Local Government TV

Friday, February 23, 2007

Dent's Giuliani Endorsement

I have a press release from Congressman Charlie Dent, endorsing Rudy Giuliani for president. I first saw the endorsement yesterday in Keystone Politics, but now I have Dent's actual statement to share with you.
It is with deep conviction and tremendous pride that I announce my support for Mayor Rudy Giuliani to become the 44th President of the United States.

Rudy Giuliani successfully led New York City and became known as “America’s Mayor” because of his dynamic approach to tackling the challenges facing America’s largest city. Rudy Giuliani is a tax-cutter, a crime fighter and a great leader. During his time as Mayor, Rudy Giuliani moved hundreds of thousands of people away from the dependence of welfare checks to the dignity of paychecks. He exalts and exemplifies the spirit of free enterprise and knows that a limited government, a less burdensome government best serves the people of America.

Both during and in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks on America, Rudy Giuliani was a pillar of strength and resolute in his actions. His leadership, compassion and resolve during this very painful moment in our nation’s history helped guide New York City and all of America through this supreme national emergency.

Rudy Giuliani is a leader. He offers exactly what America needs as we look forward to meeting the numerous challenges we will face in the future.

I am eager to begin his campaign in Pennsylvania today and I am excited to serve as one of his Pennsylvania Coordinators.
Dent, an alternative energy advocate, serves as co-chair of the House Hydrogen and Fuel Cell caucus.


  1. I feel distinguished and honored to have the privilege that allow me to be the first commenter to this posting.

    I am especially gratified that my comment follows the e-amail that I only a few minutes ago sent you and other subscribers re the clear and imminent danger to our democratic government.

    Billy Bytes to U.S. Congressman Charlie Dent: "Nuts!"

  2. I feel distinguished and honored to have the privilege that allow me to be the first commenter to this posting.

    I am especially gratified that my comment follows the e-amail that I only a few minutes ago sent you and other subscribers re the clear and imminent danger to our democratic government.

    Billy Bytes to U.S. Congressman Charlie Dent: "Nuts!"

  3. Bernie,

    I inadvertently transmitted by comment twice, but pardon me if I don't apologize, because in my opinion it's a comment that can't be too-oft repeated.

  4. The "Dent Eight" are destined to go down in history as this generation's "Chicago Seven."

    Providentially, the illustrator of my Billy Bytes publications, Nancy Marshall, recently gave me a copy of William Kuntsler's biograph by David J. Langum.

  5. Billy,
    You were actually the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th to comment on this post. I'm watching you.

  6. Geez, Billy, you need help . . . now. Kathy might spank you.

  7. I was going to give a snide comment about Dent, but I was too distracted.


  8. How many wives has Dent had? Were any of them his cousin?

    Did someone say beer?

  9. Billy, the "Dent Eight" should have been called the "Dent Eighties" because that's their approximate age. Their action was a publicity stunt that backfired. It probably gained Dent a few votes. And the funny thing is, Dent had already met them twice and was wiling to meet them again. he even met them the day they were found guilty. I love Bernie Berg. He's one of my heroes. But all he did was marginalize those of us who opposed military involvement.

  10. He can have mine!
    Anon, Are you referring to your wife or your beer?

  11. My wife, silly. I'd be lost without my beer!

  12. I agree with John Micek's comments on his blog, Capitol Ideas. Dent figures that one-third of his constituents are transplants from NY, so why not root for the Yankees?

    Ex-Gov and former Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge is backing McCain in the hopes that he gets a shot at being his VP running mate. That would immediately put a BLUE state like PA into play. Which changes the entire equation into something like 3-level space chess on Star Trek.

    My 1st reaction was: why commit to ANY candidate so early? He only alienated the rest of the field and gave away his endorsement cheap. A better poker player would've waited until the pot grew a hell of a lot bigger before showing his cards. Sure, you always remember the ones who "were with you from the beginning." But, the ones who made it possible to cross the goal line at the end when the game was in doubt will always be the real heroes.

    Bernie Takes No Prisoners

  13. September 12, 2001

    "There's one reason why this city is the greatest city in the world. It's immigration."

    Rudy Giuliani

  14. Mr. Moshki, It's one thing when you condemn illegal immidration. But the Giuliani quote you mention was NOT praising NYC's "illegal" immigration. He was properly noting that diversity enhances culture. I don't want to defend the guy, but what's so sick about that? Seems like all you focus on is that subject. That's a tad unhealthy, my man. And although I'm sure you didn't mean it that way, you come across like a xenophobe.

  15. Fool, Anon 8:09. Even tho Rodney Dangerfield's dead, we have you.

  16. Dickhead, Anon 2:51, so is that a good thing or a bad thing?

  17. Dis somebody call me? That weas definitely a good thing. Rodney Dangerfield was a riot. I have four pages of his insults.

  18. I heard at a party last evening that Julie Harhart has decided to endorse Nelson Rockefeller for President.

  19. I heard at a party last evening that Julie Harhart has decided to endorse Nelson Rockefeller for President.

  20. Bernie O'Hare said...
    Mr. Moshki, It's one thing when you condemn illegal immidration. But the Giuliani quote you mention was NOT praising NYC's "illegal" immigration. He was properly noting that diversity enhances culture. I don't want to defend the guy, but what's so sick about that? Seems like all you focus on is that subject. That's a tad unhealthy, my man. And although I'm sure you didn't mean it that way, you come across like a xenophobe.

    11:56 AM
    The point was, Bernie, that the day after nearly 3000 in NYC were slaughtered by immigrants, legal or otherwise, it might not have been the best time to be praising said institution.

    The 'preciousness of human life' always seems to be a contingency, as in pro-Iraqnam individs. proclaiming "We must err on the side of life (stem-cell life)."

    Is Orwell alive and kicking or what?

  21. Bernie O'Hare said...
    Mr. Moshki, It's one thing when you condemn illegal immidration. But the Giuliani quote you mention was NOT praising NYC's "illegal" immigration. He was properly noting that diversity enhances culture. I don't want to defend the guy, but what's so sick about that? Seems like all you focus on is that subject. That's a tad unhealthy, my man. And although I'm sure you didn't mean it that way, you come across like a xenophobe.

    11:56 AM
    The point was, Bernie, that the day after nearly 3000 in NYC were slaughtered by immigrants, legal or otherwise, it might not have been the best time to be praising said institution.

    The 'preciousness of human life' always seems to be a contingency, as in pro-Iraqnam individs. proclaiming "We must err on the side of life (stem-cell life)."

    Is Orwell alive and kicking or what?

  22. Either there's an echo in cyberspace or Moshki likes to hear himself time & again.


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