Local Government TV

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Blogger Knocked Off High Horse Again

On Tuesday, I told you about being knocked off my high horse. Today, when I reported to have my stitches removed, I was whisked away by a team of laughing proctologists. At least I think they were proctologists. They kept saying, "We'll fix your ass, bippy." Then some guy named Mad Batter started whaling away. "You want pictures of my wife? I'll give you pictures. Blog this, asswipe!" I just woke up in a strange room with some guy named Bruno and I don't like the way he's looking at me.

Fortunately, I can still blog. I'm using my tongue to peck away this message from my stupid cell phone. I feel like Stephen Hawking. Maybe now I can write about black holes or something.


  1. ouch.... I had two broken arms once in 3rd grade... that really looks like it sucks.

  2. how dare you compare yourself to Stephen Hawking.

  3. Oh yeah. What the frick do you know about black holes? I almost had it figured out when you interrupted me.

  4. Note: black holes are not the same as holes in black walls or even pot holes. Thought I would save you some time there bernie.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Well Bernie even I know better than to get into a dicussion like that about anything having to do with a crazed man with a bat. So what do you expect. I also noticed like a half dozen other people showing interest too so madbatter are you just showing bernie favortism?

  7. Green Dog, All I can say is I also thought I heard some growling in the background, too, and there are a lot of yellow stains on my wrappings.

  8. Oh my God!

    I think DemFly is trying to kill me. It will be either her husband, my ladyfriend, or I may just save everyone the trouble and jump off a bridge.

  9. Hate to tell you this Bernie but that isn't Lehigh Valley Hospital but Northampton County Jail. Remember those judges you pissed off? Bruno is their payback. LOL


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