Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Who's Running in NorCo? Elections Office Has "Unofficial" List

Yesterday, all nomination petitions for elected office were due in our elections office. If someone is still knocking on your door today, you might want to tell him he's too late. 

In NorCo, the Elections office has posted an unofficial list of primary candidates. You can see it yourself here. It's unofficial because there could be challenges to these petitions. 

Below are the most relevant races:

NorCo Judge - Bob Eyer and Jeremy Clark have cross-filed with the Department of State. James Fuller is only seeking the Republican nomination. 

NorCo Exec. - Democrats Amy Cozze or Tara Zrinski will face Republican Tom Giovanni. A news release from the Zrinski campaign claims she obtained 1,453 signatures, well beyond the required 259 needed. Cozze has reported the endorsement of former US Senator Bob Casey, her former boss. Tom Giovanni reports having 800 signatures. 

NorCo Council - Five at-large seats up for grabs. Running on the Republican side are John Brown (inc.), John Goffredo (inc.), Juan E. Martinez, Sam Elias and Daniel Campo. Running on the Democrat side are Lori Vargo Heffner (inc.), Jason Boulette, Nadeen Qayyum, David Holland, Theresa Fadem, and Patti Bruno. Bruno, who still uses a photo that looks nothing like her, claims to have obtained 577 signatures. 

Magisterial District Judge (Wind Gap area) - Democrat Ellen Kingsley and Republicans Robert Kemmerer and Matt Flower have cross-filed. 

Bethlehem Mayor - Willie Reynolds (inc.) faces a primary challenge from Grace Crampsie Smith. No Republican is running. 

Bethlehem City Council (four seats) - Democrats Rachel Leon (inc.), Justin Amann, Tina Cantelmi, Hillary Kwiatek (inc.), Celeste Dee and Jo Daniels seek their party's nod. Only one Republican, Joseph Poplawski, is running. 

Easton City Council (College Hill) - Democrat Roger Ruggles (inc.) faces a primary challenge from Frank Graziano III. No Republican has filed. 

Easton City Council (south side) - Democrat Taiba Sultana (inc.) is being primaried by Susan Hartranft Bittenger. No Republican has filed. Although Sultana has alienated just about everyone on the south side, she claims 350 signatures. My guess is that she plans to run for Congress after she gets crushed. 

Easton City Council (west ward) - Democrats Lance Wheeler and Julie Zando-Dennis are running against each other. Republican Sharbel Koorie will face the winner of that race in November. 


  1. This Zirinski thing is real? The most vapid candidate the dems can run. Northampton county's Mark Pinsley on steroids. The ultra-liberal left wing progressive fanatics have handed the county to the republicans. There are many dems who will vote for the republican over this constant professional campaigner. The dem self-annihilation continues, when her record and background id s exposed, she will lose again. She is your candidate and even you know she is nutty. One year of quietly letting trained staff do their jobs and forgetting her record, is hardly an endorsement.

    1. No Tara is a tax cutter. Voted to cut property taxes in ‘22. Pinsley on the other hand called for a massive tax increase on the middle class. Big differences.

    2. Yes unfortuantely it is real and Tara will likely win just as she has in the past. TZ has sky high name ID from constantly campaigning and those left wing fanatics vote. MAGA only shows up when Trump is on the ballot so expect a big year for Dems.

  2. NC exec - basically the choice is the least of the two evils

  3. cozze gets the endorsement of a loser - too funny

  4. woke willie for 5th deputy assistant animal control officer

  5. Amy Cozze is incompetent. Her small business failed miserably because while she spent a great deal of time there she didn’t focus on making the business a success. Amy Cozze is a failure.

  6. Matt Flower? Are we talking about the same man? The Jan 6er, independent film star, "lawyer", pastor, many time criminal defendant (previously featured on this blog) and republican guru. Hahahahahahahahahaha, what a loser! Amazing this clown thinks hes qualified to be a judge!

    1. Maybe he needs new film ideas, like Judge Goes Hard on Criminal or MAGAstraight Judge Puts Criminal in the Doghouse.

    2. You forgot "wife abuser" to both his ex wife and current wife, and he's only allowed supervised visits with his daughter.

    3. 8:41- I agree, but remember many voters don't do their due diligence. Stranger things have happened in MDJ races. Heck, MaryEsther Merlo was even elected as a MDJ.

  7. 8:41 a.m. are you perfect? Let the one without sin cast the first stone. Matt's ok. Look at some others like Lisa Boscola. Enough said.

    1. Matt is not ok. He's just a really good liar and manipulator.

  8. I am usually a proponent of attorneys holding the MDJ positions, however, my vote is for Robert Kemmerer in that race. He has done a great job at pre-trial services and has the right temperament for the job. I am really disappointed to hear from people within the DA's office that Ellen Kingsley pushes off most of the brunt work to those within her unit. She mysteriously changed her facebook profile to a different last name. Also, not sure she can be fair in a red district with all the anti-Trump things (more than your average poster) she's posted in the past.

