Local Government TV

Monday, October 16, 2006

Esquire's Pennsylvania Endorsements

Esquire is normally considered a men's entertainment magazine for guys who are too chicken to buy Playboy. But in this month's edition, it decided to take "a long, hard look" at 504 races for Congress and Governor. Why? Because "government matters." Let's look at Esquire's Pennsylvania endorsements:

Governor: Rendell (D)

Senate: Casey (D)


District 1: Write-in
District 2: Fattah (D)
District 3: English (R)
District 4: Altmire (D)
District 5: Hilliard (D)
District 6: Gerlach (R)
District 7: Sestak (D)
District 8: Fitzpatrick (R)
District 9: Barr (D)
District 10: Carney (D)
District 11: Leonardi (R)
District 12: Murtha (D)
District 13: Schwartz (D)
District 14: Doyle (D)
District 15: Dent (R)
District 16: Herr (D)
District 17: Holden (D)
District 18: Kluko (D)
District 19: Avillo (D)

In twenty-one state races, Esquire endorses fifteen Dems. But Senator Rick Santorum does get a "Cynthia McKinney Award" as one of the nine worst members of Congress. In Esquire's own words, "For the love of God, people, it's long past time that Rick Santorum did his man-on-dog, dog-on-man ruminations on his own time. WWJD? This one's a no-brainer."

If you pick up a copy of the magazine, it also contains a "photo essay" about "The Sexiest Woman Alive," Scarlett Johansson. I just broke up with her a few days ago.


  1. I read in the Star that she actually dumped you. Something about being stood up all the time.

  2. Bernie O'Hare... too much man for any woman.

  3. Gort, she found out about my tryst with LVDem.

  4. I feel like a violated page... of a book

  5. I just got off the phone with Scarlett and she blamed the break-up on you. She noted that all you do is blog during the day and attend council meetings/political debates/etc. every night, thereby completely ignoring her. Shame on you Bernie!
    As to the rest of the post, I can agree with most of the Esquire picks for races in our area. But from the latest polls, they may want to reconsider their choices in district 6 and 8.

  6. dg, Don't know much about Dist 8 but agree w. you re Gerlach.

  7. dg, how did you get Scarlett's number?

  8. Actually, I don't need her number. I'm such a warm hearted bastard with a such a soft shoulder, she calls me on a regular basis....usually to complain about your lack of attention.
    And the reason I included the 8th as a possible "dem" pick-up maybe be due as much to wishful thinking on my part, as well as some recent polls. Why? Fitzpatrick, who has never served a day in the military, just ran a "swiftboat" ad questioning Murphy's service record in Iraq. I also saw a preview of Murphy's response ad, and if he gets it on the air, it could make things interesting.


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