Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Stoffa's Argument for Reassessment

"Paying tax is the price you pay for living in this country. We have to keep it as fair as possible."

That was John Stoffa's brief, yet accurate, justification for reassessment Monday on Ron Angle's WGPA 1100 AM radio talk show. We've been demanding property tax reform for years, but no one wants it on a county level. Every caller opposed reassessment, encouraged by Ron. Every caller but me. I disguised myself as Jolly Joe Timmer, until Angle got wise and cut me off.

Are you a tenant or a homeowner?


Ah ha. Then what the hell do you know, you bleeding heart commie pinko piece of ....

Why are folks afraid of something intended to promote equal taxation? There has been no reassessment in twelve years. Stoffa knows his proposal is unpopular, but is determined. "I didn't take this job to be the most politically popular county executive ever. It's the right thing to do."

Rather than rejecting the idea outright, council could actually help Stoffa (and the rest of us) by making sure reassessment itself is done in the fairest way. The idea of using a computer program to do this job does not thrill me. But it does need to get done, and soon.


  1. I thougth it was mandatory that reassements be done every 10 years?

    The only problems with reassements is that my father's home which is really not worth that much will be assessd for more because there are now $600,000 to $1 million dollar homes directly around us. My fathers home which was built in the early 70's and has had no major inmprovements or updates will become unaffordable for us.

  2. LST, I don't think the political will exists to see it done anytime soon.


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