    1. anyone is better than "Pastor" Matt Esq.

    2. From a reliable source with extensive knowledge of pretrial state rules, one cannot run for office if still employed as a pretrial officer. Strange as it may seem, if you are employed in the DA's office you can.

    3. I don't believe this is true. What laws are you citing Kemmerer would be in violation of?

    4. Didn't Kemmerer already quit? Or is he still currently employed?

    5. Rob will make an excellent MDJ. Unfortunately, he is no longer in his position at the county. Our loss. But, if people do their due diligence and vote for Rob, he’ll be back with the county as MDJ!

    6. The cheap jab directed at Ellen Kingsley was obviously made by someone with no direct knowledge. Her team in the DA’s office actually laughed when they read this. They will tell you that she is a hard worker, a fine attorney, and a dedicated public servant. She is only part-time in the DA’s office, and yet she runs the unit, is on top of her cases, volunteers even when she isn’t assigned, and makes herself available to help her team even after hours. Ellen’s work in the DA’s office has been outstanding, and all you need to do to get the actual truth is just ask anyone in her unit directly.

  9. Robert Kemmerer is a national treasure and must be protected at all costs

  10. Gas prices going down egg prices going down other items will be coming just the start of the golden age Biden 4 years Trump will have it fixed in 6 months

    1. Now is the time to buy stocks Trump says the stock market will take off very soon so get aboard the Trump Train, Bernie

    2. Democrats will be mad Inflation is going down

    3. So are trump and Musk’s ratings …..
      Wouldn’t doubt that any inflation indicator going down is from a maga news source….things are so good Tesla has a dealership at the WH and the king Donny is out front selling them at the east wing.
      Keep buying all his lies, and a Tesla too!

  11. It will be a shame to lose Rob Kemmerer as the head of Pre-trial Services, but he is the most qualified non-attorney candidate I've ever seen for MDJ

    1. As the pretrial director he would know the state bail rules. Has anyone asked the candidates if they know the bail rules? If i were Kemmerer i would champion that he knows them and deals with daily. He should have the inside track.

    2. There's a lot more to being an MDJ than knowing the bail rules. Kemmerer is a great guy, but his experience is limited.

  12. As a Muslim, I believe that Sultana will vote no for the marijuana bill. If she doesn't, then she can't play the Muslim card again.

  13. Ya just got to love her... she is a feral cat......

  14. Pease in Ukraine because of Trump

    1. Oh yes, pees on Russian women because of trump

  15. Easton West Ward looks interesting. On the Democrat side, it's A.I. (Anger Issues) Lance Wheeler vs. A.I. Julie Zando-Dennis (her Feb. 19 release (the first half), posted this blog, was A.I. generated. Run it through any A.I. checker). I don't know which is more disqualifying, making terroristic threats (albeit dismissed) or the inability to write something positive about yourself without using A.I. Sharbel Koorie should win here but Easton's West Ward does have a lot of automatons whose grasp of the alphabet doesn't go past the letter "D".

  16. The "Flower" in this garden..... is lower then crab grass and lives below the ground with the maggaot worms....

  17. I personally know Matt Flower's and his current wife: The crap they have both tolerated at the Northampton County Court House is criminal and the State should shut down Domestic Relations there. As reported on this blog the corruption runs deep and when you fight back like Matt has done the system goes after you. Many of us will work to give Matt a shot to win and if he does, expect a fair and true constitutionalist at the helm for the folks in that district.

    1. I'm pretty sure the only thing criminal is Flower. According to his current wife's Facebook, Matt Flower is regularly physically abusive. According to his own guilty plea, he was physically abusive to his last wife. And his tenant.

      Unless the two start making "those" films again together, the lovely couple should stay out of the public eye as much as possible. He's dangerous and an embarrassment.

  18. Isn't that the same J6er Matt Flower that ran for constable not too long ago? Like we need a woman abusing, insurrectionist who's seen the inside of a jail cell more than once sitting behind a judges desk? Absolutely not! Bernie, I sincerely hope you use your platform and journalistic prowess to keep the people informed about this "man" who is running for this very important position. He has a pattern of violent behavior and lack of respect for authority. He should stick to his amateur films and leave the elected positions to the law abiding citizens.

  19. I will state the obvious. Of the three candidates for Magisterial District Judge, Ellen Kingsley is the only one who is an attorney. She has had twenty-two years of trial experience. She is highly skilled in both family law and criminal law. She is respected, admired, and well-liked by her colleagues across the political spectrum. She has a reputation for treating others with respect, fairness, and compassion, regardless of their background or personal beliefs. The DA’s office is lucky to have her. But we will be even better served by having her as an MJD.


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