Has the Northampton County Bulldog, Ron Angle, decided to add his name to this list of nearly forty applicants for Sheriff? That's what some people are saying. Angle won't confirm or deny the rumor, but his appointment would be a serious blow to deputies operating under the misconception that taxpayers work for them. Angle's bullshit tolerance level has always been set at zero. Heads would roll.
"Would you be a good sheriff?" I asked Angle.
"Let me tell you, I already have two single-action, pearl-handled .45 revolvers with a nice holster and a uniform that would make Idi Amin blush. I would be a landmark. People would come to Northampton County just to see me."
Stoffa wants to appoint Angle as pay back for supporting him and not going after him. Fortunately the Courts will work hard behind the scenes to not let this happen.
ReplyDeleteThis is a major concern people should have with Stoffa and Angle.
The courts love Ron and happen to think he'd be perfect for caracking some heads together. You should see Ron's uniform. He even has one of those Napoleon hats. I'm told that, if he takes it, he's going to make all the deputies dress up like the Swiss Guard anmd acarry pole axes everywhere.
ReplyDeleteIf Angle were appointed to Sheriff, I predict it would take less than four months before he is named in a law suit for discrimination by one of the deputy sheriffs.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, he would never take it. He's the kind of person that loves to point out the faults in the system, but won't take the bull by the horns. There's to many problems in the Sheriff's Department to tarnish his political image.
Any deputy who sues Angle will lose both the case and his job. Guaranteed. And he'll be lucky to get a job slinging burgers at McDonald's adter Angle buys his house at a "sheriff's" sale.
ReplyDeleteAngle likes challenges. If I were one of the deputies, I'd start thinking about doing my job instead of picking on secretaries.
You may or may not be right, but I would think the County would just settle a discrimination case out of court, like it did before. It would still tarnish Angle's reputation. That's what they do best. And that's the trend today at the Sheriff's Department. That's why we need someone with a JD to combat the mentality that's down in the basement.
ReplyDeleteYeah Angle tried to throw his weight around with Elmer Gates and Gates made him cry like a baby in court.
ReplyDeleteAngle is a complainer and a coward. The sheriffs are mens men and woould eat this puffed up posser alive.
"The courts love Ron and happen to think he'd be perfect..."
ReplyDeleteAre you kidding me? You haven't stepped in chambers lately have you O'Hare?
"The sheriffs are mens men and woould eat this puffed up posser alive."
ReplyDeleteActually, the deputies are anonymous cowards who are afraid to sign their names to their comments. They're so cowardly they fear a fat, old blogger who can't even see.
"You haven't stepped in chambers lately have you O'Hare?"
ReplyDeleteSure I have I get invvoted there all the time for lunch and everything. I'm pretty sure I saw a portrait of Ron hanging in their library and I know there's a portrait in every judicial potty.
"That's why we need someone with a JD to combat the mentality that's down in the basement."
ReplyDeleteuh-oh...who are we hinting around about?
If it gets him off Council I'm all for it!!
ReplyDeleteWho said anything about leaving Council? Angle believes he has the right to sit on County Council School Board, act as Sheriff and may even run for the next judicial vacancy. He explained it to me the other day. It's called Divine Right.
ReplyDelete"uh-oh...who are we hinting around about?"
ReplyDeleteThe third floor received a few resumes from individuals with a JD and have law enforcement experience. I won't drop names to protect their privacy. Don't you think the Stoffa administration is aware of the personnel matters in the Sheriff's Department? Like O'Hare intimated, you need to nip things at the source, however, he's wrong about Ron Angle. There will be a new professionalism brought in from the outside.
With Stoffa picking the choice will have to clear Republicans like Bradt and Shuman who have financed and ensured the Stoffa Administration.
ReplyDeleteAngle should get it. He has been arrested often enough to know the procedures.
I think "Boss Hog" would be an excellent Sheriff. Anyone with his knowledge of committing crimes and Sheriff Sales seems to work perfectly with the rest of the Morons on council.
ReplyDeleteConsidering how Angle ran to his truck to get away from Severson, I think wqe can do better for the County's top lawman.
ReplyDeleteBesides, he may shoplift one of the tasers.
Boss Hog would be much better. A true hate criminal as the top law enforcer...only in norco, kids, only in norco.