Local Government TV

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Chris "Blue Collar" Casey Planning Run for Lehigh County Commissioner

Chris "blue collar" Casey, told me today that he intends to run for an at large commissioner seat in Lehigh County next year. Some may question another run so soon after Casey's loss to Doug Reichley for state rep., but I'm glad he's doing it. Two Republicans may not be seeking reelection, and Casey is certainly gaining name recognition in the Lehigh Valley.

In Casey's words, "We need citizens on the Board of Commissioners who will work to improve our county's many communities with an eye on what economic and social conditions we can reasonably expect to exist in the next 20 to 30 years, not for how our economy and society function today." Although Casey thinks county exec Don Cunningham is a leader, he believes "Lehigh County Judges and the 7 to 2 Republican edge in Commissioners is more obstructionist and backward thinking than progressive."

Too bad he can't run here.


  1. 2 of the county commissioners seats also will be open seats as two of the republican commissioner are not going to run again

  2. I'm told Sam Bennett (sp?) is considering a run as well.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. So I've heard. I personally think she has more pressing issue than running for County commissioner, i.e. fixing the county party, which should be job one for her and Rick Daugherty right now. If and when she finishes that then think about running for an office, but the time that is not now.

  5. I am happy top see Mr. Casey to run for County Commissioner. I would be happy to see Sam Bennett run as well.

    We need progressive individuals in county government who recognize where our future is, in the Allentown and the boroughs(and of course West Bethlehem).

    Don Cunningham understands this concept but I am still eagerly awaiting action on the part of his administration to change things. I am hopeful he has not deflected to the status quo(way of prioritizing county interests). Time will tell.

    Good luck Mr. Casey.

  6. Chris is everything that is right about politics. Let's hope to see this typical guy get the support her needs to win this time.

    I'm a big Cunningham fan, so I hope he's 100% behind Chris. It'd be a good investment in good faith with the public and the party.

  7. Tonight, I only have 2 things to say...

    1) I love Chris Casey and I want you to love him, too. (A beer on me to the 1st person who identifies the movie I stole that line from.)

    2) Bernie, I have to WARN YOU that you (and YOUR blog) are under constant suveillance by the Morning Call. Today I had an "off-the-record" chat with Bill White, who was VERY familiar with all of your recent posts and MY participation in them. Last week it was Daryl Nerl (who is honestly one of the BEST and MOST objective reporters in the Valley) who used the info on your blog to break the story about Lisa Boscola running for Congress in '08. And, before that it was John Micek (a deeply embedded reporter in the Capitol news room) who "thanked me" (putting it very, very kindly) for posting that he actually READ YOUR BLOG. (MY BAD!) I think you need to hire John Karoly and enter the witness protection program as soon as you can!!

  8. Bernie, I don't know Daryl Nerl or Micek, but Bill White was one guy who actually would respond to my emails. Even though he was usually saying things like "get help now," I always enjoyed the simple fact that he actually would reply. If you ever disliked the press, try blogging for a little while. It gives me a perspective on a very small scale of their daily ordeal.
    I actually like most reporters I've met, but I won't mention names because that might get fired. But one of them, and I won't mention names, told me a few days ago that he was getting his resume together to look for work elsewhere. When I asked why, he told me that newspapers are dying. I sure hope he reconsiders and I sure hope he's wrong.

  9. I think the Movie that Bernie K is referring to is "primary Colors"
    It's good to be loved. It's another to be voted for. Love doesn't equal votes, unless you are a contestant on a reality show.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/greendogdem

  12. https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/

    just have to paste it into the window

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. GreenDog, I'll tell you what, buddy. I'll set up the ActBlue on my face page over the weekend. Last time I only pulled in a total of $170 for Dems. I have to work a little harder at it this time.


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