Local Government TV

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Northampton County Judge Pleads Guilty to Poor Grammar, not Racism

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingWhen someone appears before a judge to plead guilty, he better be prepared to admit he did something wrong or he's getting nowhere. And that's the problem with Judge Moran's apology, as reported last night on Channel 69. He admits nothing.

A few weeks ago, when sentencing a white juvenile, here's what Judge Moran said: "I can look out at the family, they are middle class, white, just as I am, and I say would the same thing happen if it was a black kid or Hispanic kid? So I want you to know that you are being given a break, and I hope that everybody in this room would give the same break to everybody." He was effectively telling this boy he got a "break" because he's white.

In his supposed apology today, he just digs a deeper hole. Now he's saying this is what he really meant: "When I have a young white teenager in front of me who has all the benefits of society and he is treated leniently, it's important to point out to him that people of color, different ethnicity might conclude we have two systems of justice."

His earlier statement, he explains, was "inarticulate."


This is the first time I've heard a racial slur explained as poor grammar. Ron Angle should have tried that one. Moran's explanation is baloney, and was designed to cover his tracks for what was clearly a racial remark. I understand this is how the system works, but never thought I'd ever hear a local judge admit he gives "breaks" to people based on their race. He had an opportunity to apologize, but opted instead to do some spinning. I hope his statement to the written media is better than the garbage he handed to Channel 69.

As I told you yesterday, Moran's behavior has been erratic. He started screaming two weeks ago in the courthouse rotunda (in the presence of the public) over the placement of Northampton County's Liberty Bell. He had to send a written apology to local lawyers who were subjected to one of his tirades in a social setting. And on the bench, he has been known to fly off the handle without warning, and thinks nothing of making lawyers and their clients wait for an hour or more after he schedules a court session.

Now this kind of behavior is normal for a blogger. We're nuts. But a judge?

I knew Bill Moran when he was just a lawyer and he was one of the nicest guys in the world. I hope, for his own sake, that he gets help. If he doesn't, he needs to resign because his judicial temperament is gone. Without that, he is going to start hurting others.

Moran's Explanation to the Press:

The Express Times this morning published Moran's attempted explanation of his bizarre behavior, in which he claims he was misunderstood and challenges anyone to point to any remarks he's ever made that shows otherwise. Well, gee, Judge, see above. His explanation lacks three simple but very important words - I am sorry. Even a judge needs to admit when he's wrong.

The Express Times put it best this morning, when it concluded Moran's remarks may not have gone far enough "to indict any one jurist or a system, but enough to erode some people's confidence in the courts' duty to be fair."


  1. His "explanation" is as tortured as his actual comments. Hoe hard is it to say I am sorry?

  2. I really can't even understand his sentencing statement. "...I hope that everybody in this room would give the same break to everybody." Wasn't he the only judge in the room at the time to give those breaks?? In one breath he attacks the kid for being a middle class white kid who's had it too good in life, then in the next he says because of that fact, you get a break, take it easy. Maybe he's bipolar. Anyway, I go to the #2 party school in america, so I'm not capable of understanding these things anyway, back to partying!!

  3. Uhm, I don't mean to be the English major that I wanted to be, but I don't think the use of the term grammer is an appropriate term to be used regarding speech. Grammer ususally refers to written words doesn't it? When refering to speakin or speech, the appropiate term is vocabulary?

    Aren't judges the ultimately moaral authority who are charged with not only enforcing the law, but the undefined moral aspects of the law also?

  4. To LSTresidentPIA: Grammar is the study of how words and their component parts combine to form sentences. Judge Moran concedes "an ill-formed articulation" of his views, i.e. bad grammar. Bad grammar can exist in both the written as well as spoken word.

    I don't believe Judge Moran had the right to tell a white kid he was getting a break because he was white. That may not be what he meant to say, but that is what he said. And his "explanation" is as inartful as his original comments.

    If he wants be articulate, he could say this - "I am sorry." Nothing inarticulate about that. Good grammar, too.

    Thanks for your comment.

  5. The point people are missing is that this is not overt racisim, but that sneeky kind of racism that is inbedded into someone's actions and words. The frightening thing is that Moran openly admitted on the bench that this happens and that, apparently, he is party to it!!!

