Local Government TV

Monday, October 09, 2006

Pen Argyl Concerned Citizens Candidates' Night This Wednesday

Pen Argyl Area Concerned Citizens will host a candidates' night on Wednesday from 6:30 to 9:30 PM at Pen Argyl Borough Hall (Lookout Fire Hall). Various candidates for state representative and state senate will appear, including Senator Lisa Boscola and Bonnie Dodge. The main event? Lehigh Valley Congressman Charlie Dent has confirmed he will appear and face rival Charles Dertinger. I believe this will be the first opportunity voters have to see Dent v. Dertinger and Boscola v. Dodge.

Why go? PACC tells us, "Democracy is not a spectator sport." That may be, but these headliners should make for an interesting night.


  1. That's impossible! I got an e-mail from Joe Long telling me that Charlie Dent is scared to face Charlie Dertinger.

    And Joe Long is never wrong.


    Arrggghhhh! Something does not compute!

    Just remember, this is not an officially sanctioned Morning Call debate! This is only a group of concerned citizens getting together to question candidates and as such has no meaning!

  2. I don't get why the canidates wait so long to come out of hidding and act like canidates? I wanted to know months ago who was runnig for what and where they stood. Now, I am getting over burden with canidate informantion about their campaigns.

  3. Question? Will there be room for the public at the candidates forum?

    After all, Dertinger's self-importance takes up a lot of space.

  4. Dertinger's self-importance?
    Dent is scared?
    Not a MC sanctioned debate?

    The arrows are flying, and I've just posted the event! I love it!

    I'm really interested in hearing Dent state how he feels about Iraq. I hope he doesn't sing that tired "stay the course" refrain.

    I'm also glad to see candidates in a debate-like forum even if it is not an actual debate. I'm also looking forward to the undercard, Boscola v. Dodge. Like Dent, Lisa has avoided Dodge thus far. Unlike Dent, Lisa has not gone negative.

    I'm pretty sure this will be the first time these candidates have come together to discuss the issues.

    PACC should take a bow for pulling this off.

  5. Dodge and Boscola were at the Lehigh Valley Clubman's Candidate Night back in September.

  6. Mr. Twinkie, Thanks for the clarification. I knew for sure that Dent and Dertinger have not faced each other and thought that was also the case with Boscola and Dodge. It will be interesting to see the two of them together.

  7. Boscola has debated schizo Dodge, unlike Dent. He can ignore Dert-bag because he doesn't stand a chance.

  8. I could actually hear Ron Angel's salivary glands working over the radio today as he discussed going after Dertinger at tomorrow's Pen Argyl debate.

    Warning to those in the front row. You will get wet!

  9. To Anon, I heard the same thing. I'm sitting in the back near a door so I can start running when all hell breaks loose.

  10. A debate where they're going to need bouncers!

    Who's bringing the chicken wire screens?

  11. I understand there will be a cage match as well as some mud wrestling, which seems entirely appropriate.


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