Local Government TV

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Close State House Races in the Lehigh Valley

My earlier post labeled the Beyer-Minger and Mantz-Follweiler races as too close to call. Those seats have remained red. Beyer has 9,273 votes to Minger's 8,376. Mantz has 10,106 votes to Follweiler's 9,827.


  1. As I said before and I'll say again the state and local party did a very poor job helping State candidates in the Lehigh valley.

  2. In a few days, I'll have my own remarks. Minger, Shade and Casey were races that could and should have been won.

  3. I'm sorry.Casey should not have won! He is inexperienced and has no idea what to do in Harrisburg. He never addressed his solutions to any issues. Why? Because he doesn't have any. His message was "I'm a great, decent and common guy, like you". Big deal. I understand Reichley has flaws as does every other politician, but Casey was not the answer. He would have been a fish out of water in Harrisburg and I know he would not have represented his district better then Reichley.

  4. Anon 11:22, Don't be sorry. Casey didn't win. Most voters agreed with you. Your comments are something Casey needs to consider.

    I'll tell you something. If I lived in Allentown, I would have voted for Eddie Tiburcio, even though he is an R and barely speaks English. He struck me as a good and decent man. Mann just does not impress. She's a great fundraiser, is knowledgable and is connected to the DLC, but I like people who aren't on the inside and put themselves out there.

    OK, I'm nuts, but aren't you just a little sick of all these smoothies?

  5. Sure, I get tired of the smoothies, but in this case, I feel more comfortable with someone who knows how to deal with Harrisburg and I know can get the job done. Unfortunately being a good and decent guy with no experience isn't going to get the job done. In my opinion, a person with those qualifications would be more easily influenced and become more of a follower rather than a leader.

  6. Anon 1:03, You make valid points and have the added advantage of knowing a large majority agreed with you. But I think these smoothies are "getting the job done" for the wrong people. I can't imagine the learning curve in Harrisburg would be terribly high, but your view is what prevailed.

  7. Gee, once again a psychic Republican who says they know what I will do. I gave solutions everytime I spoke. Some people didn't like them. That is why we vote. As for fish out of water remark, I will give you that. I would have been in the minority of reformers that Mr Reichley refuses to help. By the way, I liked the mailing he put out on Saturday saying he never took or benefited from the payraise. I also loved his campaign commercial about making commitments and keeping them. When Jim Martin decides not to run again for DA in January, let's see how that commitment to the people of the 134th holds to his personal ambition.
    You don't like my views anonymous, and I will always respect that. but attacking me personally because of your own insecurities is as juvenile as stealing campaign signs.
    You will not find one attack mailing or negative ad for me. Yes money was tight, but I never attacked my opponent or his family, I criticized his political stances and actions in office.
    I can hold my head high, JAKE, can you?

  8. Chris, I'm sorry that you lost. I was rooting for you, and thought you would make an excellent state rep. But you should be sleeping now, not blogging.

  9. CC - First, who said I was a Republican. Second, I didn't say one thing negative about you "personally", I merely commented on how your inexperience was a detriment and not an advantage. Third, you didn't have to send out mailers attacking Reichley because you did that on your website, well before I received any of his mailings.

  10. Dear anon, I don't hide behind an anon, and pointing out my differences with DR is completely legitimate.
    Why don't you put your name on your comment, what are you afraid of?
    Not once did I write about what DR MIGHT DO, I pointed to his actual record as a frame of reference. There's a big difference between questioning a reprfesentative's record and LYING and distorting someone's position.
    Why don't you get your own website and/or blog and give us your ideas? then see how you feel getting equally praised and castigated everyday.
    People will agree with you, and people won't. How you remember to respect those who don't will be a measure of how thick skinned and opened minded you are.
    I knocked on a lot of doors, and met a lot of nice people, many of whom didn't like my views. but I still respected them.
    I got almost 10,000 votes. That's several more than most Democratic challengers ever did in the 134th.
    I have a point of view, I shared it with others and they supported me. I don't apologize for being a Democrat, or challenging a person in leadership that I don't agree with.
    I hope that that the day never comes that you, or I, or anyone else can't.
    The one thing I don't understand is that your guy won, yet you are still criticizing me.
    As soon as we can get all our "MAGIC" campaign signs rounded up, I am looking forward to the Holiday season and a bit of a rest.
    As of my final blog, which I will post soon, that will be the end of it. You won, go govern, and good luck. one last thing, I don't cower in anonymity.
    My name is Chris Casey, and I sign my name when I am done.

  11. Anon & Chris, We've just gone thru an election and the people have spoken. Chris, you did very well, and I am honored to know and have supported you. I'll work for you next time you run if you choose to do so. I believe people like me should have worked harder for you and Russ Shade. Instead we just let you guys flounder wityhout offering our services. I could have danced in bars for loose change.

    Anon, I don't think your criticism of Chris was personal. I disagree with some of the things you say, but you have every right to say them. Chris is a good guy and believe me when I tell you he took the high road in this election. I can't spell out why on this site and I choose not to elaborate. But he fought fair. And I don't care what party you are or whether you are anonymous. I'm more interested in what you are saying than who you may be.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.