Local Government TV

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Anonymous Blogger Took Down Foley

The Washington Times, daily newsletter for the RNC, has called on House Speaker Denny Hastert to resign. Former Congressman Mark Foley now claims that his pedophilic tendencies are the result of a drinking problem, and has checked into a rehab.

But did you know this major story comes from an anonymous blog called Stop Sex Predators? It includes the text of several Foley's emails to a 16 year old page. Congressional pages are disparagingly referred to as skinterns. Most disturbing to me is that other Congressman are mentioned.

And I suppose that now I should confess that Northampton County Council forces me to wear speedos whenever I address them. I feel so violated.


  1. Bernie, if you wore a speedo to a council meeting, no one including council members would ever show up!

  2. Actually my speedo ripped last night when I tried to wear it to Nazareth borough council.

  3. Poor Mr. Foley. I didn't know that consumption of alcohol turns you into a pedophile.

  4. Well, I guess his "drinking problem" stems from him having been abused by a priest, as his lawyer now claims. If true, that's tragic, but no excuse.
    And what there will never be an excuse for is the total lack of action on the part of the repub leadership. How many interns would have been spared any involvement in this mess had Hastert, et al only done the appropriate thing.
    Some leadership!

  5. What did Randi on Air America say? "Mark Foley's problem isn't twelve year old scotch, it is twelve year old boys!"

  6. dg, As one of my buds told me at the courthouse toaday, this story has legs. This might be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. It's beginning to look like they'll take back the House.

  7. Bernie, you are old enough to stand up to the demands of Ron Angle. His asking you to wear a speedo doesn't mean you have to. You can't claim to be an underaged victim here.

  8. Congressional Republicans are imploding! Just in time for the election. Too bad, so sad.

  9. To Anon, Before beddy time last night, I checked out Drudge, and he made sure to list a few editorials about similar conduct hby Congressional Dems over the years. And of course, Gingrich is insisting Dems had this info and made sure it leaked just in time for the elections.

    Actually, two Florida newspapers and Fox were the first media sources to get this info but they would not publish bc the interns involved were not cooperative. I think ABC is the first major news source to run with this.

  10. It seems to me that Bill Clinton still is liked and respected by the people of his party. I guess that his indecent involvement with an intern didn't count because he said "I did not have sex with that woman"! Do you think he should have stepped down? Or -- Should he have remained the president? And did you believe him? Regardless there is too much lack of morals in all phases of government (all parties) and public life.

  11. Personally I'm sick and tired of the political parties trying to get one up on the other with scandels. I wish they would focus on the issues and tell how they would handle a specific issue better than the other party. SPELL IT OUT PLEASE and stop the baby "he did - she did" stuff. Yes there are bad people in this world and I hate it but they are not exclusive to one walk of life and unfortunately polititians, who should be good examples, are sometimes bad people.

  12. 1st rule of politics:

    NEVER be caught with a dead girl or a live little boy.

  13. Anon 4:22 & 4:32, I think Anon 7:48 says it best. I do not thionk Clinton should have stepped down. I do not think he should have been impeached, either. And there's a big difference between a consensual sexual act between two adults and pedophilia.

    I know local pols who are seeking office right now, and they are both Republicans and Democrats, who are involved in extramarital affairs. I've even been asked to blog about them. I refuse because that's their personal lives.

    But when a pol from either party starts messing with a child, that is highly relevant. And it is even more relevant when the pol involved chairs the missing and expolited children subcommittee. I'm sorry but I consider that an issue.

  14. My belief is that if a politician will cheat on his wife/husband he will definately cheat on the American people. Whether or not you justify cheating by it being concentual it is still cheating and the imoral character of the persons involved is not condusive to good governing, in my opinion. And if I know a candidate is cheating or cheated I won't vote for him/her. I know we are not perfect, but cheating is a lack of honesty and how can one be a good leader if they are not honest? I'm not saying it's not forgivable or that I wouldn't have a friend who is a cheater but I wouldn't vote for a leader who is one.


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