    The timing is interesting in that the Lehigh U bankrobber (Hogan) just got a real light sentence for robbing a bank. Would someone named Juan or Kwamie get the same sentence? My bet is absolutly not!!! The racisim is built into the system and will continue as long as we have Judges who see race as an issue.

    As a LV transplant who comes from an integrated hometown, I see and hear this all of the time. Ron Angle, the racist-bigot that he is, is the best example of this. He will openly refer to "these people" and "those people" on the radio all the time. This is racism!!! The fact that he trys to deny it make sit that much worse.

    This, Bernie, is not something that you can or should overlook. Just because Angle doesn't wear his KKK outfit into civilization, doesn't mean you can overlook this "personality glitch." Nor should we overlook a Judge who admits that a white guy gets a better deal than a black or hispanic guy.

    Racisim and bigotry are a big problem and teh only way to stop it is to confront it head-on. Kudos for doing that with Moran. Next you should look at your buddie Ron I never met a Jew or Black Man I ever liked Angle.

  6. To Anon,

    You're criticism of me is fair enough. I have heard Ron refer to people with different ethnic backgrounds like illegal immigrants as "those people" while he's on the air. He did it this week with Tim Cuevas, a Puerto Rican guest, and Ron's friend. I cringe when Angle talks like that, but I've never confronted him about that specifically. (Believe me, we have had heated discussion about racism and anti-Semitism.) As you point out, this kind of language is a form of latent racism. Some call it insensitivity. Take your pick. I will talk to Ron the very next time I hear him talk like that, on or off the air.

    I believe Moran is probably in the same category. And just like Ron, he vigorously denies it in his lengthy op-ed to The Express Times in which "methinks he doth protest too much." He needed to say three little words - I am sorry.

    What is more troubling about Moran's remarks is that they undermine the credibility of the entire system in this area. I am sure the DA had to be furious when he heard what Moran had said, especially since Morganelli himself has been called a racist both by immigration officials and some Philly Dems.

    Although I disagree strongly with Morganelli's stand on issues like illegal immigration, I don't think his motivation is racism and he must have been very hurt by those accusations. So imagine how he must have felt when he hears that one of his own judges is telling some white kid that he's lucky he's white.

  7. DemFly, Many have made that observation, but none have ever done so in published form until now. See you in three to six. Damn! Just when we were getting our blog affair going again, too!

  8. Everone is prejudice in some form or another. Not all of it is based on skin color. It is illegal to discriminate not be prejudiced.

    I think it is ok that someone speaks up and stands up for the white guys. We are not all bad. We want people to stop judging each other on skin color which is appearance then stop making it an issue. As far as I know I should not be hated becuase I am white and I didn't grow up in a diversified neighborhood. People hate each other for all kinds of reasons.

    Black folks dicriminate agaisnt whites all the tim, there are even TV channels that are focused to certian ethnic backgrounds. But where is all the fuss overthat blantant discrimination?

  9. Call me naive, call me stupid, but race does exist in this world. It's difficult not to notice race. However, having been the token white kid 'bussed' to the black school in the '60s, I think I've about seen as much so called 'racism' as anyone reading your blog Bernie.
    Maybe you need to read the Judge's exact words with a little less preconceived bias. My first reading of his words was admittedly colored by your prior comments and writings about the Judge and his behavior. However, after rereading those same words one more time, I understood a point you may have missed. In stating he hoped everyone in this room would "give the same break to everybody", he was in fact directing those present should look less on the fact the party in question was white, black, hispanic or martian, and be willing to give anyone the same situation a break, as he was afforded.
    Instead of being so quick to cry racism, we should all practice some tolerance and forgiveness for stepping on one's tongue.
    It really sounds as though you have a personal ax to grind with the Judge. Just my own miopic observation.

  10. To LSTresidentPIA: A judge who stands up for the white guy? Whew! They're supposed to be color blind.

  11. 4eyes, Race does exist in this world - the human race. He said he would hope everybody in a room full of white people would give the same break to everybody, but he's the one sitting on a bench telling a white kid he got a break because he's white. That's the fact, Jack! And by the by, it is incredibly stupid for a judge, from the bench, to say anything that could undermine our confidence in the judicial system. But there he goes.

