Local Government TV

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Speaking of Hatred . . .

I just don't think this guy is gonna' make it.


  1. The guy on that table looks a lot like Ron Angle. I've seen him in that robe at Council meetings.

  2. No the robe he wears at Council meetings is a different color.

  3. Might be Tom Gorr

  4. Naah. Gorr should have a better tan than the guiy on that table.

  5. I think it's LCR's husband, he couldn't stand listening to her rant about her 30 year grudge with the Gorr family.

  6. Nope, can't be him, either. He'd be smiling.

  7. Bernie: if you can afford to have your own blog, can't you afford to have someone who is a photographer take your cover page photo? I mean, holding your Brownie Box in front of your face may be economical, but think of the image. This is 2006 and image is substance. Bernie Berg

  8. Bernie, you're right. But if I want to scrape together the $595 you want for your bumper-sticker car, I have to save.


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