Local Government TV

Monday, October 23, 2006

Russ Shade Campaign Signs Disappearing

Nearly a month ago, I told you about Russ Shade, Democratic candidate for state rep. in the Northampton area. His opponent, Julie Harhart, is a fixture in an unresponsive state house that has resisted any attempt at meaningful reform. She even voted to suspend house rules to enable career pols to give themselves a midnight payraise. Lehigh County Redneck has her own take on the campaign today, and predicts Shade will win in an upset.

Unfortunately, someone is replacing Russ Shade campaign signs with Harhart signs, particularly in Whitehall. Shade's campaign is asking anyone who sees sign tampering to call his campaign at 484-241-6932. I've got a better idea. Call the police.


  1. Tou are not alone, any sign we put up in Emmaus or along Cedar Crest is gone in a day. We are down about 200 or more from the 500 we started with. Mrs Casey is most upset that signs she personally put up have disappeared off route 100, to have 2 Reichley signs pop up in their place. It's what they do, they don't understand the concept behind fairness, in any way shape or form. I think we will win despite it. Someone has to see this stuff going on, it is too widespread. It is petty and Juvenile. I don't want anyone touching the signs theat appear in their place. We are better than that, and we have to prove it.

  2. I've been involved in a few campaigns in my time. Fort some reason, candidates weren't too interested in my brilliant political analysis, but I was pretty good at laying down signs all over the place. I'd always do a drive by the next day t see if they were still up. The wind can play games. But I'll tell 'ya, every frickin' campaign ends up with this problem. But it's very rare that anybody gets caught. I think it's ninjas.

  3. Super Republican Ninjas

  4. Maybe terrorists are wrecking the signs. Perhaps Rs should go to code red, cancel elections and declare martial law. And for our own good. I know I'd feel safer.

  5. Super Republican Ninjas... I just get this image of a man dressed as an elephant swooping in and taking signs.

    But it's amazing how a sign triggers emotion in some people. I remember the race I was running a few years back and the signs started to disappear... after all the work we put in our blood just boiled.


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