    Frankly, he had no business bringing up the subject at all. In his absurd explanation, he said he felt the need to comment to the public. So how the frick' does he do that in a juvenile proceediong that is closed to the public? Explain that one, 4eyes. In his explanation, he was covering his butt after putting his foot in his mouth. He couldn't bother to say three little words - I am sorry.

    You tell me I must have a "personal ax" with the judge. If I do, then so must the editorial board of The Express Times. And The Morning Call and Channel 69 must have personal axes too for covering these reports of bias.

    I do generally think that Northampton County judges have become very Godlike. That scares me. I do think in particular that Moran's behavior has been erratic. And his latest comments have me concerned about his health and judicial temperament.

    But I am a surly son of a bitch. So you do have a point. Now excuse me while I go burn some ants under a magnufying glaSS.

  12. I have to admit Bernie, you do keep me entertained. Have fun with those ants.

  13. Bernie I am glad that Mr. Angle stands up for white people, not the judge.

  14. Also, Bernie, besides your humble self, who in Northampton County Goverment/politics doesn't have a GOD-like persona?

  15. To LSTresidentPIA: I think Ron would tell you he stands up for all the people. And there are a few in NC government who are not full of themselves. Stoffa comes to mind immediately. So does his solicitor, Karl Longenbach. So does the Sheriff, who walks daily to the farthest end of the farthest parking lot even though he could insist on reserved parking, and with some justification. I could probably go on but I think you get the point.

    I've never been accused of being humble, but it's hard to be humble when I'm so handsome. That picture in my profile is some other guy.

    Take care. Thanks for your comments.

  16. To 4eyes:

    Oh I do think that someone does have a personal vendetta with Moran. Or that he was so outraged by what Moran said that he dropped a dime on him with the press.

    Those ants are pretty tasty by the way. Taste like chicken.

  17. Moran is stepping down soon anyways, along with Freidberg. There will be 2 vacancies and 2 new judges.

  18. I believe their terms expire in 2009. Baratta, who is being groomed to take over as the next PJ even though he is junior to McFadden, must seek retention for 2007. Now is not a good time for a Northampton County judge to ask to be retained.

  19. Funny...I always thought the portrayal of eccentric judges on popular television shows was just "hollywood". Scary.
    Where are all the courageous individuals in the justice system??Is there anybody left with the courage to do the right thing??

  20. Lori, I see today that the "letter to the editor" campaign has started. Today alone there were three letters to the editor of the Express Times, all penned by white lawyers who appear before Moran regularly. If Moran were being defended by a black member of the bar who doesn't have to depend on good opinions from him, it might have some credibility. Wait a 'tic - I believe Northampton County has only one black attorney, and she's in the DA's office.

  21. Anyone who believes Moran's remarks were anti-black is lacking in reading comprehension.

  22. To R Moshki, I think people can be excused for not undertstanding what the hell was said because Moran's comments, both in his transcript and later explanations, were "inarticulate." He definitely implied race plays a factor in local sentences. He raised the race card from the bench. His remarks imply that people of color have reason to consider whether a sentence is determined by their skin color. And despite his protests that he's color blind, his staff has been as lilly white as him since he's been a judge. His remarks undermine confidence in our judicial system, no mattter how he attempts to explain them away. Moreover, his remarks are just the latest in a long series of incidents that cast serious doubt on Moran's health.

    Thanks for the comments.

  23. Thank God, I was living in Southern California when this garbage was going on. Judge Moran happens to be my brother and he is there is not a racist bone in his body!!! How do I know this. I know this because I was raised by a great man, who happened to be great friends with Bernie O’Hare’s father. Bernie O’Hare’s dad, also Bernie OHare was wonderful individual. I wanted to get that out of the way.

