Local Government TV

Thursday, December 14, 2006

John Stoffa Listens to Northampton County Workers on Radio Talk Show

It's something Glenn Reibman would never do. Today, Northampton County Exec John Stoffa was kind enough to come on Ron Angle's controversial WGPA 1100 AM talk show. And he did so only one day after I stated he's had long enough to negotiate contracts with his underpaid workforce.

What he made clear, at least to me, is that he does care and is doing his best to rectify a situation that has been ten years in the making. He listened patiently to calls from frustrated courthouse workers and taxpayers, and made clear that he wants county workers to get a living wage. Next year, the county's antiquated salary structure will get a much-needed overhaul. Stoffa agreed the county's workforce is his top priority.

I expect Northampton county workers will finally get a living wage. It may not happen as quickly as I would like, but it will happen.


  1. From what little I heard of the show, it sounded like a lovefest!

  2. John Stoffa does NOT care. He appears and sounds like he cares, but the bottom line he does not care. If he cared, he would have come to the table in January and demanded from his heads of depts to talk and listen. Did he do that? No, it went on and on and on until finally now he is trying to blame the union for everything. We employees are not dumb. And as for the show, he is still selling a "bill of goods" to everyone. Very disappointed that you cut people off also when they said things Angle did not want to hear.

  3. In the case of Ron Angle, R.A. can only stand for one thing - Real Asshole!

  4. Anon 2:25, I sure hope you're wrong. I agree Stoffa could have acted sooner and said so both yesterday and today. But unlike you, I can't condemn this "gentle" man who I believe is trying his best to solve a problem that started 10 years ago. I'm not a county employee but I really think he's trying.

    Look at the difference between Reibman and Stoffa. 1) Stoffa met employees in his office but Reibman called sheriffs and had the door locked. Stoffa was reluctant but did hear you out. 2) Stoffa listened to you in county council, but Reibman refused to attend council meetings. 3) Stoffa came to the radio show today knowing damn well that people would be calling with tough questions. Reibman never would go on such a show.

    I also do not believe Stoffa blamed the union, as you say. He pointed to council, his office and the union. He was pretty damn fair about it.

    Finally you say I cut people off when they said things Angle did not want to hear. I can tell you that is a crock. I was a guest today, like Stoffa. I had no control over the phone. And Angle did not "cut" people off, as you say. He gave people an opportunity to say something, and then would move to the next caller. There were a lot of calls. Dan Sell was able to speak. A lady on food stamps was able to speak. A fellow who gets home heating asistance was able to speak. I was able to point out that mist employees are well eblow the lving wage established at PSU. I was allowed to establish that residual employees get $11,700 less than the average job in Northampton County.

    I believe the voice of the worker was heard today. I'm sorry you don't have that feeling because that was what I had hoped for.

  5. Anon 2:33, And the BO in Bernie O'Hare stands for body odor. Thanks for the brilliant observation.

  6. You're welcome, Bernie.
    Anon 2:33

  7. who is council liason for open space in northampton county

  8. According to the county's website, Charles Dertinger is the open space committee chair.

  9. Nature Boy, You are right but Dertinger may be deposed after tonight's county council fiasco. I'll tell you about that tomorrow. I've got to write it up.

  10. who is the former open space council member

  11. The former open space chgair was Tim Merwarth, who lost his bed for re-election to Council. The current committe consists of Dertinger, Branco, Cusick & McHale.

  12. how did he get that position, did he have the most open space to sell to developers?

  13. Ron Angle no longer on the air?? Great- God is good, and Joe Timmer finally realized he didn't need that kind of trash on the air.We need civility on the radio these days, and, its time we taught our children that good manners do count, and, name calling is for people who aren't bright enough to discuss topics in a rational, sane and logical way.Imus fell- now the Emperor falls.Isn't life great??

  14. What will John Stoffa do without Ron Angle?? Now maybe the Morning Call will can Bil White and clean up that sordid column that is used to humiliate and savage people who won't agree with Mr. White. I hear lots of stories about lawsuits and other things pending against Mr. White and the Call. I wonder how long the new owners will want to deal with that nonsense.Goodbye Bill.

  15. You know that's not true. You're a troll.

  16. Bernie,
    I hope you stay on the radio for a little while because although you have your days of ripping and tearing, your not evil.
    Rumors abound that two well known Lehigh Valley radio people are interested in buying WGPA. Can you say "housecleaning"??
    The Morning Call will get plenty of competition from either of these two guys if the sale goes through, or, in lieu of that, if these two guys get on the radio, they have told people Bill White is in their cross hairs.
    I think its going to be fun watching all of this play out. The worm turns, Bernie.Now,watch the fire works.Have a nice day.

  17. I feel sorry for whoever tries to do business with "Jolly" Joe Timmer. These buyers are in for a ride. And with Angle out the door, the only ones listening to that station will be the crickets.

    And let's face it, bippy. Bill White is a popular and highly regarded writer. Even the crickets will stop listening to a showe that exists just to slam Bill White. I know Daday and Otto Slozer hate Bill's guts, but I think it's pretty much a case of sour grapes with both.

    I won't do the show if Angle's not there. First, he's the only one who would have me. Second, I won't do that to Ron.


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