positive outlook. Only 6 more days and best of luck to you!

  5. Anon 7:48,

    I agree. It is totally inappropriate to point fingers at the Greene or Corpora. They have both condemned these slime tactics, and that is to their credit.

    But I'll tell you this much. First, this is no personal vendetta directed at Monahan. It is political because Vulcano's bulk mail permit. Second, I have some ideas about who is behind this, but wqon't say until I have the facts. Third, the post office does keep a record of the payments made for these bulk mailings, and I intend to get it. I may not get it until after the election, but I'll know who was behind this. Fourth, it is a crime to spend money to influece an election without discosing that expenditure. I intend to find out who's responsible unless the DA's office or mainstream beats me to it.

  6. To anonymous above...

    Thank you for the positive feedback. Campaigning is a tough job but I am a positive individual and positive feedback certainly is always welcome.

    I hope that this episode does not deter anyone from getting more politically involved at the local level. We need more involvement in our community.

    Thank you again,


  7. Cindy, Dan... everybody... good luck Tuesday.

    As far as the incident itself, this is some wild stuff. I'd love to see somebody get nailed on this one. With Bernie having a hunch and not saying, I'm guessing he's on to a decent sized fish.

  8. LVDem,

    I'll be talking about this in more detail tomorrow. I don't know for sure who is behind this, and won't speculate publicly until I am certain. That may not be until after the election, but I will find out. What has occurred is criminal.


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