    Now let us get the facts straight! I will simplify this for you in terms you may understand! District Attorney Mirganelli decides what charges he will bring against an individual who has committed an alleged crime. Judge Moran was the head of the juvenile court. Is this simple enough for you so far? District attorney Mirganelli happens to have a history - check ou the record - of being tough on crime if you are a person of color and soft on juveniles, who are white and wealthy! It is a pattern that tends to get sickening after awhile. Do Spike - get the story straight. My brother was very articulate and very sarcastic in court. Let me simplify this for you and every person who took part in this hateful blog. If this young man was black - the book would have been thrown at him, not by Judge Moran - do you know why????bevause if you know how the law works, Judge Moran does not decide what charges are brought against an individual!!!! The district attorney brings the charges and my brother was sick and tired of seeing one more white young man in front of him given a break by Morganelli, because if this man was black, Hispanic participating in the same crime -Morganelli would have thrown the book at him. Morganelli is the racist, not judge Moran. Ask how I know. I know because we were raised by the same wonderful man, William Moran, Sr. I will not let you or anyone disparage my and my brother’s name through your ignorance! By the way, I am writing this In the early hours of May, 16th, 2018, Morganelli was just defeated in the Democratic Primary for the 7th Congressional District. Why may you ask - because he tied himself to Trump’s coattails and his immigration policy. Trump will go down in history as the most bigoted, divisive President that has ever served. Now, who is the racist?

    To Bernie O’Hare - I find your disclaimer interesting - in other words if my opinion does not agree with yours - you will feel free to delete this - I guess I will be deleted! Go for it. This had been a longtime coming on my part. You have the right on your opinion on my brother, but I have the right to gi e you the facts. Let’s see, who do you think has the facts on their side someone who has grown up with this man as my brother - who I know inside and out- he is me - our father raised us to be colorblind when it came to race!

    As I said, I had met both your mother and father on several occasions and they were both wonderful people. The question I have is why are you filled with so much hatred?

  24. Thank God, I was living in Southern California when this garbage was going on. Judge Moran happens to be my brother and there is not a racist bone in his body!!! How do I know this. I know this because I was raised by a great man. The same man who raised my brother. My father hapoenrd to be great friends with Your father. Bernie OHare was wonderful individual. I wanted to get that out of the way.

    Now let us get the facts straight! I will simplify this for you in terms you may understand! District Attorney Morganelli decides what charges he will bring against an individual who has committed an alleged crime. Judge Moran was the head of the juvenile court. Is this simple enough for you so far? District attorney Morganelli happens to have a history - check the record - of being tough on crime if you are a person of color and soft on juveniles, who are white and wealthy! It is a pattern that tends to get sickening after awhile.

    You might twist this story with those who don’t know better, but you will never get away with it with me! My brother was very articulate and very sarcastic in court. Let me simplify this for you and every person who took part in this hateful blog. If this young man was black - the book would have been thrown at him, not by Judge Moran - do you know why???? Because if you know how the law works, Judge Moran does not decide what charges are brought against an individual!!!! The district attorney brings the charges and my brother was sick and tired of seeing one more white young man in front of him be given a break by Morganelli, because if this young was black, Hispanic participating in the same crime -Morganelli would have thrown the book at him.

    Morganelli is the racist, not judge Moran. Ask how I know. I know because we were raised by the same wonderful man, William Moran, Sr. I will not let you or anyone else disparage my and my brother’s name through your ignorance and what ever vendetta you have against him. Life is way to short to be full of hatred!

    By the way, I am writing this In the early hours of May, 16th, 2018, Morganelli was just defeated in the Democratic Primary for the 7th Congressional District. Why may you ask - because he tied himself to Trump’s coattails and his immigration policy. Trump will go down in history as the most bigoted, divisive President that has ever served. Now, who is the racist?

    I find your disclaimer interesting - in other words if my opinion does not agree with yours - you will feel free to delete this - I guess I will be deleted! Go for it. This has been a longtime coming on my part. You have the right to your opinion on my brother, but I have the right to tell you the facts. Let’s see, who do you think has the facts on their side - someone who has grown up with this man as my brother - who I know inside and out- he is me or you? Our father had raised us to be colorblind when it came to race! We were raised by a man of compassion, a man of kindness! You don’t Know my brother at all! I will defend him to the day I die.

    As I said, I had met both your mother and father on several occasions and they were both wonderful people. The question I have is why are you filled with so much hatred?

  25. Your approval - great - what a joke - I guess I will never see it here!

  26. Bev, I know and respect your brother and have high regard for him. I am sorry to have offended you.


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