Local Government TV

Monday, April 02, 2007

Norco Elections' Task Force to Meet on Wednesday

After having a few weeks to send out and review elections surveys, the citizens' panel studying Northampton County elections problems will meet again. The task force will meet on Wednesday at 6:30 PM in county council chambers at the courthouse. The public is welcome. Anyone who can't attend can email his concerns to voter.info@northamptoncounty.org.


  1. Simple solution! NorCo ask to opt out of computer use and return to flawless mechanical machines. As usual, as the saying goes, "we're from the government and we're here to help you" applies. "Hanging Chads" in Florida and officials demand entire Country spend gazillions asking all registrars and pols to replace "perfect" functioning election procedures! They threw the baby out with the bathwater and use taxpayer monies to do so. Florida and others have problems with elections. fix them is fine, but why drag entire Country into the situation? Always knee-jerk actions from government drive me crazy...ie. a school bus gets hit by a train years and years ago, then forever and a day...legislation dictates school buses stop and open doors before crossing a railroad track, as if there will never be another school bus accident at crossings because of their clever legislation. I'm going to pretend me, my grandkids and you are safe now! www.kisslinger.com

  2. Sadly, we can't go back to levers w/o violating the ADA. But I agree more or less w/ all your observations. HAVA is a misnomer. It should be called the Help America Not Vote Act.

    27 states are considering legislation that either abandons these goofy touchscreens or requires a voter verified paper trail. The Holt Bill in the US Congress would do much the same thing, although that bill has some bad features.

    In any event, once we work out the kinks w/ WinVote, another system will be shoved down our throats.


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